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.:DoA:. Presents: The Ultimate Gitwars (DM/OS Free-For-All)

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Hello to the MTA forum community!

I would like to announce to you, on behalf of my clan, the Ultimate Gitwars!

The tournament will basically be a free-for-all tournament, and it can consist of any DM maps (whether it would be oldschool, classic, newschool, etc.)

If you're curious to how the matches will look (at least the final 16), here is a link to a video:

Current prizes will include money sent to a player's steam wallet. Another prize can be worked out if you don't have steam.

For more info on the tournament and how to register, you can view the topic on our clan's board: http://doa-mta.boards.net/thread/70/ult ... tournament

Registration ends August 15th.

Hope to see you there!


- .:DoA:. Community

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