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Solution for freeroam warping?

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Hey umm, so there's some sort of an issue i'm facing with freeroam warping system

It works fine as intended, but it warps any player directly to the ground position (that becomes a problem when players can break in base(s) which are supposed to be closed, un-enterable)

I have thought of warping player to air instead and perhaps give them a parachute so that they wouldn't fall to death?

What do you guys think? Is there any other (preferably not complicated) solution to this?

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How does the warping work? Can they warp anywhere they want by entering the X, Y and Z co-ordinates or what?

You can use collision boxes around the important areas such as bases. So if they warp inside they'll be warped elsewhere. Or you can check if the position is inside the box BEFORE they warp. Some more details on how it works would be useful :)

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@Dealman, i already have a collision rectangle around 1 base atm (area 51) and i've made it on purpose that the players could break in the base by just one way, but this warping thing is easy to discover, and not the way that i'd like to see players breaking in..so not sure what to do

@GTX freeroam resource by default uses getGroundPosition for spawning, and still players can warp inside the base

about processLineOfSight: which coordinates would i process?

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I still haven't got a clue of what warping thing you're talking about, so I can't really help you :P

First, imagine that area 51 is covered with gates , all gates except roof gates and there's not a single entrance

in freeroam you press F1>Map and you warp to area 51 and you're simply inside

i've made a tiny hole on purpose which through players could break in the base but they can also warp into base with F1 like i said and i wouldn't want them to do that

with parachute thing which i wrote in my first post here, they could at least enter the area a bit more realisticly, but warping would be simply cheating

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