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[QUESTION] setElementData and triggerEvents


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You can circa see how many they use when you type: /shownetstat

When I compared those two I got this result.

Which one uses more bandwidth:

Triggering uses much more bandwidth than elementdata when it is just you and the server.

But when there are more players in the server, you have to multiply the elementdata with the amount of players.

So for example (the elementdata will be set serverside): elementdata uses 1 kb, 1 kb X 8 players = using 8 kb total.

If you have a server with 1000 players in it(like sometimes CIT), you will be using 1000kb.

Which one is faster?

Triggering is much faster than using elementdata, you can probably compare the speed of elementdata with triggerLatentClientEvent, but I do not know the exact speed of both.

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