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aka Blue

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Estoy haciendo como un texto encima de la cabecita del jugador que diga características del mismo, tipo, color del pelo marrón o cosillas así. El comando y la conexión a la base de datos funciona, lo que no sé es si el texto está bien escrito.

--Esto va en el nametags_c 
local lacaracteristica = getElementData( player, "caracteristica" ) 
local compruebasilatiene = getElementData(player, "carac") 
if lacaracteristica then 
dxDrawText(tostring(lacaracteristica),  sx, sy, sx, sy, tocolor(255, 255, 0, 255), 1.0, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false) 

Edited by Guest
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Ésto sería en el chatBubbles.lua

function(player, commandName, ...) 
if ( ... ) then 
local car = table.concat( { ... }, " " ) 
setElementData( player, "caracteristica", tostring( car ) ) 
setElementData( player, "car", 1) 
exports.sql:query_free( "UPDATE characters SET carac = '1' WHERE characterID = " .. exports.players:getCharacterID( player ) ) 
exports.sql:query_free( "UPDATE characters SET car = '%s' WHERE characterID = " .. exports.players:getCharacterID( player ), caracteristica) 
outputChatBox("Has puesto una característica.", player, 255, 255, 0) 
if getElementData(player, "carac") then 
outputChatBox("Borraste tu característica.", player, 255, 255, 0) 
setElementData(player, "car", false) 
exports.sql:query_free( "UPDATE characters SET car = '0' WHERE characterID = " .. exports.players:getCharacterID( player ) ) 
setElementData(player, "car", 0) 
outputChatBox("No has asignado ninguna característica.", player, 255, 0, 0) 

Y ésto sería en el apartado de nametags_c. Postearé todo el código de nametags_c para que te hagas una idea mucho más clara ya que si lo pongo por parte pues no se entenderá nada.

Copyright (c) 2010 MTA: Paradise
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
local nametags = { }
local badges = { }
-- settings
local _max_distance = 120 -- max. distance it's visible
local _min_distance = 7.5 -- minimum distance, if a player is nearer his nametag size wont change
local _alpha_distance = 20 -- nametag is faded out after this distance
local _nametag_alpha = 170 -- alpha of the nametag (max.)
local _bar_alpha = 120 -- alpha of the bar (max.)
local _scale = 0.2 -- change this to keep it looking good (proportions)
local _nametag_textsize = 0.6 -- change to increase nametag text
local _chatbubble_size = 15
local _bar_width = 40
local _bar_height = 6
local _bar_border = 1.2
-- adjust settings
local _, screenY = guiGetScreenSize( )
real_scale = screenY / ( _scale * 800 )
local _alpha_distance_diff = _max_distance - _alpha_distance
local localPlayer = getLocalPlayer( )
addEventHandler( 'onClientRender', root,
    function( )
        -- get the camera position of the local player
        local cx, cy, cz = getCameraMatrix( )
        local dimension = getElementDimension( localPlayer )
        local interior = getElementInterior( localPlayer )
        -- loop through all players
        for player, chaticon in pairs( nametags ) do
            if getElementDimension( player ) == dimension and getElementInterior( player ) == interior and isElementOnScreen( player ) then
                local px, py, pz = getElementPosition( player )
                local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D( px, py, pz, cx, cy, cz )
                if distance <= _max_distance and ( getElementData( localPlayer, "collisionless" ) or isLineOfSightClear( cx, cy, cz, px, py, pz, true, true, false, true, false, false, true, getPedOccupiedVehicle( player ) ) ) then
                    local dz = 1 + 2 * math.min( 1, distance / _min_distance ) * _scale
                    if isPedDucked( player ) then
                        dz = dz / 2
                    pz = pz + dz
                    local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition( px, py, pz )
                    if sx and sy then
                        local cx = sx
                        -- how large should it be drawn
                        distance = math.max( distance, _min_distance )
                        local scale = _max_distance / ( real_scale * distance )
                        -- visibility
                        local alpha = ( ( distance - _alpha_distance ) / _alpha_distance_diff )
                        local bar_alpha = ( ( alpha < 0 ) and _bar_alpha or _bar_alpha - (alpha * _bar_alpha) ) * ( getElementData( localPlayer, "collisionless" ) and 1 or getElementAlpha( player ) / 255 )
                        if bar_alpha > 0 then
                            local nametag_alpha = bar_alpha / _bar_alpha * _nametag_alpha
                            -- draw the player's name
                            local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor( player )
                            dxDrawText( getPlayerNametagText( player ), sx, sy, sx, sy, tocolor( r, g, b, nametag_alpha ), scale * _nametag_textsize, 'default', 'center', 'bottom' )
                            -- draw the health bar
                            local width, height = math.ceil( _bar_width * scale ), math.ceil( _bar_height * scale )
                            local sx = sx - width / 2
                            local border = math.ceil( _bar_border * scale )
                            -- draw the armor bar
                            local armor = math.min( 100, getPedArmor( player ) )
                            if armor > 0 then
                                -- outer background
                                dxDrawRectangle( sx, sy, width, height, tocolor( 0, 0, 0, bar_alpha ) )
                                -- get the colors
                                local r, g, b = 255, 255, 255
                                -- inner background, which fills the whole bar but is somewhat transparent
                                dxDrawRectangle( sx + border, sy + border, width - 2 * border, height - 2 * border, tocolor( r, g, b, 0.4 * bar_alpha ) )
                                -- fill it with the actual armor
                                dxDrawRectangle( sx + border, sy + border, math.floor( ( width - 2 * border ) / 100 * getPedArmor( player ) ), height - 2 * border, tocolor( r, g, b, bar_alpha ) )
                                -- set the nametag below
                                sy = sy + 1.2 * height
                            -- outer background
                            dxDrawRectangle( sx, sy, width, height, tocolor( 0, 0, 0, bar_alpha ) )
                            -- get the colors
                            local health = math.min( 100, getElementHealth( player ) )
                            local r, g, b = 255 - 255 * health / 100, 255 * health / 100, 0
                            -- inner background, which fills the whole bar but is somewhat transparent
                            dxDrawRectangle( sx + border, sy + border, width - 2 * border, height - 2 * border, tocolor( r, g, b, 0.4 * bar_alpha ) )
                            -- fill it with the actual health
                            dxDrawRectangle( sx + border, sy + border, math.floor( ( width - 2 * border ) / 100 * health ), height - 2 * border, tocolor( r, g, b, bar_alpha ) )
                            --Esto va en el nametags_c
                            local lacaracteristica = getElementData( player, "caracteristica" )
                            local compruebasilatiene = getElementData(player, "carac")
                            if lacaracteristica then
                                    dxDrawText(tostring(lacaracteristica),  sx, sy, sx, sy, tocolor(255, 255, 0, 255), 1.0, "default-bold", "center", "center", false, false, false)
                            -- chat icon if the player has one
                            if chaticon then
                                local square = math.ceil( _chatbubble_size * scale )
                                local sy = sy + square / 1.9
                                local r, g, b = 255 - 128 * health / 100, 127 + 128 * health / 100, 127
                                dxDrawImage( cx, sy, square, square, chaticon == true and "chat.png" or "console.png", 0, 0, 0, tocolor( r, g, b, nametag_alpha ) )
addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', getResourceRootElement( ),
    function( )
        for _, player in pairs( getElementsByType( 'player' ) ) do
            if player ~= localPlayer then
                -- hide the default nametag
                setPlayerNametagShowing( player, false )
                if isElementStreamedIn( player ) then
                    -- save the player data
                    nametags[ player ] = false
addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStop', getResourceRootElement( ),
    function( )
        -- handle stopping this resource
        for player in pairs( nametags ) do
            -- restore the nametag
            setPlayerNametagShowing( player, true )
            -- remove saved data
            nametags[ player ] = nil
addEventHandler ( 'onClientPlayerJoin', root,
    function( )
        -- hide the nametag
        setPlayerNametagShowing( source, false )
addEventHandler ( 'onClientElementStreamIn', root,
    function( )
        if source ~= localPlayer and getElementType( source ) == "player" then
            -- save the player data
            nametags[ source ] = false
            triggerServerEvent( "nametags:chatbubble", source )
addEventHandler ( 'onClientElementStreamOut', root,
    function( )
        if nametags[ source ] then
            -- cleanup
            nametags[ source ] = nil
addEventHandler ( 'onClientPlayerQuit', root,
    function( )
        if nametags[ source ] then
            -- cleanup
            nametags[ source ] = nil
local oldConsoleState = false
local oldInputState = false
addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root,
    function( )
        local newConsoleState = isConsoleActive( )
        if newConsoleState ~= oldConsoleState then
            triggerServerEvent( "nametags:chatbubble", localPlayer, newConsoleState and 1 or false )
            oldConsoleState = newConsoleState
            local newInputState = isChatBoxInputActive( )
            if newInputState ~= oldInputState then
                triggerServerEvent( "nametags:chatbubble", localPlayer, newInputState )
                oldInputState = newInputState
addEvent( "nametags:chatbubble", true )
addEventHandler( "nametags:chatbubble", root,
    function( state )
        if nametags[ source ] ~= nil and ( state == true or state == false or state == 1 ) then
            nametags[ source ] = state
local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize ( )
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
local res = getResourceFromName( "players" )
    if res and call( res, "isLoggedIn" ) then
        local lacaracteristica = getElementData(localPlayer, "carac")
        local compruebasilatiene = getElementData(localPlayer, "car")
        local info = "Característica: " .. yo ..". (Usa '/bcar' para quitarlo)"
        if yo then
            dxDrawText ( info, 46, screenHeight - 43, screenWidth+1, screenHeight+1, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 220 ), 1, "default-bold" )
            dxDrawText ( info, 44, screenHeight - 43, screenWidth, screenHeight, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "default-bold" )
local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize ( )
addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,
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