terreus Posted July 12, 2015 Share Posted July 12, 2015 شباب زبطت مود Led بعدين يوم اجي اضغط علي lightsComboBox كي يطلع قئمة مايبي يطلع local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() function startGui () lightsWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(screenW - 623 - 10, (screenH - 443) / 2, 623, 443, "led.png", false) previewStaticImage = guiCreateStaticImage(211, 195, 208, 171, "images/"..currentLight..".jpg", false, lightsWindow) lightsComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(201, 113, 233, 22, "Default", false, lightsWindow) for i,light in ipairs (lights) do local id = guiComboBoxAddItem (lightsComboBox,light) if light == currentLight then guiComboBoxSetSelected(lightsComboBox,id) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted",lightsComboBox,changeLights) drawlightsCheckBox = guiCreateCheckBox(205, 141, 35, 30, "", false, false, lightsWindow) guiSetAlpha(drawlightsCheckBox, 0.22) local saveChangesButton = guiCreateButton(212, 373, 70, 30, "", false, lightsWindow) guiSetAlpha(saveChangesButton, 0.18) guiSetProperty(saveChangesButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") local closeWindowButton = guiCreateButton(349, 373, 70, 30, "", false, lightsWindow) guiSetAlpha(closeWindowButton, 0.18) guiSetProperty(closeWindowButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",saveChangesButton,saveChanges,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",closeWindowButton,closeWindow,false) end Link to comment
terreus Posted July 12, 2015 Author Share Posted July 12, 2015 debugscript 3 ?? ولا شيء Link to comment
#DRAGON!FIRE Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 ما اشوف خطا .. لكن جرب هذا رتبت لك الكود .. ولو باقي ما تطلع شيك ع الديبوق مثلا يوم تفتح اللوحة بالذات يوم تفتحها .. local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize ( ) function startGui ( ) lightsWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(screenW - 623 - 10, (screenH - 443) / 2, 623, 443, "led.png", false) previewStaticImage = guiCreateStaticImage(211, 195, 208, 171, "images/"..currentLight..".jpg", false, lightsWindow) lightsComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(201, 113, 233, 22, "Default", false, lightsWindow) drawlightsCheckBox = guiCreateCheckBox(205, 141, 35, 30, "", false, false, lightsWindow) saveChangesButton = guiCreateButton(212, 373, 70, 30, "", false, lightsWindow) closeWindowButton = guiCreateButton(349, 373, 70, 30, "", false, lightsWindow) for i,light in ipairs (lights) do local id = guiComboBoxAddItem (lightsComboBox,light) if light == currentLight then guiComboBoxSetSelected(lightsComboBox,id) end end guiSetAlpha(closeWindowButton, 0.18) guiSetAlpha(saveChangesButton, 0.18) guiSetAlpha(drawlightsCheckBox, 0.22) guiSetProperty(saveChangesButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") guiSetProperty(closeWindowButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",saveChangesButton,saveChanges,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",closeWindowButton,closeWindow,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted",lightsComboBox,changeLights) end Link to comment
terreus Posted July 13, 2015 Author Share Posted July 13, 2015 مشكله الول مره كان شغال بس عدلته وزبطته يوممم اضغط كي تضهر قئمة كي اختصار ضوء سييارة ميضهرة قئامة مافي شيء في دبوق local lights = { "High Quality", "Blue Doom", "Blue Estrellas", "Blue Flecha", "Blue Neon HQ", "Blue Oblique", "Blue X", "Colored", "Green FFS", "Green Mustang", "Green Onda", "Green Paradise", "Grey Audi I", "MEME Derp HQ", "MEME Me Gusta HQ", "MEME Troll HQ", "Orange Cupido", "Orange Led", "Orange Lines", "Pink Dots", "Purple I", "Purple II", "Red Alfa Romeo", "Red Alien", "Red Angry Mouth", "Red Angry Shape", "Red Audi I", "Red Audi II", "Red Audi III", "Red BMW I", "Red BMW II", "Red BMW M5", "Red Canibus", "Red Chevrolet Malibu", "Red Citroen Survolt", "Red Cupido", "Red Curve", "Red Curves HQ", "Red Dino", "Red Double Oval", "Red Double Ring", "Red Double Ring Led", "Red Double Rounded Restangles HQ", "Red Double Stripes", "Red Fast Line", "Red FFS", "Red Infiniti Electric", "Red KIA", "Red Lamborghini", "Red Lexus", "Red Lines", "Red Metropolis", "Red Mustang", "Red Passat", "Red Peugeot", "Red Rhombus", "Red Ring", "Red Sexy", "Red Slanted Stripes", "Red Spray", "Red Subaru", "Red The N", "Red The X", "Red The Y", "Red Triangles", "Red Triple Stripes", "Red Volkswagen", "Violet Lilac", "White Slanted Stripes", "White Snake" } local shaders = {} local currentLight = "high quality" local drawLights = true addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function () currentLight = getCookieOption("lights") or "high quality" setElementData(localPlayer,"vehiclelight",currentLight,true) if getCookieOption("draw") ~= "false" then for i,vehicle in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do loadVehicleLights(vehicle) end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientElementStreamIn",root, function () if getElementType(source) == "vehicle" then loadVehicleLights(source) end end ) addEventHandler("onClientVehicleEnter",root, function () loadVehicleLights(source) end ) function loadVehicleLights (vehicle) local controller = getVehicleController(vehicle) if not controller then return end local image = getElementData(controller,"vehiclelight") if not image then return end if not shaders[image] then local texture = dxCreateTexture("images/"..image..".jpg","dxt3") local shader = dxCreateShader("lights.fx") dxSetShaderValue(shader,"gTexture",texture) shaders[image] = shader end engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shaders[image],"vehiclelights128",vehicle) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shaders[image],"vehiclelightson128",vehicle) -- needs messing with alpha end function unloadVehicleLights (vehicle) local controller = getVehicleController(vehicle) if not controller then return end local image = getElementData(controller,"vehiclelight") if not image then return end engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shaders[image],"vehiclelights128",vehicle) engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture(shaders[image],"vehiclelightson128",vehicle) end function saveChanges (btn) if btn ~= "left" then return end if guiCheckBoxGetSelected(drawlightsCheckBox) ~= drawLights then local drawlights = guiCheckBoxGetSelected(drawlightsCheckBox) if drawlights then for i,vehicle in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do loadVehicleLights(vehicle) end else for i,vehicle in ipairs (getElementsByType("vehicle")) do unloadVehicleLights(vehicle) end for name,shader in pairs (shaders) do destroyElement(shader) shaders[name] = nil end end setCookieOption("draw",tostring(drawlights)) end local image = guiComboBoxGetItemText(lightsComboBox,guiComboBoxGetSelected(lightsComboBox)) if image ~= currentLight then currentLight = image setElementData(localPlayer,"vehiclelight",image) setCookieOption("lights",image) end guiSetVisible(lightsWindow,false) showCursor(false) end function closeWindow (btn) if btn ~= "left" then return end guiStaticImageLoadImage(previewStaticImage,"images/"..currentLight..".jpg") guiSetVisible(lightsWindow,false) showCursor(false) end function changeLights () local image = guiComboBoxGetItemText(lightsComboBox,guiComboBoxGetSelected(lightsComboBox)) guiStaticImageLoadImage(previewStaticImage,"images/"..image..".jpg") end addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange",root, function (key,oldvalue) if key == "vehiclelight" then local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(source) if vehicle then loadVehicleLights(vehicle) end end end ) --GUI: local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize ( ) function startGui ( ) lightsWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(screenW - 623 - 10, (screenH - 443) / 2, 623, 443, "led.png", false) previewStaticImage = guiCreateStaticImage(211, 195, 208, 171, "images/"..currentLight..".jpg", false, lightsWindow) lightsComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(201, 113, 233, 22, "Default", false, lightsWindow) drawlightsCheckBox = guiCreateCheckBox(205, 141, 35, 30, "", false, false, lightsWindow) saveChangesButton = guiCreateButton(212, 373, 70, 30, "", false, lightsWindow) closeWindowButton = guiCreateButton(349, 373, 70, 30, "", false, lightsWindow) for i,light in ipairs (lights) do local id = guiComboBoxAddItem (lightsComboBox,light) if light == currentLight then guiComboBoxSetSelected(lightsComboBox,id) end end guiSetAlpha(closeWindowButton, 0.18) guiSetAlpha(saveChangesButton, 0.18) guiSetAlpha(drawlightsCheckBox, 0.22) guiSetProperty(saveChangesButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") guiSetProperty(closeWindowButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",saveChangesButton,saveChanges,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",closeWindowButton,closeWindow,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted",lightsComboBox,changeLights) end bindKey("F5","Down", function() if lightsWindow then guiSetVisible(lightsWindow,not guiGetVisible(lightsWindow)) showCursor(guiGetVisible(lightsWindow)) else showCursor (true) startGui() end end, false) Link to comment
Simple. Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 تقصد القائمة موجوده لكن مافيها الإختيارات؟ Link to comment
3NAD Posted July 13, 2015 Share Posted July 13, 2015 lightsComboBox لازم تعطيها مساحة من تحت lightsComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(201, 113, 233, 22, "Default", false, lightsWindow) -- to > lightsComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(201, 113, 233, 150, "Default", false, lightsWindow) Link to comment
terreus Posted July 13, 2015 Author Share Posted July 13, 2015 جربت كل شيء زي مقابل عناد local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() function startGui () lightsWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(screenW - 623 - 10, (screenH - 443) / 2, 623, 443, "led.png", false) previewStaticImage = guiCreateStaticImage(211, 195, 208, 171, "images/"..currentLight..".jpg", false, lightsWindow) lightsComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(201, 113, 233, 22, "Default", false, lightsWindow) for i,light in ipairs (lights) do local id = guiComboBoxAddItem (lightsComboBox,light) if light == currentLight then guiComboBoxSetSelected(lightsComboBox,id) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted",lightsComboBox,changeLights) drawlightsCheckBox = guiCreateCheckBox(205, 141, 35, 30, "", false, false, lightsWindow) guiSetAlpha(drawlightsCheckBox, 0.22) local saveChangesButton = guiCreateButton(212, 373, 70, 30, "", false, lightsWindow) guiSetAlpha(saveChangesButton, 0.18) guiSetProperty(saveChangesButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") local closeWindowButton = guiCreateButton(349, 373, 70, 30, "", false, lightsWindow) guiSetAlpha(closeWindowButton, 0.18) guiSetProperty(closeWindowButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",saveChangesButton,saveChanges,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",closeWindowButton,closeWindow,false) end Link to comment
3NAD Posted July 14, 2015 Share Posted July 14, 2015 local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() function startGui () lightsWindow = guiCreateStaticImage(screenW - 623 - 10, (screenH - 443) / 2, 623, 443, "led.png", false) previewStaticImage = guiCreateStaticImage(211, 195, 208, 171, "images/"..currentLight..".jpg", false, lightsWindow) lightsComboBox = guiCreateComboBox(201, 113, 233, 200, "Default", false, lightsWindow) for i,light in ipairs (lights) do local id = guiComboBoxAddItem (lightsComboBox,light) if light == currentLight then guiComboBoxSetSelected(lightsComboBox,id) end end addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted",lightsComboBox,changeLights) drawlightsCheckBox = guiCreateCheckBox(205, 141, 35, 30, "", false, false, lightsWindow) guiSetAlpha(drawlightsCheckBox, 0.22) local saveChangesButton = guiCreateButton(212, 373, 70, 30, "", false, lightsWindow) guiSetAlpha(saveChangesButton, 0.18) guiSetProperty(saveChangesButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") local closeWindowButton = guiCreateButton(349, 373, 70, 30, "", false, lightsWindow) guiSetAlpha(closeWindowButton, 0.18) guiSetProperty(closeWindowButton, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",saveChangesButton,saveChanges,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",closeWindowButton,closeWindow,false) end Link to comment
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