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MTA: VC Crashes at Screen

Guest cap0ne8

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Ok I installed GTA: VC and installed MTA 0.4.1. Now...once I type the IP, port # and my nickname..it loads to the chat and shows people talking in MTA.

I hit "start game"; config it to c:\program files\rockstar games\grand theft auto vice city\gta-vc.exe and then the game loads up. I go to "start game" on the main menu then select "start multi-theft-auto" and the bar loads then comes a "Message of the Day" screen and I see people talking and the rules of the server.

After, I hit enter or even click the mouse and then it crashes my GTA: VC and says their is an error with the "gta-vc.exe" which is the application that runs GTA: VC MTA. Then I look at MTA for any errors on why it kicked/disconnected me and it says, "Suspected trainer usage" and I don't even have a trainer nor any cheats installed on my computer.

I've already tried reinstalling both GTA:VC and MTA; it doesn't work. I don't have the gta: vc patch v1.1 which is fine because you don't need it to play MTA 0.4.1 and I'm quite confused on why it won't let me play MTA. Now, I played the very first version of MTA on Vice city when it was in testing stages and was very laggy...and it worked fine, but I have no idea why MTA 0.4.1 won't run for me.

Can someone please help?

-Thanks in Advance

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1st make sure it says v1.0 in the top corner (if it says 1.1 and you don't have it, it can cause probs)

If that doesn't work, make sure you have as few other programs open as possible; anything with the word "trainer" in could trigger that error.

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Ya so if I have the wrong version then it could trigger the error on the "gta-vc.exe" right? Well, I'll check the version but I'm very sure its v1.0 because I haven't got any patches for Vice city yet.

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