Adissonboy11 Posted July 11, 2015 Share Posted July 11, 2015 I need my bots are more hardcore, please. Any solution? Client-side function banditGetDamageDayZ ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) cancelEvent() if attacker and attacker == getLocalPlayer() and getElementData(source,"trorist") then damage = 100 if weapon == 37 then return end if weapon == 63 or weapon == 51 or weapon == 19 then setElementData(source,"blood",0) if getElementData(source,"blood") <= 0 then triggerServerEvent("onBanditGetsKilled",source,attacker) end elseif weapon and weapon > 0 and attacker and getElementType(attacker) == "player" then damage = getWeaponDamage(weapon) if bodypart == 9 then damage = damage*4 headshot = true end setElementData(source,"blood",getElementData(source,"blood")-math.random(damage*0.75,damage*1.25)) if getElementData(source,"blood") <= 0 then triggerServerEvent("onBanditGetsKilled",source,attacker,headshot) end end end if attacker and getElementData(attacker,"trorist") and getElementData(source,"zombie") then damage = getElementData(attacker,"damage") setElementData(source,"blood",getElementData(source,"blood")-math.random(damage*0.75,damage*1.25)) if getElementData(source,"blood") <= 0 then triggerServerEvent("onZombieGetsKilled",source,attacker,headshot) end end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPedDamage", getRootElement(), banditGetDamageDayZ ) function playerGetDamageDayZFromBandit ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) cancelEvent() damage = 100 headshot = false if isElement(attacker) and getElementData(attacker,"trorist") then damage = getElementData(attacker,"damage") setElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood",getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"blood")-damage) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getLocalPlayer (), playerGetDamageDayZFromBandit ) function checkBandit1() local x,y,z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) for i,ped in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do if getElementData(ped,"trorist") then local sound = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"volume")/5 local visibly = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(),"visibly")/5 local xZ,yZ,zZ = getElementPosition(ped) if getElementData(ped,"type") == "sniper" then if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (x,y,z,xZ,yZ,zZ) < sound+visibly-300 then else triggerServerEvent("banditStopFollow",getLocalPlayer(),ped) end else if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D (x,y,z,xZ,yZ,zZ) < sound+visibly then else triggerServerEvent("banditStopFollow",getLocalPlayer(),ped) end end end end end setTimer(checkBandit1,5000,0) server.lua createTeam("Бандиты") local stats = { [ 69 ] = 999, [ 70 ] = 999, [ 71 ] = 999, [ 72 ] = 999, [ 73 ] = 999, [ 74 ] = 999, [ 75 ] = 999, [ 76 ] = 999, [ 77 ] = 999, [ 78 ] = 999, [ 79 ] = 999, [ 160 ] = 999, [ 229 ] = 999, [ 230 ] = 999 } function applyStats(player) for stat,value in pairs(stats) do setPedStat(player, stat, value) end end function getTypeConfig(bottype) for i,v in ipairs(typeSettings) do if bottype == v[1] then local skin,weapon,damage,health = v[3],v[2],v[4],v[5] return skin,weapon,damage,health end end end function createBots() for i,value in ipairs(pedCords) do local x,y,z,bottype = value[1],value[2],value[3],value[4] local skin,weapon,damage,health = getTypeConfig(bottype) ped = call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"),"spawnBot",x,y,z,math.random(0,360),skin,0,0,getTeamFromName("Бандиты"),weapon) call ( getResourceFromName ( "slothbot" ), "setBotGuard", ped, x,y,z, false) applyStats(ped) setElementData(ped,"spawn",{x,y,z}) setElementData(ped,"trorist",true) setElementData(ped,"type",bottype) setElementData(ped,"damage",damage) setElementData(ped,"blood",health) end end createBots() function removeBots() for i,value in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do local bandit = getElementData(value,"trorist") if bandit then destroyElement(value) end end end addEventHandler("onResourceStop",getRootElement(getThisResource()),removeBots) function banditStopFollow(ped) local spawn = getElementData(ped,"spawn") local x,y,z = spawn[1],spawn[2],spawn[3] call ( getResourceFromName ( "slothbot" ), "setBotGuard", ped, x, y, z, false) end addEvent("banditStopFollow",true) addEventHandler("banditStopFollow",getRootElement(),banditStopFollow) function removeDeadBanditAndRespawn(ped,pedCol,spawn,bottype) setTimer(respawnBandit,pedRespawnTime,1,spawn,bottype) destroyElement(ped) destroyElement(pedCol) end function respawnBandit(spawn,bottype) local x,y,z = spawn[1],spawn[2],spawn[3] local skin,weapon,damage,health = getTypeConfig(bottype) ped = call (getResourceFromName("slothbot"),"spawnBot",x,y,z,math.random(0,360),skin,0,0,getTeamFromName("Бандиты"),weapon) call ( getResourceFromName ( "slothbot" ), "setBotGuard", ped, x,y,z, false) applyStats(ped) setElementData(ped,"spawn",{x,y,z}) setElementData(ped,"trorist",true) setElementData(ped,"type",bottype) setElementData(ped,"damage",damage) setElementData(ped,"blood",health) end function banditKilled (killer,headshot) --outputChatBox("Server: destroyed zombie (reason: zombie died)") local skin = getElementModel(source) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source) local ped = createPed(skin,x,y,z) local pedCol = createColSphere(x,y,z,1.5) local spawnpoint = getElementData(source,"spawn") local bottype = getElementData(source,"type") killPed(ped) setTimer(removeDeadBanditAndRespawn,pedRemoveBody,1,ped,pedCol,spawnpoint,bottype) attachElements (pedCol,ped,0,0,0) setElementData(pedCol,"parent",ped) setElementData(pedCol,"playername","Бандит") setElementData(pedCol,"deadman",true) setElementData(ped,"deadbandit",true) setElementData(pedCol,"deadman",true) local time = getRealTime() local hours = time.hour local minutes = time.minute setElementData(pedCol,"deadreason","Похоже он мёртв. Время смерти: "..hours..":"..minutes..".") for i, item in ipairs(itemTableBandits) do local value = math.percentChance (item[5]/2.5,1) setElementData(pedCol,item[1],value) end destroyElement(source) if headshot == true then setElementData(killer,"headshots",getElementData(killer,"headshots")+1) end end addEvent("onBanditGetsKilled",true) addEventHandler("onBanditGetsKilled",getRootElement(),banditKilled) function math.percentChance (percent,repeatTime) local hits = 0 for i = 1, repeatTime do local number = math.random(0,200)/2 if number <= percent then hits = hits+1 end end return hits end config.lua pedRemoveBody = 50000 -- Время после которого труп бандита ищезнит pedRespawnTime = 50000 -- Время после токго как труп ищезнет до того как он заспавниться pedCords = { {-1938.6,2398.2,50,"guard"}, {-1922.7,-1930.8,50,"guard"}, {-1930.8,2390,50,"guard"}, {-1927.2,2381.3999,50,"guard"}, } ----Типы ботов --guard Бот охранник носит с собой М4 Урон 4500крови typeSettings = { --{Тип,Оружие,Скин,Урон,Кровь} {"guard",31,287,4500,12000}, } itemTableBandits = { {"Спички",328,0.4,90,5}, {"Assault Pack (ACU)",3026,0.5,0,6}, {"Револьвер",348,1,90,0.3}, {"MP5A5",353,1,90,0.1}, {"Часы",2710,1,0,3}, {"Карта",1277,0.8,90,4}, {"GPS",2976,0.15,0,1}, {"Банка макарон",2770,0.1,0,5}, {"Банка бобов",2601,1,0,5}, {"Рация",2966,0.5,0,3}, {"Бейсбольная бита",336,1,90,0.5}, } My GameMode is DayZ. 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GTX Posted July 11, 2015 Share Posted July 11, 2015 Assign more health & damage to them. typeSettings = { --{Name,Weapon,Skin,Damage,Health} {"guard",31,287,9000,24000}, } I doubled damage & health Link to comment
Adissonboy11 Posted July 12, 2015 Author Share Posted July 12, 2015 I need them to be smarter, shoot in the head, and shoot fast. Link to comment
GTX Posted July 12, 2015 Share Posted July 12, 2015 I doubt slothbot resource has that feature. I also doubt someone will do that advanced AI for you. Link to comment
Adissonboy11 Posted July 12, 2015 Author Share Posted July 12, 2015 I need urgent. Can anyone help me with some kind of tutorial or a slothbot already have this configured function? Link to comment
Adissonboy11 Posted July 20, 2015 Author Share Posted July 20, 2015 Up. My intention is not to cause flood, but receive help. : c Link to comment
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