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How to stop or restart MTA Server in Linux Debian 32 bit ?

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You have to use "Screen".

apt-get install screen

screen -S MTA (create a screen named MTA)

Go to the path where u can find mta-server script.

Type ./mta-server (it start the server)

Later if you want be reattached to the screen you can use screen -r to list all screens and screen -rd MTA to reattach it.

To stop it just type exit or quit.

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You have to use "Screen".

apt-get install screen

screen -S MTA (create a screen named MTA)

Go to the path where u can find mta-server script.

Type ./mta-server (it start the server)

Later if you want be reattached to the screen you can use screen -r to list all screens and screen -rd MTA to reattach it.

To stop it just type exit or quit.

I'm Don't Understand

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  • 2 months later...

First - you need screen app:

apt-get install screen 

Next you need to go to your server home(where you have mta-server or mta-server64).

Then type:

screen -S mtaserver ./mta-server 


screen -S mtaserver ./mta-server64 

"mtaserver" is screen name, you can type anything you want(for example mtadm). It will start screen with mta server.

You can type commands in console, etc.

When you want to close console(but not server!) just click ctrl+a+d on your keyboard. This shortcut deattach you from screen.

If you want to return to server console type:

screen -x mtaserver 

Again - "mtaserver" is name of your screen.

If you want to stop server just go to console and type "shutdown".

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