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Check if index value exists


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(Just seen Dealman's latter reply but still going to publish this as an additional information).

As Dealman stated above, in case an index does not contain anything it returns nil. Which entails an error when indexing a nil value.

local table = 
    {"A", "B"} 
if table[2] then 
    print(tostring(table[2][2])) -- tostring in order to be able to print any kind of variable 
    print(tostring(nil)) -- prints nil 
if table[3] then -- does not exist, hence not following up 

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not table[2][2] -- not + nil = true / false + false = true / negative + negative = positive (mathematical reference) 

So you can basically go through an if statement, or any other way you prefer, using the above trick to check whether that table value is either nil or false - as I did with table[3] within my previous sample code.

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not table[2][2] -- not + nil = true / false + false = true / negative + negative = positive (mathematical reference) 

So you can basically go through an if statement, or any other way you prefer, using the above trick to check whether that table value is either nil or false - as I did with table[3] within my previous sample code.

What if table[randomIndex][2] can be either nil or true?

local isTrue = not table[randomIndex][2] --if true it will convert to false 
if not isTrue then --if not false = true? 

Is that how it works?

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