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Help with Vote Kick, problems...


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Hi i'd like to thank all of the high distributors of this forum and introduce myself. This is DYNaSTY formally known as ::SKBR::Gringo and I'm an administrator of:

::SKBR:: 24/7 Deathmatch [uSA] /

Anywayz I was having trouble getting these two scripts running.

#1. Vote Kick

- Whenever I try to to use the commands '!votekick user, or !vote' nothing will happen. Instead, when a user joins my this message pops up:

So I looked in the script and noticed there was an alias named: mta.name

So I tryed adding the alias and then tryed.

 alias mta.name {


I currently have nothing added to mta.name could this possibly be the problem?

votekick current configuration:

 alias mta.name {
 ; Votekick, Banned Names, etc.

 alias mta.text {
   ;Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = ID, $3- = Text
   if ($3 == !votekick) {
     if (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $null) {
       if ($ini($+(",$scriptdir,$1,.ini,"),ID $+ $4)) {
         set %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $4
         set %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $null
         mta.say $1 Votekick "!vote" if u want that $mta.name($1,$4) shall be kicked. [ $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2) votes needed][30 sec]
         .timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 30 mta.vote $1
       else mta.say $1 Give up an existing ID-number: "!votekick <#ID">
     else mta.say $1 Another votekick is running: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])
   if (($3 == !vote) && (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != $null)) {
     if ($2 !isin %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) {
       %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $2
       mta.say $1 $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes for $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])
       if ($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) >= $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2)) {
         mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes ur out!
         mta.kick $1 %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
         unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
         unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
         .timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] off
     else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) You have already voted

 alias mta.vote {
   mta.say $1 Vote kick cancelled: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])
   unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]
   unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 


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alias mta.command {

;Parameters: $1 = Server, $2 = ID, $3- = Text

if ($3 == !votekick) {

if (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $null) {

if ($ini($+(",$scriptdir,$1,.ini,"),ID $+ $4)) {

set %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $4

set %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $null

mta.say $1 Votekick "!vote" if u want that $mta.name($1,$4) shall be kicked. [ $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2) votes needed][30 sec]

.timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 30 mta.vote $1


else mta.say $1 Give up an existing ID-number: "!votekick <#ID">


else mta.say $1 Another votekick is running: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])


if (($3 == !vote) && (%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] != $null)) {

if ($2 !isin %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) {

%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] = %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] $2

mta.say $1 $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes for $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])

if ($numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) >= $calc($left($did(mta,$1 $+ 21),2) / 2)) {

mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]) $numtok(%vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ],32) votes ur out!

mta.kick $1 %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

.timervote [ $+ [ $1 ] ] off



else mta.say $1 $mta.name($1,$2) You have already voted



alias mta.vote {

mta.say $1 Vote kick cancelled: $mta.name($1,%vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])

unset %vote.nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]

unset %vote.voters. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]


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