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Vehicle killmessages


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Guys i had Problem In Killmessage i killed some one by Hynter Or Hydra why it shows like that in Pic ?

Can some one tell me what to use Or What To Edit i can do any thing please help ? it should Draw Hunter Image and Hydra image if i killed by hunter or hydra , and i have the hunter and hydra images Hunter.png , 520.png (HYDRA)

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HELP :cry::cry::cry::cry:

No body will help you to make your cloned server.

I dont asked you :twisted:

Posting a question on a public forum means that you're asking anyone to reply. Even Bilal135. :wink:

To get back on topic, you should edit your message and add a few checks to see what kind of vehicle the killer used depending on the 'weapon' parameter.

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Posting a question on a public forum means that you're asking anyone to reply. Even Bilal135. :wink:

To get back on topic, you should edit your message and add a few checks to see what kind of vehicle the killer used depending on the 'weapon' parameter.

Thx for opinion.And for kind of vehicle i mean hydra,hunter,tank...

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  • 9 months later...

Is it possible the get the death reason of a random wasted guy? Like rammed, exploded, and etc

I saw death reasons, But currently i'm making some edits on Killmessages scripts, It doesn't detect when a wasted guy got rammed or killed by a jet (hydra) it just outputs the weapon icon that he selected from freeroam panel, Thanks

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