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Big problem with my login panel and handler


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SOOO I spend the past 10 hours trying to figure out what the heck is the problem it literally worked on the previous PC well on my previous system windows 10, maybe MTA got updated or something I'm not sure so the problem is, I supposedly register the account with the panel works fine then redirects it to the login panel to login works fine until you login, it says my side that it logged in my own outputChatBox but it does not display the MTA's you logged in message, but that is only for that account I registered for testing via the panel, but when I login with the account I created a long time ago it loggs it in like wtf ? the only warning I get is

[2015-05-10 21:35:38] WARNING: handlers\loginh1.lua:24: Bad argument @ 'spawnPlayer' [Expected vector3 at argument 2, got boolean] 

Here are pastebin links for all the scripts that link to the panel register and stuff like that and ofcourse the main server handler that handles a ton of stuff.

I put it on pastebin since the code is humungous I just give up on it for now so good luck hope you can help me out.

login_c.lua>> http://pastebin.com/0xBEWgV2

login_s.lua>> http://pastebin.com/Xf0W7ZS4

register_c.lua>> http://pastebin.com/jJHWG0yD

register_s.lua>> http://pastebin.com/3RC5C79A

loginh1.lua>> http://pastebin.com/ekcPvXJZ THIS IS THE MAIN HANDLER

Thanks in advance

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It doesen't process the login it just executes those things but does not logg them in and that's the only warning I get but that is only for accounts that are made with the panel.It does not make any sense

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if ( loginX and type(loginX) == "number" ) and ( loginY and type(loginY) == "number" ) and ( loginZ and type(loginZ) == "number" ) then 
    return false; 

not tested

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