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[HELP]SQLite database


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hey i am verry noobish at SQLite database scripting can someone help me?

if i use this code

    local check = dbExec ( connection, "SELECT `data` FROM `drift` WHERE `account`=?", accName ), -1 ; -- checking if exist row 
    if ( #check > 0 ) then 
        dbExec ( connection, "UPDATE `drift` SET `data`=? WHERE `account`=?", toJSON ( t ), accName ); -- if yes updating 
    elseif ( #check == 0 ) then 
        dbExec ( connection, "INSERT INTO `drift` ( `data`, `account` ) VALUES ( ?, ? )", toJSON ( t ), accName ); -- if not creating 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, saveDriftPoints ); 

i get this error

ERROR 2: attempt to get lenght of local 'check' (a boolean value)

i dont know what i am doing wrong over here...

i used this before

    local check = dbPoll ( dbQuery ( connection, "SELECT `data` FROM `drift` WHERE `account`=?", accName ), -1 ); -- checking if exist row 
    if ( #check > 0 ) then 
        dbQuery ( connection, "UPDATE `drift` SET `data`=? WHERE `account`=?", toJSON ( t ), accName ); -- if yes updating 
    elseif ( #check == 0 ) then 
        dbQuery ( connection, "INSERT INTO `drift` ( `data`, `account` ) VALUES ( ?, ? )", toJSON ( t ), accName ); -- if not creating 
addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, saveDriftPoints ); 

that was working fine but it dind what it should need to do

so i asked help and someone told me to use

dbExec --- inplace off 
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already readed over 20 times but i still cant get it fixed :S

and i know


Returns true unless the connection is incorrect, in which case it returns false.

but its all about this line

if ( #check > 0 ) then 

that is giving a boolean value

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  • MTA Team
attempt to get length of local 'check' (a boolean value)

The variable check is a boolean value. Using the operator '#' on it is illegal. That operator tries to get the length of strings and tables.


This won't work - the error tells you that.

if ( #check > 0 ) then 

In conclusion this will not work at all with 'check' as a boolean value.

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attempt to get length of local 'check' (a boolean value)

The variable check is a boolean value. Using the operator '#' on it is illegal. That operator tries to get the length of strings and tables.


This won't work - the error tells you that.

if ( #check > 0 ) then 

In conclusion this will not work at all with 'check' as a boolean value.

how to make a other working check then?

i using it to check if there is a table if not then it creates one

and to check if its a valid account

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Simply you can use something like that :

* Connect

local driftdb = "drift.db"  
local connection = dbConnect("sqlite", driftdb) 
function drift() 
    dbExec(connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS drift (account TEXT, data TINYTEXT)") 
addEventHandler("onResourceStart", resourceRoot,drift) 

*checking if exist row

function doesAccountExistInDriftList(account) 
    local check = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM drift WHERE account = ?",tostring(account)), -1) 
        if type(check) == "table" and #check == 0 or not check then 
        return false 
        return true 

* insert new row (account)

function addNewAccount(account,drift) 
    local check = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM drift WHERE account = ?",tostring(account)), -1) 
        if type(check) == "table" and #check == 0 or not check then 
            dbExec(connection, "INSERT INTO drift VALUES (?, ?)",tostring(account), tonumber(drift),1) 
                return true 
        return false 

*update drift points

function updateDriftPoints(account,drift) 
    local check = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection, "SELECT * FROM drift WHERE account = ?",tostring(account)), -1) 
        if type(check) ~= "table" or #check ~= 0 or check then 
            if dbExec(connection, "UPDATE drift SET data = ? WHERE account = ?",tonumber(drift),tostring(account)) then 
                return true 
        return false 

just check if the account name exist using "doesAccountExistInDriftList()" if yes update drift points using "updateDriftPoints()" function if no insert new row using "addNewAccount().

Note: in this case it will just save the last points so if you want to add them to the old points without replacing the old points with new points , you need to check the player current points before you call updateDriftPoints() function.

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