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fileCreate Limit


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Good evening dear Community.

I excuse my bad english, but our english-teacher was not the best ^_^

My question: fileCreate does not create more then 506 files and that is going to be a problem for my project.

I need to create more files, because I need Images, that I wants to create with that function.

So: How could I create more then 506 files, that I also can use them..

Error: file Error: @fileCreate [unable to create "pfad"]

I tried to create the files in a loop as a test:

for i = 1,1000 do



but it failed after the 506 files.

I really hope, that anybody could help me with the problem ^^

With greets: Harrikan

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  • MTA Team

IIRC the developers of MTA added a protection against opening too many files per resource.

You have to close the handle after creating the file.

local handle = fileCreate("something.txt") 
if handle then 

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Haha Thank you realy much..

I found my mistake now.

local file = fileCreate("FILEPATH") 
            file = fileOpen("FILEPATH", false) 
            fileWrite( file, tab[i][i1] ) 

If the Script creates a file, itis open it at the same time.. So my fileOpen was useless

Thank you really much ^^

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