NIKO_19997 Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 hola, tengo una duda....modifique la GUI del spawn de 50P con el recurso "guieditor", pero eh intentado editar el c_gui del script y no puedo aparte de modificarlo, le agrege una ventana, algun consejo o algo para poder modificarlo? Saludos! Link to comment
Tomas Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 hola, tengo una duda....modifique la GUI del spawn de 50P con el recurso "guieditor", pero eh intentado editar el c_gui del script y no puedo aparte de modificarlo, le agrege una ventana, algun consejo o algo para poder modificarlo? Saludos! ¿Cuál es el problema? Te da algún error o algo? Link to comment
NIKO_19997 Posted April 13, 2015 Author Share Posted April 13, 2015 ps, aparte de quedarme todo desordenado, en algunas cosas nose donde van Link to comment
alex17 Posted April 13, 2015 Share Posted April 13, 2015 si mostraras lo que has echo seria mas facil ayudarte ya que nadie es adivino Link to comment
NIKO_19997 Posted April 13, 2015 Author Share Posted April 13, 2015 si mostraras lo que has echo seria mas facil ayudarte ya que nadie es adivino sorry xDD, aqui esta: c_gui: local selectedRow = -1; local selectedGroup = -1; previousClass = -1; local weaponIcons = { }; local weaponLabels = { }; local weaponAmmoLabels = { }; function createGroupSelectionWnd( ) local selectionPos = { gridList:Position( false ) }; groupsGridList = GridList:Create( screenSize[ 1 ] - gridList:Size( false ) - 1053, screenSize[ 2 ] - 231, 279, 182, false ); groupsGridList: Alpha( .80 ); groupsGridList: AddColumn( "Categoria", .9 ); groupsGridList: SortingEnabled( false ); for _, group in ipairs( classGroups ) do groupsGridList:AddRow( false, ); end groupsGridList:AddOnClick( groupSelected ); groupsGridList:Visible( false ); end function groupSelected( ) descrGridList:Visible( false ); weaponsGrid:Visible( false ); selectedGroup = groupsGridList:SelectedItem( ); playSound("click.wav") if selectedGroup ~= -1 then populateClassesGrid( classGroups[ selectedGroup + 1 ].classes ); else gridList:Clear( ); end previousClass = -1; end function createClassSelectionWnd( ) gridList = GridList:Create( screenSize[ 1 ] - 185, screenSize[ 2 ] - screenSize[ 2 ] / 3, 180, screenSize[ 2 ] / 3 - 5, false ); gridList:AddColumn( "Class:", .85 ); gridList:Alpha( .8 ); gridList:SortingEnabled( false ); gridList:AddOnClick( classSelected ); gridList:Visible( false ); local gridSize = { gridList:Size( false ) }; spawnBtn = Button:Create( screenSize[ 1 ] - gridList:Size( false ) - 1073, screenSize[ 1 ] - 665, 236, 53, "SPAWN", false ); spawnBtn:Font( "default-bold-small" ); spawnBtn:ColorOnHover( "FF5500FF" ); spawnBtn:AddOnClick( requestSpawn ); spawnBtn:Visible( false ); end function populateClassesGrid( classes ) gridList:Clear( ); for classIndex, class in pairs( classes ) do gridList:AddRow( true, ); for skinIndex, skin in ipairs( class.skinMngr:GetSkins( ) ) do local row = gridList:AddRow( false, ); gridList:ItemData( row, 1, tostring( classIndex ) .."," .. tostring( skinIndex ) ); end end end function createPasswordWnd( ) passwordWnd = Window:Create( screenSize[ 1 ] / 2 - 200, screenSize[ 2 ] / 2 - 30, 400, 80, "" ); passwordWnd:AddLabel( 20, 35, "Password:" ); passTextBox = passwordWnd:AddTextBox( 80, 33, 150, 20, "" ); passTextBox:Masked( true ); passSpawnBtn = passwordWnd:AddButton( 315, 31, 70, 25, "Spawn" ); passSpawnBtn:AddOnClick( requestSpawn ); passCancelBtn = passwordWnd:AddButton( 235, 31, 70, 25, "Cancel" ); passCancelBtn:AddOnClick( function() passwordWnd:Visible( false ); fadeCamera( true ); showSpawnMenu( true, false ); end ); passwordWnd:Movable( false ); passwordWnd:Sizable( false ); passwordWnd:Visible( false ); end function classSelected ( ) selectedRow = gridList:SelectedItem( ); if selectedRow ~= -1 then playSound("click.wav") local data = split( gridList:ItemData( selectedRow, 1 ), string.byte(',') ); local classIndex = tonumber( data[ 1 ] ); local skinIndex = tonumber( data[ 2 ] ); local class = classGroups[ selectedGroup + 1 ].classes[ classIndex ]; local skin = classGroups[ selectedGroup + 1 ].classes[ classIndex ].skinMngr.skins[ skinIndex ]; enableSpawn( false ); if previousClass ~= classIndex then resizeWeaponsWnd( class.weaponMngr ); fadeCamera( false ); --setTimer( fadeCamera, 1000, 1 ); setTimer( moveCameraTo, 1000, 1, class, skin ); else teleportTempPed( skin ); end previousClass = classIndex; local classDescr =; if classDescr then descrLabel:Text( classDescr ); descrGridList:Visible( true ); else descrGridList:Visible( false ); weaponsGrid:Visible( false ); end else descrGridList:Visible( false ); weaponsGrid:Visible( false ); end end function requestSpawn( pass ) selectedRow = gridList:SelectedItem(); if ( selectedGroup ~= -1 ) and ( selectedRow ~= -1 ) then local data = split( gridList:ItemData( selectedRow, 1 ), string.byte(',') ); local classIndex = tonumber( data[ 1 ] ); local skinIndex = tonumber( data[ 2 ] ); local class = classGroups[ selectedGroup + 1 ].classes[ classIndex ]; local skin = classGroups[ selectedGroup + 1 ].classes[ classIndex ].skinMngr.skins[ skinIndex ]; fadeCamera( false ); playSound("click.wav") if pass == spawnBtn then setTimer( triggerServerEvent, 1000, 1, "spawn_clientRequestSpawn", g_root, selectedGroup + 1, classIndex, skinIndex ); return; end setTimer( triggerServerEvent, 1000, 1, "spawn_clientRequestSpawn", g_root, selectedGroup + 1, classIndex, skinIndex, passTextBox:Text( ) ); end end function moveCameraTo( class, skin ) local camX, camY, camZ = class.cameraMngr.pos.x, class.cameraMngr.pos.y, class.cameraMngr.pos.z; local lookAtX, lookAtY, lookAtZ = class.cameraMngr.lookAt.x, class.cameraMngr.lookAt.y, class.cameraMngr.lookAt.z; fadeCamera( true ); --outputDebugString( "fading camera in" ); setCameraMatrix( camX, camY, camZ, lookAtX, lookAtY, lookAtZ ); setTimer( teleportTempPed, 500, 1, skin ); end local losTests = 0; -- line of sight function teleportTempPed( skin ) local x, y, z = getWorldFromScreenPosition( screenSize[ 1 ] - gridList:Size(false) / 2 - 70, ( screenSize[ 2 ] / 1.6 ) * .8, 10 ) local cX, cY, cZ; cX, cY, cZ = getCameraMatrix(); if not tempPed then createTempPed( skin.modelId ); else setElementPosition( g_ground, x, y, z - 1.02 ); setElementPosition( tempPed, x, y, z ); setElementModel( tempPed, skin.modelId ); x, y, z = getWorldFromScreenPosition( screenSize[ 1 ] - gridList:Size(false) / 2 - 70, ( screenSize[ 2 ] / 1.6 ) * .8, 11 ) end if not processLineOfSight( cX, cY, cZ, x, y, z ) then losTests = losTests + 1; if losTests < 3 then setTimer( teleportTempPed, 300, 1, skin ); return else destroyElement( g_ground ); destroyElement( tempPed ); tempPed = nil; createTempPed( skin.modelId ); enableSpawn( true ); losTests = 0; end else enableSpawn( true ); end end function createClassDescriptionWnd( ) descrGridList = GridList:Create( screenSize[ 1 ] - 305, 5, 300, 125, false ); descrTitleLbl = Label:Create( 8, 5, 100, 30, "Informacion:", false, descrGridList.gui ); descrTitleLbl:Font( "default-bold-small" ); descrTitleLbl:Color( 255, 150, 0 ); descrLabel = Memo:Create( 10, 25, 280, 90, "", false, descrGridList.gui ); descrLabel:ReadOnly( true ); descrGridList:Alpha( 0.8 ); descrGridList:Visible( false ); end function createClassWeaponWnd( ) local descrSize = { descrGridList:Size( false ) }; weaponsGrid = GridList:Create( screenSize[ 1 ] - 120, descrSize[ 2 ] + 4, 115, 40, false ); weaponsGrid:Alpha( .8 ); weaponsGrid:Visible( false ); end function enableSpawn( enable ) bringSpawnMenuToFront( ); gridList:Enabled( enable ); spawnBtn:Enabled( enable ); descrGridList:Visible( enable ); if enable == true then local data = split( gridList:ItemData( selectedRow, 1 ), string.byte(',') ); local classIndex = tonumber( data[ 1 ] ); local skinIndex = tonumber( data[ 2 ] ); local class = classGroups[ selectedGroup + 1 ].classes[ classIndex ]; if class.weaponMngr:WeaponCount( ) > 0 then weaponsGrid:Visible( enable ); else weaponsGrid:Visible( false ); end end end function resizeWeaponsWnd( weaponManager ) local minHeight = 18; local weapCount = weaponManager:WeaponCount( ); local weapons = weaponManager:GetWeapons( ); weaponsGrid:Size( 115, minHeight + ( weapCount * 40 ), false ); if weapCount > 0 then for i, icon in pairs( weaponIcons ) do if icon and icon.gui then destroyElement( icon.gui ); end end weaponIcons = Link to comment
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