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How to use TeaEncode?


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thefile = fileOpen( < File > ) 
content = fileRead(thefile) 
encodedContent = teaEncode(content, < Key >) 

But I don't see why you would do that - sooner or later you will need to decode the file, save it, load it through engineLoadDFF and then maybe delete the decoded one. MTA currently doesn't support loading DFF files into buffer to create a 'DFF' element out of it.

If you want to encode it into a standard base64 (without tiny encryption algorithm), then use base64Encode and base64Decode, but as said earlier, it's quite useless for DFF files.

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local info = "http://er-mta.net" 
local key = "somewordshere" 
local encrypted = teaEncode(info,key) 
outputChatBox(encrypted) -- will output hashed line, in this example: QfHxIWo2bp2J4rUr4rnPcboBG84R0KJ0 
local decrypted = teaDecode(encrypted,key) -- decrypt with the same key 
outputChatBox(decrypted) -- will output "http://er-mta.net" 

That's the basic example. Encrypt it and then fileWrite. You can decrypt your file and use engineLoadDFF(decrypted) with that string you got. This way, you better use:

function teaEncodeBinary( data, key ) 
    return teaEncode( base64encode( data ), key ) 
function teaDecodeBinary( data, key ) 
    return base64decode( teaDecode( data, key ) ) 

But I don't see why you would do that - sooner or later you will need to decode the file, save it, load it through engineLoadDFF and then maybe delete the decoded one. MTA currently doesn't support loading DFF files into buffer to create a 'DFF' element out of it.

Not really. It supports raw data since 1.4.1 r7088


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Well.. You can do onClientResourceStart resourceRoot triggerServerEvent requestDFFs

and the make the server read the file stored in the resource folder (not added to meta.xml, so that it won't be downloaded by the client), send it to the client (probably encoded, so that hackers cannot "pull" data from networking), decode it in the client, and load it into DFF form by raw data.

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