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I can't define local player.


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playerMoney = getPlayerMoney(PLAYER*)  
moneyM1000 = playerMoney -1000 
moneyM3000 = playerMoney -3000 
localplayer = getPlayerFromName (PLAYER*) 
function setstyle15(PLAYER*) 
setPedFightingStyle (PLAYER*,15) 
addEventHandler ("onBtn1", getRootElement(), setstyle15) 

I'm trying to make a gui which has 5 buttons, if you click them I want them to change your fighting style (they all give you different styles). I need to get the local player who clicks the button on GUI for which I typed "PLAYER*", everything else works without a problem so far. Thanks in advance.

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localPlayer is predefined on clientside.

Also, gui's are clientside, so it can't be used by anyone else than the local player, so you don't need to check who clicked.

Thanks for the reply.

This code is from a server-side script, I tried making it client-side but setPedFightingStyle wouldn't work. so I had to use addEvent and triggerServerEvent instead. Even if I can make it work in a client side script, I'd still like to learn how to define local player in a server-side script.

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Ahh, you can just pass the player - "element" when triggering a server event.

Just use it as the source.


In that function which is called when you trigger that event you can simply use "source" or "client" to do stuff with the "local" player.

setPedFightingStyle (source,15) --or client

setPedFightingStyle (client,15) works fine.

this is how I defined playerMoney:

function setstyle7 ()

local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney(client)

local moneyM1000 = playerMoney -1000

local moneyM3000 = playerMoney -3000

if ( playerMoney > 3000 ) then

setPedFightingStyle (client,7)

setPlayerMoney (client, moneyM3000)

outputChatBox ("test")


outputChatBox ("test2")



I added

local playerMoney = getPlayerMoney(client)

local moneyM1000 = playerMoney -1000

local moneyM3000 = playerMoney -3000

in all functions. thank you for your help.

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