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Desynced peds


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I made a simple script that spawns peds around you. It seems like peds never get desynced when playing on flat surface as the airport. However, when I play on a bumpy surface like San Fierro, many peds get desynced. It seems like desynced peds always spawn on the sideways, I never seen a desynced pedestrian on the street. This probably means that they end up on sideways by falling under the ground. I don't know how it is possible since I use getGroundPosition. I know many scripts like the most popular script in the community (zombies script) somehow avoid desynced zombies. Does anyone know how I can do that in my script?


addEvent("makeped", true) 
function makeped (x, y, z) 
    if math.random(1,2) == 1 then 
        x = x + math.random(15,40) 
        x = x + math.random(-40,-15) 
    if math.random(1,2) == 1 then 
        y = y + math.random(15,40) 
        y = y + math.random(-40,-15) 
local ped = createPed (290, x, y, z+5, 0) 
setElementSyncer(ped, client) 
addEventHandler("makeped", root, makeped) 


function haha() 
local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
triggerServerEvent("makeped", resourceRoot, x, y, getGroundPosition(x, y, z)) 

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I remember doing something similar using getGroundPosition, it was also buggy and sometimes they would spawn underground. I think I fixed it by increasing the z coordinate so that's above the ground at all possible cases.

Try this:

function haha() 
local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
triggerServerEvent("makeped", root, x, y, getGroundPosition(x, y, z + 500)) 

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Perhaps this will help:

function haha() 
local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
if math.random(1,2) == 1 then 
        x = x + math.random(15,40) 
        x = x + math.random(-40,-15) 
    if math.random(1,2) == 1 then 
        y = y + math.random(15,40) 
        y = y + math.random(-40,-15) 
triggerServerEvent("makeped", root, x, y, getGroundPosition(x, y, z + 500)) 

addEvent("makeped", true) 
function makeped (x, y, z) 
local ped = createPed (290, x, y, z+5, 0) 
setElementSyncer(ped, client) 
addEventHandler("makeped", root, makeped) 

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The thing is (which I missed when I first posted) that you get the ground position of the current localPlayer's position, you then change it server-side so the original ground position (which is related to the localPlayer) is not the ground position of the ped's position.

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