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Lag probleam

Guest Infinitum

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wen i connect to a server mi ping is normal about 150-200 (im from chile) ive played alots of games online whit that ping on other servers and i can play just fine... but whit vc is different wen i ever connect to a server my ping is normal but when i start the game mi ping goes up like to 500 or 900 i think thats a mta probleam and not my connection... any advice?

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i have broadband and a fine pc... i think its a mta probleam cuz i play other games online like "cs" and "cod" online in other servers (even the UK) and i play just fine well sometime gets laggy when there alot of explosion and shit but i can play just fine...

but i dont know why this happens in vc ive tried putting in low resolution but it still gets laggy i and connected to other servers and the same probleam...

some say its a "ping bug" and theres a patch coming is this true?

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can any one help me? i just tried a dedicated server and invited a few friends of mine to play... the ping where normal like 20-50 but when i ever start the shit gets lagged really bad... why does this happen even if i create my own server???

this happens whit all other servers i start of whit good ping but when i start the game it gets really laggy..

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