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My suggested mode...

Guest jimjimjim

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yea yea there's already a post for it, but there is like 24 pages... nobody will see my suggestion..

Alright, I dunno if it has been said before, but make a Van spawn somewhere in the city, and make 2-3 or 4 team compete to take possession of the van and bring it back to the team HQ..

a black van...

Another mode would be car domination, each team has a garage, and the team must bring ever car in the map in the garage or yard..

Make the car stay in place after been used and not respawn

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actually im pretty sure a car wont respawn until its destroyed.... correct me if im wrong, but anyways you could jes host ur server and call it that mode and explain it ont the motd then when sumone sez they got all the cars have a judge (or u urself) count and see if they got em. problem solved (not really a problem but whatever)

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About your first suggestion.

You will be to do this yourself in the version using blue .

Because you will be able to "script" a lot of things, for example i notice that you will be able to make vehiclespawns.

So you could make a black van spawn anywhere you want,and since its been said that almost aything from single player can be used i think its safe to say we can make a arrow and a dot apear on the map pointing to the black van.

About the 3/4 teams this part i have no idea, i have no idea if this could be done corectly maybe we couild somehow make teams , maybe different colors on radar for different teams, i have no idea.But seeing as gta itself doesnt have any way to defy a foe or friend it will be hard .

What i mean is in the game you can kill people that you are soppuse to be helping or peopel that you have a mission from ,there is no protection for friends , ok im talking about ff now so ill stop.

Your second suggestion, i Think it would be pretty easy to make, however i dont know how playable it would be,The vehicle limit now is 80 so i dont really see 80 cars being at the same place being any good ,Think about crashes and pc power.

Edit :

actually im pretty sure a car wont respawn until its destroyed.... correct me if im wrong, but anyways you could jes host ur server and call it that mode and explain it ont the tv then when sumone sez they got all the cars have a judge (or u urself) count and see if they got em. problem solved (not really a problem but whatever)

That is the way it is suppose to work yes, but the thing is only cars that have peopel in them are synced, so there coudnt be anyone joining mid game or they would see the some cars at their normal spawnpoint.

About doing it atm, he could do it but it wont really work out good,sometimes i car will explode on someones screen but not on someone elses, so one player would see all 80 cars whiles the others might only see 60.

And when you have lots of cars in one place and one blows up you will have a domino effect, and when a bunch start blowing up togheter you will most likely crash.Multiple explosion often cause crash for some reason.

So the gamemode woudnt really be any fuunn that way.

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We will have cars without players in sync'd perfectly for people who join after the game has started. Team play will be possible, one way or another. It should be very easy for the addon to give players different skins and different radar marker colours (or just show your own team's).


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