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hi , how Change my server from

* Connected! [MTA:SA Server 1.4 [GNU/Linux]] 


* Connected! [MTA:SA Server 1.4.1 [GNU/Linux x64]] 

I owned a VPS Games

Specifications a VPS

Ram : 8GB 
Bandwidth : 10000GB 
Linux Debian 6 
Location : france 
Hard drive  : 100GB 
CPU: 4 vCores 

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First you need to check if your server support 64bit applications. Use:

uname –a 

To get this information, For 32-bit systems you'll see this: (“i686” or “i386”). And on 64-bit systems this: (“x86_64”), now, are you using a 64 bit system? then let's continue.

Download the 64-bit Linux server from here:


Configure and start it then you have a 64-bit server.

Additional libraries may be required, but you'll find more info about that in the sticky topics within this board.

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Sure, you could make a bash script for that, it would look like this pseudo code.

# Fist backup your current server 
cp -r /path/to/your/server /path/to/backup/folder 
# Make sure you extract the files in your current server folder 
cd /path/to/your/server 
# Download and extract the server, (please note that there might be newer version available, check here: [url=https://nightly.multitheftauto.com]https://nightly.multitheftauto.com[/url]) before you download. 
wget [url=http://linux.multitheftauto.com/dl/]http://linux.multitheftauto.com/dl/[/url]140/multitheftauto_linux-1.4.0.tar.gz 
tar -xf multitheftauto_linux-1.4.0.tar.gz 
rm multitheftauto_linux-1.4.0.tar.gz 

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