Platin Posted January 18, 2015 Share Posted January 18, 2015 Hola a todos, nuevamente requiero vuestra ayuda. Como algunos saben, estuve jugando con slothbot y tenía pensado hacerme unos "MataZombies", el tema es que estos "MataZombies" no matan Zombies si no les dan en la cabeza. ¿Alguna idea de como solucionarlo? Link to comment
Tomas Posted January 18, 2015 Share Posted January 18, 2015 Y el código? Busca en alguna parte que debe decir algo así como 'bodypart' o no se que, esa parte posteala. Link to comment
Platin Posted January 18, 2015 Author Share Posted January 18, 2015 teamStaff = getTeamFromName ("Staff") teamSobrevivientes = getTeamFromName ("Sobrevivientes") setTeamFriendlyFire ( teamStaff, false ) function bot1() bots1 = exports.Slothbot:spawnBot (2921, -2051, 4, 0, 285, 0, 0, teamSobrevivientes, 31, "chasing", true ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), bot1 ) function bot2() bots2 = exports.Slothbot:spawnBot (2900, -2053, 4, 0, 115, 0, 0, teamSobrevivientes, 31, "chasing", true ) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), bot2 ) function bot1haveteam() exports.Slothbot:getBotTeam (bots1) if exports.Slothbot:getBotTeam(false) then outputChatBox ( "Bots no tener equipo" ) else outputChatBox ( "Bots tener equipo" ) end end addCommandHandler("team", bot1haveteam) function weaponParty() exports.Slothbot:setBotWeapon(bots1, 25) exports.Slothbot:setBotWeapon(bots2, 25) end addCommandHandler("arma", weaponParty) Obviamente no. Creo y solo creo que es algo del zombies, ya que como entre ellos se pegan, debe de haber alguna funcion que haga que si un bot le pega solo le puede hacer daño en la cabeza. Link to comment
alex17 Posted January 18, 2015 Share Posted January 18, 2015 prueba con esto haci los zombies no lo atacaran pero no estoy seguro de que el bot no ataque a los zombies function bot1() bots1 = exports.Slothbot:spawnBot (2921, -2051, 4, 0, 285, 0, 0, teamSobrevivientes, 31, "chasing", true ) setElementData(bots1, "zombie", true) end addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), bot1 ) Link to comment
Platin Posted January 18, 2015 Author Share Posted January 18, 2015 Voy a probar, informo con el EDIT. Por cierto, la idea es que ellos ataquen a los zombies y les hagan daño sin darle en la cabeza, no como paso ahora, pero me sirve eso de que los zombies no los ataquen. EDIT Nada paso, me imagino porque el setElementData no sirve para eso según la wiki. Link to comment
alex17 Posted January 18, 2015 Share Posted January 18, 2015 te refieres a que los bots ataquen a los zombies les bajen vida pero que no le den en la cabesa mm creo que que no le den en la cabesa es imposiblee pero se puede hacer que cuando les den en la cabesa sea como un golpe normal y no les haga heashot Link to comment
Platin Posted January 18, 2015 Author Share Posted January 18, 2015 te refieres a que los bots ataquen a los zombies les bajen vida pero que no le den en la cabesamm creo que que no le den en la cabesa es imposiblee pero se puede hacer que cuando les den en la cabesa sea como un golpe normal y no les haga heashot No, no me refiero a eso. Quiero los bots ataquen a los zombies y en cualquier parte del cuerpo que le den, le saquen vida, ya que solo si le dan en la cabeza le sacan tal y como estan. Link to comment
alex17 Posted January 18, 2015 Share Posted January 18, 2015 mm sigo sin entenderte mucho, quieres que los bots solo ataquen a los zombies cuando los zombies los golpeen a estos en la cabeza mientras no los golpeen en la cabeza lno atacan ???? Link to comment
Platin Posted January 18, 2015 Author Share Posted January 18, 2015 Mira este vídeo: ¿Viste que el bot no le hacía daño a los zombies? Ese es mi problema, solamente si el bot le da en la cabeza a algun zombie lo mata, en cambio, si le da en el torso u otra parte, no pasa nada. Link to comment
Tomas Posted January 19, 2015 Share Posted January 19, 2015 Necesitamos el código de slothbot, de nada nos sirven las exports. Link to comment
Platin Posted January 19, 2015 Author Share Posted January 19, 2015 Necesitamos el código de slothbot, de nada nos sirven las exports. Supongo que el del Zombie, es largo el jodido. Client: myZombies = { } helmetzombies = { 27, 51, 52, 99, 27, 137, 153, 167, 205, 260, 277, 278, 279, 284, 285 } resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement() --FORCES ZOMBIES TO MOVE ALONG AFTER THEIR TARGET PLAYER DIES function playerdead () setTimer ( Zomb_release, 4000, 1 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), playerdead ) function Zomb_release () for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if (isElement(ped)) then if (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) then setElementData ( ped, "target", nil ) setElementData ( ped, "status", "idle" ) table.remove(myZombies,k) end end end end --REMOVES A ZOMBIE FROM INFLUENCE AFTER ITS KILLED function pedkilled ( killer, weapon, bodypart ) if (getElementData (source, "zombie") == true) and (getElementData (source, "status") ~= "dead" ) then setElementData ( source, "target", nil ) setElementData ( source, "status", "dead" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPedWasted", getRootElement(), pedkilled ) --THIS CHECKS ALL ZOMBIES EVERY SECOND TO SEE IF THEY ARE IN SIGHT function zombie_check () if (getElementData (getLocalPlayer (), "zombie") ~= true) and ( isPedDead ( getLocalPlayer () ) == false ) then local zombies = getElementsByType ( "ped",getRootElement(),true ) local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) if isPedDucked ( getLocalPlayer ()) then local Pz = Pz-1 end for theKey,theZomb in ipairs(zombies) do if (isElement(theZomb)) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb ) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz) < 45 ) then if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) then if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "status" ) == "idle" ) then --CHECKS IF AN IDLE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == true) then setElementData ( theZomb, "status", "chasing" ) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", getLocalPlayer() ) table.insert( myZombies, theZomb ) --ADDS ZOMBIE TO PLAYERS COLLECTION table.remove( zombies, theKey) zombieradiusalert (theZomb) end elseif (getElementData(theZomb,"status") == "chasing") and (getElementData(theZomb,"target") == nil) then --CHECKS IF AN AGGRESSIVE LOST ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == true) then setElementData ( theZomb, "target", getLocalPlayer() ) isthere = "no" for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if ped == theZomb then isthere = "yes" end end if isthere == "no" then table.insert( myZombies, theZomb ) --ADDS THE WAYWARD ZOMBIE TO THE PLAYERS COLLECTION table.remove( zombies, theKey) end end elseif ( getElementData ( theZomb, "target" ) == getLocalPlayer() ) then --CHECKS IF AN ALREADY AGGRESSIVE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == false) then --IF YOUR ZOMBIE LOST YOU, MAKES IT REMEMBER YOUR LAST COORDS setElementData ( theZomb, "target", nil ) triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz) end end end end end end --this second half is for checking peds and zombies local nonzombies = getElementsByType ( "ped",getRootElement(),true ) for theKey,theZomb in ipairs(zombies) do if (isElement(theZomb)) then if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb ) for theKey,theNonZomb in ipairs(nonzombies) do if (getElementData (theNonZomb, "zombie") ~= true) then -- if the ped isnt a zombie local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( theNonZomb ) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz) < 45 ) then local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false ) if (isclear == true) and ( getElementHealth ( theNonZomb ) > 0) then if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "status" ) == "idle" ) then --CHECKS IF AN IDLE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, Px, Py, Pz) setElementData ( theZomb, "status", "chasing" ) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", theNonZomb ) zombieradiusalert (theZomb) elseif ( getElementData ( theZomb, "status" ) == "chasing" ) and ( getElementData ( theZomb, "target" ) == nil) then triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, Px, Py, Pz) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", theNonZomb ) end end end if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "target" ) == theNonZomb ) then --CHECKS IF AN ALREADY AGGRESSIVE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT OF THE PED local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( theNonZomb ) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz) < 45 ) then local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz+1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == false) then --IF YOUR ZOMBIE LOST THE PED, MAKES IT REMEMBER the peds LAST COORDS triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, Px, Py, Pz) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", nil ) end end end end end end end end end for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if (isElement(ped) == false) then table.remove( myZombies, k) end end oldPx,oldPy,oldPz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) end --INITAL SETUP function clientsetupstarter(startedresource) if startedresource == getThisResource() then setTimer ( clientsetup, 1234, 1) MainClientTimer1 = setTimer ( zombie_check, 1000, 0) --STARTS THE TIMER TO CHECK FOR ZOMBIES end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), clientsetupstarter) function clientsetup() oldPx,oldPy,oldPz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) throatcol = createColSphere ( 0, 0, 0, .3) woodpic = guiCreateStaticImage( .65, .06, .1, .12, "zombiewood.png", true ) guiSetVisible ( woodpic, false ) --ALL ZOMBIES STFU local zombies = getElementsByType ( "ped" ) for theKey,theZomb in ipairs(zombies) do if (isElement(theZomb)) then if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) then setPedVoice(theZomb, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") end end end --SKIN REPLACEMENTS local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/13.txd" ) --bleedin eyes 31 by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 13 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/22.txd" ) -- slashed 12 by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 22 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/56.txd" ) --young and blue by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 56 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/67.txd" ) -- slit r* employee engineImportTXD ( skin, 67 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/68.txd" ) -- shredded preist by Deixell engineImportTXD ( skin, 68 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/69.txd" ) --bleedin eyes in denim by Capitanazop engineImportTXD ( skin, 69 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/70.txd" ) --ultra gory scientist by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 70 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/84.txd" ) --guitar wolf (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 84 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/92.txd" ) -- peeled flesh by xbost engineImportTXD ( skin, 92 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/97.txd" ) -- easterboy by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 97 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/105.txd" ) --Scarred Grove Gangster by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 105 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/107.txd" ) --ripped and slashed grove by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 107 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/108.txd" ) -- skeleton thug by Deixell engineImportTXD ( skin, 108 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/111.txd" ) --Frank West from dead rising (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 111 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/126.txd" ) -- bullet ridden wiseguy by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 126 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/127.txd" ) --flyboy from dawn of the dead by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 127 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/128.txd" ) --holy native by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 128 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/152.txd" ) --bitten schoolgirl by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 152 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/162.txd" ) --shirtless redneck by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 162 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/167.txd" ) --dead chickenman by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 167 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/188.txd" ) --burnt greenshirt by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 188 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/192.txd" ) --Alice from resident evil (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 192 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/195.txd" ) --bloody ex by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 195 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/206.txd" ) -- faceless zombie by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 206 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/209.txd" ) --Noodle vendor by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 209 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/212.txd" ) --brainy hobo by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 212 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/229.txd" ) --infected tourist by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 229 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/230.txd" ) --will work for brains hobo by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 230 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/258.txd" ) --bloody sided suburbanite by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 258 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/264.txd" ) --scary clown by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 264 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/274.txd" ) --Ash Williams (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 274 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/277.txd" ) -- gutted firefighter by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 277 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/280.txd" ) --infected cop by Lordy engineImportTXD ( skin, 280 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/287.txd" ) --torn army by Deixell engineImportTXD ( skin, 287 ) end --UPDATES PLAYERS COUNT OF AGGRESIVE ZOMBIES addEventHandler ( "onClientElementDataChange", getRootElement(), function ( dataName ) if getElementType ( source ) == "ped" and dataName == "status" then local thestatus = (getElementData ( source, "status" )) if (thestatus == "idle") or (thestatus == "dead") then for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if ped == source and (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) then setElementData ( ped, "target", nil ) table.remove( myZombies, k) setElementData ( getLocalPlayer(), "dangercount", tonumber(table.getn( myZombies )) ) end end end end end ) --MAKES A ZOMBIE JUMP addEvent( "Zomb_Jump", true ) function Zjump ( ped ) if (isElement(ped)) then setPedControlState( ped, "jump", true ) setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setPedControlState ( ped, "jump", false) end end, 800, 1, ped ) end end Link to comment
Platin Posted January 19, 2015 Author Share Posted January 19, 2015 Necesitamos el código de slothbot, de nada nos sirven las exports. Supongo que el del Zombie, es largo el jodido. Client: myZombies = { } helmetzombies = { 27, 51, 52, 99, 27, 137, 153, 167, 205, 260, 277, 278, 279, 284, 285 } resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement() --FORCES ZOMBIES TO MOVE ALONG AFTER THEIR TARGET PLAYER DIES function playerdead () setTimer ( Zomb_release, 4000, 1 ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), playerdead ) function Zomb_release () for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if (isElement(ped)) then if (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) then setElementData ( ped, "target", nil ) setElementData ( ped, "status", "idle" ) table.remove(myZombies,k) end end end end --REMOVES A ZOMBIE FROM INFLUENCE AFTER ITS KILLED function pedkilled ( killer, weapon, bodypart ) if (getElementData (source, "zombie") == true) and (getElementData (source, "status") ~= "dead" ) then setElementData ( source, "target", nil ) setElementData ( source, "status", "dead" ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPedWasted", getRootElement(), pedkilled ) --THIS CHECKS ALL ZOMBIES EVERY SECOND TO SEE IF THEY ARE IN SIGHT function zombie_check () if (getElementData (getLocalPlayer (), "zombie") ~= true) and ( isPedDead ( getLocalPlayer () ) == false ) then local zombies = getElementsByType ( "ped",getRootElement(),true ) local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) if isPedDucked ( getLocalPlayer ()) then local Pz = Pz-1 end for theKey,theZomb in ipairs(zombies) do if (isElement(theZomb)) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb ) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz) < 45 ) then if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) then if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "status" ) == "idle" ) then --CHECKS IF AN IDLE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == true) then setElementData ( theZomb, "status", "chasing" ) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", getLocalPlayer() ) table.insert( myZombies, theZomb ) --ADDS ZOMBIE TO PLAYERS COLLECTION table.remove( zombies, theKey) zombieradiusalert (theZomb) end elseif (getElementData(theZomb,"status") == "chasing") and (getElementData(theZomb,"target") == nil) then --CHECKS IF AN AGGRESSIVE LOST ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == true) then setElementData ( theZomb, "target", getLocalPlayer() ) isthere = "no" for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if ped == theZomb then isthere = "yes" end end if isthere == "no" then table.insert( myZombies, theZomb ) --ADDS THE WAYWARD ZOMBIE TO THE PLAYERS COLLECTION table.remove( zombies, theKey) end end elseif ( getElementData ( theZomb, "target" ) == getLocalPlayer() ) then --CHECKS IF AN ALREADY AGGRESSIVE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == false) then --IF YOUR ZOMBIE LOST YOU, MAKES IT REMEMBER YOUR LAST COORDS setElementData ( theZomb, "target", nil ) triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, oldPx, oldPy, oldPz) end end end end end end --this second half is for checking peds and zombies local nonzombies = getElementsByType ( "ped",getRootElement(),true ) for theKey,theZomb in ipairs(zombies) do if (isElement(theZomb)) then if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) then local Zx,Zy,Zz = getElementPosition( theZomb ) for theKey,theNonZomb in ipairs(nonzombies) do if (getElementData (theNonZomb, "zombie") ~= true) then -- if the ped isnt a zombie local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( theNonZomb ) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz) < 45 ) then local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz +1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false ) if (isclear == true) and ( getElementHealth ( theNonZomb ) > 0) then if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "status" ) == "idle" ) then --CHECKS IF AN IDLE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, Px, Py, Pz) setElementData ( theZomb, "status", "chasing" ) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", theNonZomb ) zombieradiusalert (theZomb) elseif ( getElementData ( theZomb, "status" ) == "chasing" ) and ( getElementData ( theZomb, "target" ) == nil) then triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, Px, Py, Pz) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", theNonZomb ) end end end if ( getElementData ( theZomb, "target" ) == theNonZomb ) then --CHECKS IF AN ALREADY AGGRESSIVE ZOMBIE IS IN SIGHT OF THE PED local Px,Py,Pz = getElementPosition( theNonZomb ) if (getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(Px, Py, Pz, Zx, Zy, Zz) < 45 ) then local isclear = isLineOfSightClear (Px, Py, Pz+1, Zx, Zy, Zz+1, true, false, false, true, false, false, false) if (isclear == false) then --IF YOUR ZOMBIE LOST THE PED, MAKES IT REMEMBER the peds LAST COORDS triggerServerEvent ("onZombieLostPlayer", theZomb, Px, Py, Pz) setElementData ( theZomb, "target", nil ) end end end end end end end end end for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if (isElement(ped) == false) then table.remove( myZombies, k) end end oldPx,oldPy,oldPz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) end --INITAL SETUP function clientsetupstarter(startedresource) if startedresource == getThisResource() then setTimer ( clientsetup, 1234, 1) MainClientTimer1 = setTimer ( zombie_check, 1000, 0) --STARTS THE TIMER TO CHECK FOR ZOMBIES end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(), clientsetupstarter) function clientsetup() oldPx,oldPy,oldPz = getElementPosition( getLocalPlayer () ) throatcol = createColSphere ( 0, 0, 0, .3) woodpic = guiCreateStaticImage( .65, .06, .1, .12, "zombiewood.png", true ) guiSetVisible ( woodpic, false ) --ALL ZOMBIES STFU local zombies = getElementsByType ( "ped" ) for theKey,theZomb in ipairs(zombies) do if (isElement(theZomb)) then if (getElementData (theZomb, "zombie") == true) then setPedVoice(theZomb, "PED_TYPE_DISABLED") end end end --SKIN REPLACEMENTS local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/13.txd" ) --bleedin eyes 31 by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 13 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/22.txd" ) -- slashed 12 by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 22 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/56.txd" ) --young and blue by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 56 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/67.txd" ) -- slit r* employee engineImportTXD ( skin, 67 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/68.txd" ) -- shredded preist by Deixell engineImportTXD ( skin, 68 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/69.txd" ) --bleedin eyes in denim by Capitanazop engineImportTXD ( skin, 69 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/70.txd" ) --ultra gory scientist by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 70 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/84.txd" ) --guitar wolf (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 84 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/92.txd" ) -- peeled flesh by xbost engineImportTXD ( skin, 92 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/97.txd" ) -- easterboy by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 97 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/105.txd" ) --Scarred Grove Gangster by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 105 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/107.txd" ) --ripped and slashed grove by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 107 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/108.txd" ) -- skeleton thug by Deixell engineImportTXD ( skin, 108 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/111.txd" ) --Frank West from dead rising (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 111 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/126.txd" ) -- bullet ridden wiseguy by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 126 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/127.txd" ) --flyboy from dawn of the dead by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 127 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/128.txd" ) --holy native by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 128 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/152.txd" ) --bitten schoolgirl by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 152 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/162.txd" ) --shirtless redneck by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 162 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/167.txd" ) --dead chickenman by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 167 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/188.txd" ) --burnt greenshirt by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 188 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/192.txd" ) --Alice from resident evil (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 192 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/195.txd" ) --bloody ex by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 195 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/206.txd" ) -- faceless zombie by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 206 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/209.txd" ) --Noodle vendor by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 209 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/212.txd" ) --brainy hobo by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 212 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/229.txd" ) --infected tourist by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 229 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/230.txd" ) --will work for brains hobo by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 230 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/258.txd" ) --bloody sided suburbanite by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 258 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/264.txd" ) --scary clown by 50p engineImportTXD ( skin, 264 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/274.txd" ) --Ash Williams (nonzombie) by Slothman engineImportTXD ( skin, 274 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/277.txd" ) -- gutted firefighter by Wall-E engineImportTXD ( skin, 277 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/280.txd" ) --infected cop by Lordy engineImportTXD ( skin, 280 ) local skin = engineLoadTXD ( "skins/287.txd" ) --torn army by Deixell engineImportTXD ( skin, 287 ) end --UPDATES PLAYERS COUNT OF AGGRESIVE ZOMBIES addEventHandler ( "onClientElementDataChange", getRootElement(), function ( dataName ) if getElementType ( source ) == "ped" and dataName == "status" then local thestatus = (getElementData ( source, "status" )) if (thestatus == "idle") or (thestatus == "dead") then for k, ped in pairs( myZombies ) do if ped == source and (getElementData (ped, "zombie") == true) then setElementData ( ped, "target", nil ) table.remove( myZombies, k) setElementData ( getLocalPlayer(), "dangercount", tonumber(table.getn( myZombies )) ) end end end end end ) --MAKES A ZOMBIE JUMP addEvent( "Zomb_Jump", true ) function Zjump ( ped ) if (isElement(ped)) then setPedControlState( ped, "jump", true ) setTimer ( function (ped) if ( isElement ( ped ) ) then setPedControlState ( ped, "jump", false) end end, 800, 1, ped ) end end Link to comment
Tomas Posted January 19, 2015 Share Posted January 19, 2015 ¿Quién tiene que matar a quién? Los zombies o el slothbot? Link to comment
Platin Posted January 20, 2015 Author Share Posted January 20, 2015 ¿Quién tiene que matar a quién? Los zombies o el slothbot? El Slothbot tiene que matar al zombie, pero este solo lo puede matar si le da la cabeza lo que esta mal, debería de matarlo aunque le dispare en la entrepierna. EDIT: Solucionado Link to comment
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