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Problems with some vehicle functions


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I want to lock a vehicle. I can lock but it only locks when I am inside it because of the:

local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(Player)

code. Any way to make it even if you aren't inside it? And, when I lock the vehicle inside, I still can get out without unlocking. Any way to fix this?

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You need to save element of car in player element data. While creating car for player, or while first enter, or while player targeting the car. There is many possibilities.

Those in lua are just examples of couple function that you can use to get car element.


Or you can just setDataElement for car with owner serial, then loop through all cars searching for the right one with owner serial. Yep but this is less efficient way.

For exiting you need to check if car is locked on onClientVehicleStartExit event if yes then cancelEvent() with information.


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Two brothers playing MTA on the same computer will have the same serial (even if they are not using the same user session)

Yeah, so I guess I should use setElementData ? Maybe like, setElementData(theVehicle "owner") ? Or setAccountData or sth? I am going to use MySQL for this problems but I am new for MySQL

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Two brothers playing MTA on the same computer will have the same serial (even if they are not using the same user session)

Yeah, so I guess I should use setElementData ? Maybe like, setElementData(theVehicle "owner") ? Or setAccountData or sth? I am going to use MySQL for this problems but I am new for MySQL

Well you can use setVehiclePlateText and getVehiclePlateText, then just add setElementData to owner of the car text-plate + serial, so you will avoid, doing it by nickname and what Citizen said.

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You can define a lastVehicle variable on client-side using onClientVehicleEnter. And using a command handler on client-side, trigger a server event to lock the vehicle while passing the lastVehicle userdata.

Didn't read carefully the rest of the replies.

local lastVehicle 
function defineLastVehicle() 
    lastVehicle = source 
addEventHandler ("onClientVehicleEnter", root, defineLastVehicle) 

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