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[REL] Car Spawners 1.0


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Yo everyone, i was amazed by the feedback on my last resource that i went out and made this one, these are what most people call, Car Spawners. Let me jump into this.

This resource adds vehicle spawning markers to every hospital in San Andreas. To use it, just go to a marker in whatever hospital, walk into it, and spawn your vehicle, really easy.

What does this do?

-Well first of all this script uses tables to store vehicle names in them, check spawner_c.lua to see more.

-This resource spawns vehicles that are selected in the gridlist when you are in the appropriate marker.

What is the purpose of this?

-This script was intended for roleplay servers that want vehicle spawners in front of every hospital.

Installation Guide:

-Step 1: Locate your MTA San Andreas Folder.

-Step 2: Open your downloaded Zip File.

-Step 3: In your MTA Folder head over to your resources folder, which should be server\mods\deathmatch\resources.

-Step 4: In the resource folder, just drop the Zip file in this very folder.

-Step 5: Head into your server, press F8, and type "refresh" without the ".

-Step 6: Then type start

-Step 7: Enjoy.

NOTE: I didn't copy this script from anybody.

NOTE2: You are free to edit this script as long as you keep the credits.

NOTE3: I forgot to add a screenshot to the script on the community.

TIP: To add more vehicles, just add the names in the table, and do some copying and that's it (Idk if i explained that normally lol)

Screenshot: http://postimg.org/image/onpvjubhb/

-Version 1.0

First Release.

--Plans for future versions:

-To add a command to destroy the spawned vehicle.

Download Link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=10686

If you liked this script, please, give me some feedback and maybe even suggestions on what to do, this is the second big thing i made by now. Im out. Peace

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As you're using a grid list, it's kind of pointless to use 5 different event's to trigger server side, vehicle names are already in the grid list and can be passed to the server side part and then converted into an object id using:

int getVehicleModelFromName ( string name ) 

Except for that the code is clean and the documentation well made.

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