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Get Players On Team


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Yes, first of all you need to get all player elements and then check their team. After that, add them to a table. For example;

-- Define the table. 
local mtaTeamPlayers = {}; 
-- First of all, fetch all current player elements 
local allPlayers = getElementsByType("player"); 
-- Then loop through all players and check their team name 
for k, v in ipairs(allPlayers) do 
    if(getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(v)) == "MTA") then 
        -- If their team name matches the one you want, get their player name and store it in a local variable 
        local playerName = getPlayerName(v); 
        -- Insert their name into our previously defined table 
        table.insert(mtaTeamPlayers, #mtaTeamPlayers, playerName); 

Of course that's just an example. You'll have to make code which updates the table whenever a player join and quits. You'll also have to loop through the table to draw their names using dxDrawText.


Or use the function manawydan suggested :P

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Aahah thx :D but what should I put in the client? Cuz i'm not good to script

i should use on server like that?

for k, v in ipairs(allPlayers) do 
    if(getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(v)) == "team[1]") then 
        local playerName = getPlayerName(v) 
        table.insert(mtaTeamPlayers, #mtaTeamPlayers, playerName); 
        triggerClientEvent (source, "TriggerToClient", g_Root, mtaTeamPlayers) 

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function () 
local team = getPlayerTeam(localPlayer) 
if not(team)then return end 
local players = getPlayersInTeam(team) 
for _,v in ipairs(players)do 
dxDrawText (getPlayerName(v), x + 60, 420, x, y, tocolor( 255, 255, 255 ), 1, "default-bold" ) 

Edited by Guest
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