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Getting disconnected from server: CD16 -Pls help!



Hi All,

From past few months i'm facing this problem & this is seriously annoying :x !

Well, i keep getting disconnected from the Server after every 15-20 mins - Reason:

Before getting disconnected i get 'Network loss: Controls Disabled'


this error blinks on my screen for 2 seconds and then i get disconnected. I get this error all the time after getting disconnected:


I mostly play CIT server, though this happens in all the servers.

I first thought, it might be my net fault. but even after getting disconnected from the game i can use net, there happens to be no disconnection.

I have tried re-installing GTA, MTA - nothing changed. :cry:

can anyone help me out from this problem?

a sure shot remedy plz?

PS: A month ago I fixed my PC - new hard disc, got a decent net speed plan (1 MBPS).

My FPS is good - 55-60 FPS and ping is around 120-130(To be honest, its is the best ping any player can have in India).

And use an Wired connection, not Wireless

Also, i can't use the command /ping in Command prompt, my ISP has disabled it from his end.

Thanks in advance.

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This can happen when an ISP thinks that the game network traffic is P2P and gives it a low priority. Does the problem occur at all times of the day?

Hi Ccw,

Thanks for your reply :)

Actually, in the morning hours I sometimes get disconnected like after 20-40 mins. And sometimes right after I connect or max after 10mins.

Could you pls pls tell me how to get out of this problem? :(

Desperately waiting for an solution.

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1) Check your computer drivers are up to date. Esp. network related.

2) What is the make/model of your router?

3) Tell your ISP the problem. They might know why it is happening.

1. Yes it is, everything is upto date.

2. I had first tried a direct net connection to CPU(without modem), I faced this same issue. I have changed 2 modems in the past 2 months. Yet getting same problem :(

My current modem(got 2 weeks ago) is of NetGear. Not sure about its model(will check it after going home).

3. Already did 4-5 times, all they say is "everything is fine at our end, maybe game server is the problem. Play any other online game and let us know".

And my net doesn't get disconnected /drops while playing any other online game. :/

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Please download and run MTADiag and follow the instructions. If MTADiag doesn't launch, please install Visual C++ 2012 runtimes (download and install vcredist_x86.exe) and try again.

Press 'n' when asked.

Post any Pastebin URL MTADiag gives you.


when i let MTADiag run, it started downloading "latest patch for MTA" - After downloading & half way installing i got this error


Also, my MTA is up to date.


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UPDATE: I played Counter strike online for continuous 3 hours, not a single network problem. so that means it is not a net problem? it is something related to MTA :?:

Please help me out, any patch that can fix this problem? or you can check at your end if anything is wrong? there are many players who face this problem but are lazy asses to get this problem highlighted.

Also, did my MTA log prove anything?

Hope to see your reply :cry:

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Try this update for your network adapter:

https://downloadcenter.intel.com/Detail ... 6〈=eng

Bear in mind that MTA network traffic is different to Counter strike network traffic, and it might be treated differently (i.e. given a low priority)

However, I will check MTA and see if anything can be done - but it will take some time.

I know i'm troubling you a lot, but could you please tell me how to update my network adapter?

This is what it is given in the folder

82579VSKU.exe Version 1.2.2

Tool to update the NVRAM for the Intel® 82579V Gigabit Ethernet PHY

Copyright © 2012 Intel Corporation

Three tools are included, to support three different operation systems (Windows 32 bit; Windows 64 bit; DOS).

Steps to run the update tool:

1. Download the utility from the Intel download center

2. Select the correct tool file name based on the operating system installed

3. Open a command prompt window with administrator privileges

4. Run the executable file from the common prompt

5. The NVM image will be updated. Reboot the computer for best results.

Usage: [Tool_file_name] [options]

-log [filename] - generate log info

-report [filename] - generate report file

-nosilent - display the user interface

Example command line using the Windows* 64 bit operating system:

82579VSKUW64e -nosilent

and this is the command i used in CMD -


nothing happened.

Yes please bro, check at your end too.

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Hi Ccw,

Thanks for the new patch (Installing) :) - Will let you know.

EDIT: Still facing the same problem :(

Also, i had a talk with my ISP and he asked me to provide him the link of MTA/GTA. He will forward it to the end ISP and ask him to check the traffic this game creates. So could you please guide me what should i mail him? link and what more info?

Thanks in advance. :)

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  • MTA Team

1) Tell your ISP the server IP and port you connect to.

2) In the latest update, set this option: Settings->Advanced->Packet tag->On

That will prepend all network packets with the word 'mtasa' - You can tell your ISP that as well.

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i got this problem and I fixed it , what you have to do is to uninstall both mta and gta , and when you install gta and mta again make sure you put them in D driver disk , I guess they were in C driver ,remove and install them to D driver .

You got this problem because you kept changing mods several times . Try this solution cuz it worked for me .

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1) Tell your ISP the server IP and port you connect to.

2) In the latest update, set this option: Settings->Advanced->Packet tag->On

That will prepend all network packets with the word 'mtasa' - You can tell your ISP that as well.

Sorry, i didn't get it properly.

you mean i should provide my ISP with CIT's ip ? (As i currently play only that server) and what do you mean by port?

Yes, i did that - How can i show the traffic to my ISP ?

My questions might be very stupid, but i'm really sorry i ain't that technically sound.

i got this problem and I fixed it , what you have to do is to uninstall both mta and gta , and when you install gta and mta again make sure you put them in D driver disk , I guess they were in C driver ,remove and install them to D driver .

You got this problem because you kept changing mods several times . Try this solution cuz it worked for me .

Many thanks, will try this too.

Will Update soon.....

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