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You can compile at https://luac.multitheftauto.com, decompile is hard, almost impossible and you shouldn't need any reason to do so. If you're running on Linux and has many files to compile this might help you.

# Grand Theft Walrus: auto compiler v.1.4.132 
# Global settings 
recurse() { 
  for i in "$1"/*; do 
    if [ -d "$i" ]; then 
      sleep 1  # Do not remove! 
      recurse "$i" 
    elif [ -f "$i" ]; then 
      # Compile if lua file 
      if [ ${i: -4} == ".lua" ]; then 
        cp $i $i$BAK 
        ./luac_mta -s -e -o $i$EXT $i 
        echo "[Compiling] $i" 
        sudo chown nobody:nogroup $i 
      # Replace lua with luac in meta.xml 
      elif [ ${i: -8} == "meta.xml" ]; then 
        cp $i $i$BAK 
        sed -i 's/.lua/.luac/g' $i 
# Information and status 
./luac_mta -v 
recurse $FILES 
echo "Compiler finished successfully!" 

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Okay , if i compile my lua file , it is safe ? i mean , can people stole my script ? Sorry bad english

Most of the majority don't know how to decrypt/decompile a script, www.luac.multitheftauto.com can be decompiled but only a few people know how to do that. Compiling a script can cause some problems on some servers but if you don't want your code to be stolen, compile it at your own risk. Btw, people don't like compiled scripts because they are not editable.

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  • 1 month later...

Make it a script file first:

nano compiler 

Paste the code and edit the search paths to match the directory layout on your VPS, make it executable and finally, run.

sudo chmod +x compiler 

the 'luac_mta' application must be downloaded and extracted in the same directory as this script in order to make this work, it's not tested yet so make a backup of your files before using it.

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