hola me preguntaba si por favor me pueden ayudar con este problemilla con este resourse.
gracias de antemano.
Lo que pasa es que tengo un resourse de vip que permite dar items a ti mismo y a otros jugadores y yo quiero que solo me pueda dar items a mi mismo y no a otros jugadores.
He intentado editarlo varias veces pero no funciono, por favor me ayudan serian de gran ayuda.
addEvent("onGIPOpened", true)
local sW, sH = guiGetScreenSize() -- // Variables needed to know the width and height.
local w =
gridList = {},
label = {},
editBox = {},
button = {},
comboBox = {}
local items =
["Armas"] = {
--"M136 Rocket Launcher",
--"Heat-Seeking RPG",
"Lee Enfield",
"CZ 550",
"SPAZ-12 Combat Shotgun",
"Sawn-Off Shotgun",
"Winchester 1866",
"M9 SD",
"Desert Eagle",
"Tear Gas",
"Baseball Bat",
"Golf Club",
"Hunting Knife",
["Municion"] = {
--"M136 Rocket",
"M4 Mag",
"AK Mag",
"Lee Enfield Mag",
"CZ 550 Mag",
"MP5A5 Mag",
"PDW Mag",
"SPAZ-12 Pellet",
"2Rnd. Slug",
"1866 Slug",
"M9 SD Mag",
"M911 Mag",
"Desert Eagle Mag"
["Comida y bebidas"] = {
"Water Bottle",
"Pasta Can",
"Beans Can",
"Soda Bottle",
"Empty Water Bottle",
"Empty Soda Cans",
"Scruffy Burgers",
"Raw Meat",
"Cooked Meat"
["Mochilas"] = {
"Coyote Backpack",
"Czech Backpack",
"Assault Pack (ACU)",
"Alice Pack"
["Herramientas"] = {
"Box of Matches",
"Infrared Goggles",
"Night Vision Goggles",
"Radio Device"
["Medicinas"] = {
"Medic Kit",
"Heat Pack",
"Blood Bag",
["Partes de autos"] = {
"Tank Parts"
["Skins"] = {
"Camouflage[M] Clothing",
"Civilian[M] Clothing",
"Camouflage[F] Clothing",
"Survivor[M] Clothing",
"Ghillie[M] Suit",
"Civilian[F] Clothing",
"Survivor[F] Clothing",
"Ghillie[F] Suit"
["Otros"] = {
"Wood Pile",
"Empty Gas Canister",
"Full Gas Canister",
local isItemSelected = false
-- // Window creation code --
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot,
w.main = guiCreateWindow(sW/2 - 179, sH/2 - 165, 358, 330, "Panel de Items [DeathRow]", false)
guiWindowSetSizable(w.main, false)
guiSetAlpha(w.main, 1.00)
w.gridList.main = guiCreateGridList(10, 26, 151, 291, false, w.main)
w.gridList.column = guiGridListAddColumn( w.gridList.main, "Player", 0.85 )
w.label.desc = guiCreateLabel(176, 26, 178, 22, "Choose a player from the GUI", false, w.main)
guiSetFont(w.label.desc, "default-bold-small")
w.label.desc2 = guiCreateLabel(233, 210, 60, 22, "Cantidad", false, w.main)
guiSetFont(w.label.desc2, "default-bold-small")
w.comboBox.category = guiCreateComboBox(171, 65, 266, 160, "-- Choose a category --", false, w.main)
w.comboBox.itemList = guiCreateComboBox(171, 145, 266, 50, "-- Choose an item --", false, w.main)
w.editBox.quantity = guiCreateEdit(231, 234, 55, 26, "", false, w.main)
w.button.give = guiCreateButton(176, 280, 77, 37, "Give", false, w.main)
w.button.close = guiCreateButton(263, 280, 77, 37, "Close", false, w.main)
guiSetFont(w.button.give, "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(w.button.give, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA")
guiSetFont(w.button.close, "default-bold-small")
guiSetProperty(w.button.close, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA")
guiSetVisible(w.main, false)
guiSetEnabled(w.button.give, false)
for key, value in pairs (items) do
if type(value) == "table" then
guiComboBoxAddItem(w.comboBox.category, key)
-- // Making quantity be only edited by numbers --
addEventHandler("onClientGUIChanged", w.editBox.quantity,
guiSetText(source, guiGetText(source):gsub("[^0-9]","")) -- // We remove everything which is not a number
-- // Changing second combobox items when first one changes --
addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", w.comboBox.category,
local text = guiComboBoxGetItemText(w.comboBox.category, guiComboBoxGetSelected(w.comboBox.category))
for i, st in ipairs(items[text]) do
guiComboBoxAddItem(w.comboBox.itemList, st)
guiComboBoxAdjustHeight(w.comboBox.itemList, #items[text])
end )
-- // Showing item when second one was accepted. --
addEventHandler("onClientGUIComboBoxAccepted", w.comboBox.itemList,
isItemSelected = true
end )
-- // Handling button that closes. --
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", w.button.close,
guiSetVisible(w.main, false)
end, false )
-- // Handling give button. --
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", w.button.give,
local playerName = guiGridListGetItemText(w.gridList.main, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(w.gridList.main), 1)
local item = guiComboBoxGetItemText(w.comboBox.itemList, guiComboBoxGetSelected(w.comboBox.itemList))
if (getPlayerFromName(playerName)) then
triggerServerEvent("onGIPGive", localPlayer, playerName, item, tonumber(guiGetText(w.editBox.quantity)))
outputChatBox("El jugador no existe, o se cambio el nombre", 255, 0, 0)
guiSetVisible(w.main, true)
end, false )
addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", w.gridList.main, check)
end )
-- // Remi-X function. Sets height depending on item quantity --
function guiComboBoxAdjustHeight ( combobox, itemcount )
local width = guiGetSize ( combobox, false )
return guiSetSize ( combobox, width, ( itemcount * 20 ) + 20, false )
-- // Handling when the administrator opens the panel --
-- // Handling when the administrator opens the panel --
addEventHandler("onGIPOpened", root,
guiGridListClear ( w.gridList.main )
guiSetEnabled(w.button.give, false)
isItemSelected = false
for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do
if player ~= localplayer then
local row = guiGridListAddRow ( w.gridList.main )
guiGridListSetItemText ( w.gridList.main, row, w.gridList.column, getPlayerName ( player ), false, false )
guiSetVisible(w.main, true)
end )
function check()
if guiGetText(w.editBox.quantity) ~= "" and isItemSelected and guiGridListGetItemText(w.gridList.main, guiGridListGetSelectedItem(w.gridList.main), 1) ~= "" then -- // If there's quantity
guiSetEnabled(w.button.give, true) -- // We enable the button
hola me preguntaba si por favor me pueden ayudar con este problemilla con este resourse.
gracias de antemano.
Lo que pasa es que tengo un resourse de vip que permite dar items a ti mismo y a otros jugadores y yo quiero que solo me pueda dar items a mi mismo y no a otros jugadores.
He intentado editarlo varias veces pero no funciono, por favor me ayudan serian de gran ayuda.
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