Narutimmy Posted September 28, 2014 Share Posted September 28, 2014 Hola tengo un problema Pasa que lo tengo dividido los IF entre Armas Primarias, secundarios y tercerias... El problema es que si disparo la primera me resta las balas de la primera (bien) pero tambien de la secundaria y tercearia... igual si lanzo una granada (tercearia) me resta balas a la primaria... y asi. Si ago un solo if se detiene la verificacion, osea mmm Si por ejemplo no tengo arma primaria equipada verifica la segunda y si si tengo sedunda ya no verifica la tercera. si si tengo la primera no verifica segunda y tercera. Como puedo hacer function weaponSwitch(weapon) if source == getLocalPlayer() then ----PRIMARIWEAPON local wpn = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_1") if wpn == "BM16" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "BM16 Pellet") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "BM16 Pellet", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "BM16 Pellet") - 1) end elseif wpn == ".50 Barret" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), ".50 Barret Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), ".50 Barret Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), ".50 Barret Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn == "Sig550" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Sig550 Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Sig550 Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Sig550 Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn == "Gauss Rifle" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Gauss Rifle Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Gauss Rifle Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Gauss Rifle Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn == "M-14 Camouflage Grid" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "M-14 Camouflage Grid Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "M-14 Camouflage Grid Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "M-14 Camouflage Grid Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn == "Thompson 1928" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Thompson 1928 Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Thompson 1928 Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Thompson 1928 Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn == "Type 99" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Type 99 Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Type 99 Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Type 99 Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn == "Ak74" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "AK Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "AK Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "AK Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn == "Hammerhead 47" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "14mm Ammo") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "14mm Ammo", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "14mm Ammo") - 1) end elseif wpn == "LR300" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "LR300 Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "LR300 Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "LR300 Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn == "GAU-19" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "GAU-19 Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "GAU-19 Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "GAU-19 Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn == "TOS 34" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "TOS 34 Pellet") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "TOS 34 Pellet", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "TOS 34 Pellet") - 1) end elseif wpn == "SPSA 14" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "SPSA 14 Pellet") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "SPSA 14 Pellet", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "SPSA 14 Pellet") - 1) end elseif wpn == "SVDm 2" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "SVDm 2 Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "SVDm 2 Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "SVDm 2 Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn == "Ballesta" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Ballesta Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Ballesta Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Ballesta Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn == "Heat-Seeking RPG" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "M136 Rocket") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "M136 Rocket", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "M136 Rocket") - 1) end elseif wpn == "M136 Rocket Launcher" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "M136 Rocket") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "M136 Rocket", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "M136 Rocket") - 1) end end ---SECUNDARYWEAPON local wpn2 = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_2") if wpn2 == "Nailgun" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Nails") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Nails", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Nails") - 1) end elseif wpn2 == "Taser" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Taser Battery") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Taser Battery", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Taser Battery") - 1) end --- elseif wpn2 == "PB1s" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "PB1s Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "PB1s Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "PB1s Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn2 == "Berta" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Berta Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Berta Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Berta Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn2 == "Desert Eagle" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Desert Eagle") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Desert Eagle Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Desert Eagle Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn2 == "PDW" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "PDW Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "PDW Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "PDW Mag") - 1) end elseif wpn2 == "Viper 5" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Viper 5") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Viper 5 Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Viper 5 Mag") - 1) end end ---TERCER WAPON --- local wpn3 = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_3") if wpn3 == "Parachute" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Parachute") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Parachute", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Parachute") - 1) end elseif wpn3 == "Grenade" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Grenade") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Grenade", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Grenade") - 1) end elseif wpn3 == "Tear Gas" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Tear Gas") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Tear Gas", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "Tear Gas") - 1) end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), weaponSwitch) Link to comment
Tomas Posted September 28, 2014 Share Posted September 28, 2014 Los elseif son leídos si el IF de arriba returna false, es como un else pero con él puedes no se como decirlo... comparar, comprobar, esas cosas que haces con un if ej: function lalala() if (1+1) == 3 then print("The code says: 1+1 = 3") -- Esto nunca se interpretará porque 1+1 = 2 y en el IF indica que si 1+1 = 3 esto aparecerá. elseif (2+2) = 4 then print("The code says: 2+2 = 4") -- Como el primer IF returnó false se prosigue con el ELSEIF end end Link to comment
Narutimmy Posted September 28, 2014 Author Share Posted September 28, 2014 Los elseif son leídos si el IF de arriba returna false, es como un else pero con él puedes no se como decirlo... comparar, comprobar, esas cosas que haces con un if ej: function lalala() if (1+1) == 3 then print("The code says: 1+1 = 3") -- Esto nunca se interpretará porque 1+1 = 2 y en el IF indica que si 1+1 = 3 esto aparecerá. elseif (2+2) = 4 then print("The code says: 2+2 = 4") -- Como el primer IF returnó false se prosigue con el ELSEIF end end mas o menos eso fue lo que dije pero no lo se explicar , en fin que podria hacer? Link to comment
Mr.Aleks Posted September 28, 2014 Share Posted September 28, 2014 ¿Probaste a hacerlo así?: local wpn = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_1") if wpn == "BM16" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "BM16 Pellet") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "BM16 Pellet", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "BM16 Pellet") - 1) end end if wpn == ".50 Barret" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), ".50 Barret Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), ".50 Barret Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), ".50 Barret Mag") - 1) end end Link to comment
Narutimmy Posted September 29, 2014 Author Share Posted September 29, 2014 ¿Probaste a hacerlo así?: local wpn = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_1") if wpn == "BM16" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "BM16 Pellet") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "BM16 Pellet", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "BM16 Pellet") - 1) end end if wpn == ".50 Barret" then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), ".50 Barret Mag") > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), ".50 Barret Mag", getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), ".50 Barret Mag") - 1) end end si de echo fue la primera forma que intente funciona bien pero se desaparece municion del inventario Link to comment
Bc# Posted September 29, 2014 Share Posted September 29, 2014 Para esto lo mas simple es usar tablas. De 150 lineas te lo reduje a 30 aprox: weapons = {} weapons[1] = {"BM16 Pellet",".50 Barret Mag","Sig550 Mag","Gauss Rifle Mag","M-14 Camouflage Grid Mag", "Thompson 1928 Mag","Type 99 Mag","AK Mag","14mm Ammo","LR300 Mag","GAU-19 Mag","TOS 34 Pellet", "SPSA 14 Pellet","SVDm 2 Mag", "Ballesta Mag","M136 Rocket","M136 Rocket"} weapons[2] = {"Nails","Taser Battery","PB1s Mag","Berta Mag","Desert Eagle","PDW Mag","Viper 5"} weapons[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} wpn = {} wpn[1] = {"BM16",".50 Barret","Sig550","Gauss Rifle","M-14 Camouflage Grid","Thompson 1928","Type 99", "Ak74","Hammerhead 47","LR300","GAU-19","TOS 34","SPSA 14","SVDm 2","Ballesta","Heat-Seeking RPG", "M136 Rocket Launcher"} wpn[2] = {"Nailgun","Taser","PB1s","Berta","Desert Eagle","PDW","Viper 5"} wpn[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} function weaponSwitch(weapon) if source == getLocalPlayer() then for i = 1, 3 do for j = 1, #weapons[i] do local wpnID = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_"..i) if wpnID == wpn[i][j] then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j], getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) - 1) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), weaponSwitch) Link to comment
Narutimmy Posted September 29, 2014 Author Share Posted September 29, 2014 Para esto lo mas simple es usar tablas.De 150 lineas te lo reduje a 30 aprox: weapons = {} weapons[1] = {"BM16 Pellet",".50 Barret Mag","Sig550 Mag","Gauss Rifle Mag","M-14 Camouflage Grid Mag", "Thompson 1928 Mag","Type 99 Mag","AK Mag","14mm Ammo","LR300 Mag","GAU-19 Mag","TOS 34 Pellet", "SPSA 14 Pellet","SVDm 2 Mag", "Ballesta Mag","M136 Rocket","M136 Rocket"} weapons[2] = {"Nails","Taser Battery","PB1s Mag","Berta Mag","Desert Eagle","PDW Mag","Viper 5"} weapons[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} wpn = {} wpn[1] = {"BM16",".50 Barret","Sig550","Gauss Rifle","M-14 Camouflage Grid","Thompson 1928","Type 99", "Ak74","Hammerhead 47","LR300","GAU-19","TOS 34","SPSA 14","SVDm 2","Ballesta","Heat-Seeking RPG", "M136 Rocket Launcher"} wpn[2] = {"Nailgun","Taser","PB1s","Berta","Desert Eagle","PDW","Viper 5"} wpn[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} function weaponSwitch(weapon) if source == getLocalPlayer() then for i = 1, 3 do for j = 1, #weapons[i] do local wpnID = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_"..i) if wpnID == wpn[i][j] then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j], getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) - 1) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), weaponSwitch) wow... no sabia que se podia hacer eso, lo voy a probar y te aviso, tendras alguna guia de como usarlas? EDIT: Bueno e probado y de funcionar funciona en cuanto a que 150 lines a 30. pero el bug persiste Link to comment
Bc# Posted September 30, 2014 Share Posted September 30, 2014 Quizás con un break te funcione, aunque no se si funciona el break en lua. weapons = {} weapons[1] = {"BM16 Pellet",".50 Barret Mag","Sig550 Mag","Gauss Rifle Mag","M-14 Camouflage Grid Mag", "Thompson 1928 Mag","Type 99 Mag","AK Mag","14mm Ammo","LR300 Mag","GAU-19 Mag","TOS 34 Pellet", "SPSA 14 Pellet","SVDm 2 Mag", "Ballesta Mag","M136 Rocket","M136 Rocket"} weapons[2] = {"Nails","Taser Battery","PB1s Mag","Berta Mag","Desert Eagle","PDW Mag","Viper 5"} weapons[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} wpn = {} wpn[1] = {"BM16",".50 Barret","Sig550","Gauss Rifle","M-14 Camouflage Grid","Thompson 1928","Type 99", "Ak74","Hammerhead 47","LR300","GAU-19","TOS 34","SPSA 14","SVDm 2","Ballesta","Heat-Seeking RPG", "M136 Rocket Launcher"} wpn[2] = {"Nailgun","Taser","PB1s","Berta","Desert Eagle","PDW","Viper 5"} wpn[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} function weaponSwitch(weapon) if source == getLocalPlayer() then for i = 1, 3 do for j = 1, #weapons[i] do local wpnID = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_"..i) if wpnID == wpn[i][j] then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j], getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) - 1) break end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), weaponSwitch) Link to comment
Tomas Posted September 30, 2014 Share Posted September 30, 2014 Siempre me pregunté que hacía el break y el while, ya que tu estudias esto nos podrías enseñar c; Link to comment
Narutimmy Posted September 30, 2014 Author Share Posted September 30, 2014 Quizás con un break te funcione, aunque no se si funciona el break en lua. weapons = {} weapons[1] = {"BM16 Pellet",".50 Barret Mag","Sig550 Mag","Gauss Rifle Mag","M-14 Camouflage Grid Mag", "Thompson 1928 Mag","Type 99 Mag","AK Mag","14mm Ammo","LR300 Mag","GAU-19 Mag","TOS 34 Pellet", "SPSA 14 Pellet","SVDm 2 Mag", "Ballesta Mag","M136 Rocket","M136 Rocket"} weapons[2] = {"Nails","Taser Battery","PB1s Mag","Berta Mag","Desert Eagle","PDW Mag","Viper 5"} weapons[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} wpn = {} wpn[1] = {"BM16",".50 Barret","Sig550","Gauss Rifle","M-14 Camouflage Grid","Thompson 1928","Type 99", "Ak74","Hammerhead 47","LR300","GAU-19","TOS 34","SPSA 14","SVDm 2","Ballesta","Heat-Seeking RPG", "M136 Rocket Launcher"} wpn[2] = {"Nailgun","Taser","PB1s","Berta","Desert Eagle","PDW","Viper 5"} wpn[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} function weaponSwitch(weapon) if source == getLocalPlayer() then for i = 1, 3 do for j = 1, #weapons[i] do local wpnID = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_"..i) if wpnID == wpn[i][j] then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j], getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) - 1) break end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), weaponSwitch) he Probado y tampoco funcione me parece que es porque al tener arma Primaria y Secundaria ("currentweapon_") esta pasando, lo que hace falta es algo que verifique que arma tengo equipada y en base a eso continuar. EDIT: Dudo funcione pero me refiero a algo asi... como lo ago? weapons = {} weapons[1] = {"BM16 Pellet",".50 Barret Mag","Sig550 Mag","Gauss Rifle Mag","M-14 Camouflage Grid Mag", "Thompson 1928 Mag","Type 99 Mag","AK Mag","14mm Ammo","LR300 Mag","GAU-19 Mag","TOS 34 Pellet", "SPSA 14 Pellet","SVDm 2 Mag", "Ballesta Mag","M136 Rocket","M136 Rocket"} weapons[2] = {"Nails","Taser Battery","PB1s Mag","Berta Mag","Desert Eagle","PDW Mag","Viper 5"} weapons[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} wpn = {} wpn[1] = {"BM16",".50 Barret","Sig550","Gauss Rifle","M-14 Camouflage Grid","Thompson 1928","Type 99", "Ak74","Hammerhead 47","LR300","GAU-19","TOS 34","SPSA 14","SVDm 2","Ballesta","Heat-Seeking RPG", "M136 Rocket Launcher"} wpn[2] = {"Nailgun","Taser","PB1s","Berta","Desert Eagle","PDW","Viper 5"} wpn[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} Primary[1] = {"25,26,27,30,31,33,34,35,36,37,38"} Secundary[2] = {"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,22,23,24,28,29,32"} Tercery[3] = {"16,17,18,39,46"} function weaponSwitch(weapon) if source == getLocalPlayer() then for i = 1, 3 do for j = 1, #weapons[i] do local wpnID = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_"..i) if wpnID == wpn[i][j] then if weapon == Primary[1] then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[1]) > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[1], getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[1]) - 1) break end elseif weapon == Secundary[1] then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[2]) > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[2], getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[2]) - 1) break end elseif weapon == Tercery[3] then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[3]) > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[3], getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[3]) - 1) break end end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), weaponSwitch) Link to comment
Bc# Posted September 30, 2014 Share Posted September 30, 2014 Creo que no entiendes bien el concepto de un for, simplemente es un for por cada dimensión, si deseas agregar otra dimensión tienes que agregar otro for, así te ahorras poner tantos elseif. La verdad no entendí mucho lo que quisiste hacer. Prueba esto: PD: te recomiendo que aprendas a trabajar con tablas y for, es difícil de entender, pero te simplifican mucho los trabajos. weapons = {} weapons[1] = {"BM16 Pellet",".50 Barret Mag","Sig550 Mag","Gauss Rifle Mag","M-14 Camouflage Grid Mag", "Thompson 1928 Mag","Type 99 Mag","AK Mag","14mm Ammo","LR300 Mag","GAU-19 Mag","TOS 34 Pellet", "SPSA 14 Pellet","SVDm 2 Mag", "Ballesta Mag","M136 Rocket","M136 Rocket"} weapons[2] = {"Nails","Taser Battery","PB1s Mag","Berta Mag","Desert Eagle","PDW Mag","Viper 5"} weapons[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} wpn = {} wpn[1] = {"BM16",".50 Barret","Sig550","Gauss Rifle","M-14 Camouflage Grid","Thompson 1928","Type 99", "Ak74","Hammerhead 47","LR300","GAU-19","TOS 34","SPSA 14","SVDm 2","Ballesta","Heat-Seeking RPG", "M136 Rocket Launcher"} wpn[2] = {"Nailgun","Taser","PB1s","Berta","Desert Eagle","PDW","Viper 5"} wpn[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} current={} current[1] = {"25,26,27,30,31,33,34,35,36,37,38"} current[2] = {"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,22,23,24,28,29,32"} current[3] = {"16,17,18,39,46"} function weaponSwitch(weapon) if source == getLocalPlayer() then for i = 1, 3 do for j = 1, #weapons[i] do local wpnID = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_"..i) if wpnID == wpn[i][j] then for k = 1, 3 do if weapon == current[k][j] then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j], getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) - 1) end end end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), weaponSwitch) Link to comment
MTA Team 0xCiBeR Posted September 30, 2014 MTA Team Share Posted September 30, 2014 Los elseif son leídos si el IF de arriba returna false, es como un else pero con él puedes no se como decirlo... comparar, comprobar, esas cosas que haces con un if Los elseif son leídos aunque el primer IF devuelva true o false. La única manera que no sea leído es si interrumpes el condicional. En cuanto al break si funciona en Lua, se utiliza para interrumpir un loop. Si consideramos que un loop por ejemplo, "loopea" unas 5 veces, y queremos interrumpir el loop a la 3era vez, utilizamos un break. En otras palabras completa el loop antes de tiempo. El while se utiliza como condicional en un loop, para establecer que mientras un valor es verdadero (true), se sigue ejecutando el loop, de lo contrario no lo hará. Link to comment
Narutimmy Posted September 30, 2014 Author Share Posted September 30, 2014 Fue una manera muy sucia y probe a prueba y error... pero... Funciono Gracias por ayudarme weapons = {} weapons[1] = {"BM16 Pellet",".50 Barret Mag","Sig550 Mag","Gauss Rifle Mag","M-14 Camouflage Grid Mag", "Thompson 1928 Mag","Type 99 Mag","AK Mag","14mm Ammo","LR300 Mag","GAU-19 Mag","TOS 34 Pellet", "SPSA 14 Pellet","SVDm 2 Mag", "Ballesta Mag","M136 Rocket","M136 Rocket"} weapons[2] = {"Nails","Taser Battery","PB1s Mag","Berta Mag","Desert Eagle","PDW Mag","Viper 5"} weapons[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} wpn = {} wpn[1] = {"BM16",".50 Barret","Sig550","Gauss Rifle","M-14 Camouflage Grid","Thompson 1928","Type 99", "Ak74","Hammerhead 47","LR300","GAU-19","TOS 34","SPSA 14","SVDm 2","Ballesta","Heat-Seeking RPG", "M136 Rocket Launcher"} wpn[2] = {"Nailgun","Taser","PB1s","Berta","Desert Eagle","PDW","Viper 5"} wpn[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} function weaponSwitch(weapon) if source == getLocalPlayer() then for i = 1, 3 do for j = 1, #weapons[i] do local ID = 0 if weapon == 25 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 26 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 27 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 29 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 30 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 31 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 33 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 33 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 35 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 36 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 37 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 38 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 1 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 2 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 3 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 4 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 5 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 6 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 7 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 8 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 22 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 24 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 28 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 29 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 32 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 16 then ID = 3 elseif weapon == 17 then ID = 3 elseif weapon == 18 then ID = 3 elseif weapon == 39 then ID = 3 elseif weapon == 46 then ID = 3 end local wpnID = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_"..ID) if wpnID == wpn[i][j] then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j], getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) - 1) break end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), weaponSwitch) PD: Alguien sabe simplicar esto intente con "or" pero no funcionaba. Link to comment
MTA Team 0xCiBeR Posted September 30, 2014 MTA Team Share Posted September 30, 2014 Rápidamente simplificado podría ser así: if weapon == 25 or weapon == 26 or weapon == 27 or weapon == 29 or weapon == 30 or weapon == 31 or weapon == 33 or weapon == 35 or weapon == 36 or weapon == 37 or weapon == 38 then ID = 1 elseif weapon == 1 or weapon == 2 or weapon == 3 or weapon == 3 or weapon == 4 or weapon == 5 or weapon == 6 or weapon == 7 or weapon == 8 or weapon == 22 or weapon == 24 or weapon == 28 or weapon == 29 or weapon == 32 then ID = 2 elseif weapon == 16 or weapon == 17 or weapon == 18 or weapon == 39 or weapon == 46 then ID = 3 end De igual manera, es una manera muy poco eficiente. Link to comment
Bc# Posted October 1, 2014 Share Posted October 1, 2014 Ahora comprendi lo que querias hacer, podrías crear una función aparte para que re retorne el ID, asi seria mas simple: weapons = {} weapons[1] = {"BM16 Pellet",".50 Barret Mag","Sig550 Mag","Gauss Rifle Mag","M-14 Camouflage Grid Mag", "Thompson 1928 Mag","Type 99 Mag","AK Mag","14mm Ammo","LR300 Mag","GAU-19 Mag","TOS 34 Pellet", "SPSA 14 Pellet","SVDm 2 Mag", "Ballesta Mag","M136 Rocket","M136 Rocket"} weapons[2] = {"Nails","Taser Battery","PB1s Mag","Berta Mag","Desert Eagle","PDW Mag","Viper 5"} weapons[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} wpn = {} wpn[1] = {"BM16",".50 Barret","Sig550","Gauss Rifle","M-14 Camouflage Grid","Thompson 1928","Type 99", "Ak74","Hammerhead 47","LR300","GAU-19","TOS 34","SPSA 14","SVDm 2","Ballesta","Heat-Seeking RPG", "M136 Rocket Launcher"} wpn[2] = {"Nailgun","Taser","PB1s","Berta","Desert Eagle","PDW","Viper 5"} wpn[3] = {"Parachute","Grenade","Tear Gas"} current={} current[1] = {"25,26,27,30,31,33,34,35,36,37,38"} current[2] = {"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,22,23,24,28,29,32"} current[3] = {"16,17,18,39,46"} function weaponSwitch(weapon) if source == getLocalPlayer() then for i = 1, 3 do for j = 1, #weapons[i] do local ID = searchID(weapon) local wpnID = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "currentweapon_"..ID) if wpnID == wpn[i][j] then if getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) > 0 then setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j], getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), weapons[i][j]) - 1) end end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWeaponFire", getLocalPlayer(), weaponSwitch) function searchID(weapon) local find = false local ID = false for i = 1, 3 do for j = 1, #current[i] do if weapon == current[i][j] then ID = i find = true break end end if find then break end end return ID end Link to comment
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