Riad-Host Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 السلام عليكم عندي قيم مود و ابي اغير لوحة تسجيل الدخول يعني اشل الكود الخاص بها و اعط التاني بس ما يشتغل ممكن شباب كيف اعدل عليه ترا يخرب كل مرة اعدل عليه انا عايز اغير لوحة تسجيل الدخول لقيم مود معين Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 20, 2014 Author Share Posted September 20, 2014 لا لا قيم مود مجاني متوفر بس ابي اعرف كيف اعدل قيم مود حرب العصابات بس اعرف كيف اعدل لوحة التسجيل الدخول Link to comment
iMr.Dawix~# Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 طيب اطرحح الكود لنا خلنا نششوفف Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 20, 2014 Author Share Posted September 20, 2014 انا عايز اغير اللوحة نهائي متلا احمل لوحة تسجيل الدخول و اضعها في القيم مود دا الكلنت local Anims = {"DAN_UP_A", "dnce_M_b", "DAN_Left_A", "DAN_Down_A", "DAN_Loop_A", "dance_loop"} x, y = guiGetScreenSize() font="default-bold" fontTam=5 spcGam=dxGetTextWidth ("War-streets",fontTam,font) -- اسم سيرفرك بالنجليزي function intro() ahora = getTickCount() count=ahora-start dxDrawImage(0, 0, x, y, 'fondo.png',0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255),false) sizeX=64*1.21 sizeY=64*1.21 varX,varY,varZ = anim(start,1000,spcGam,0,0,0,spcGam,150,"OutBack") dxDrawText("War-streets",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(38,205,0,255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,true) ---- اسم سيرفرك dxDrawText("",1+x/-varY/6-dxGetTextWidth ("i",fontTam,font),y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,false,false,false,true) dxDrawText("♥",x/2+varY/2,y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,false,false,false,true) if (count>1500) then varX2,varY2,varZ2 = anim(start+1500,1000,0,0,0,200,250,360,"OutBack") dxDrawText("اهلا و سهلا بكم في سيرفر حرب الشوارع ",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-100+dxGetFontHeight(fontTam,font),varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,varX2),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) ---- اسم سيرفرك dxDrawText("نتمنا ان ينال السيرفر اعجابكم",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-80+dxGetFontHeight(fontTam,font),varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,varX2),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) ---- اسم سيرفرك dxDrawText("Welcome to sever War streets ..",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-60+dxGetFontHeight(fontTam,font),varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,varX2),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) end if (count>2000) then varX2,varY3,varZ3 = anim(start+2000,1000*10,0,0,0,200,250,360*5,"Linear") dxDrawImage ( x/2-sizeX/2, y/2+50, sizeX, sizeY, 'img/cargando2.png',180+varZ3) dxDrawText("Loading..",12,y/2+60+sizeY+1,x,y,tocolor(0,0,0,85),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) dxDrawText("Loading..",10,y/2+60+sizeY,x,y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) end end function anim(tag,animTime,de1,de2,de3,hasta1,hasta2,hasta3,typeAnim) local now = getTickCount() local endTime = tag + animTime local elapsedTime = now - tag local duration = endTime - tag local progress = elapsedTime / duration local a, b, c = interpolateBetween ( de1,de2,de3,hasta1,hasta2,hasta3, progress, typeAnim) return a, b, c end fileDelete("intro_c.lua") local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() alpha = 250 MP = "files/1.png" MX = sx MY = sy function adjIntro(adj) _, times = getTimerDetails(IntroTimer) if adj == "M1" then MX = (MX*0.95)+5 MY = (MY*0.95) if times == 1 then setTimer(function() if (alpha <= 250) and not (alpha <= 0) then alpha = alpha - 10 else IntroTimer = setTimer(adjIntro, 50, 26, "M2") end end, 50, 26) end elseif adj == "M2" then if (alpha < 250) and (alpha >= 0) then alpha = alpha + 10 end MX = (MX/0.95)-5 MY = (MY/0.95) MP = "files/2.png" if times == 1 then setTimer(function() MP = "files/3.png" setTimer(function() IntroTimer = setTimer(adjIntro, 50, 26, "M3") end, 3500, 1) end, 4000, 1) end elseif adj == "M3" then MX = (MX*0.95)+5 MY = (MY*0.95) if times == 1 then MP = "files/4.png" MX = (MX/0.95)-5 MY = (MY/0.95) setTimer(function() setTimer(function() if (alpha <= 250) and not (alpha <= 0) then alpha = alpha - 10 else removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawIntro) fadeCamera(true, 6, 0, 0, 0) setCameraMatrix(-1475.5, 831.18, 65.5, -1487.5, 800.18, 65.5) showCursor(true) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], true) destroyElement(IntroSong) end end, 50, 26) end, 3500, 1) end end end function drawIntro() dxDrawImage(sx/2-(MX/2), sy/2-(MY/2), MX, MY, MP, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, alpha)) end function main() fadeCamera(false, 0) showChat(false) IntroSong = playSound("files/Intro.mp3") showPlayerHudComponent("all", false) start = getTickCount() addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),intro) setTimer ( function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),intro) IntroTimer = setTimer(adjIntro, 50, 26, "M1") addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawIntro) triggerEvent("onFinishIntro",getRootElement()) setCameraMatrix(-1475.5, 831.18, 65.5, -1487.5, 800.18, 65.5) end, 5000, 1 ) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),main) GUIEditor = { tab = {}, tabpanel = {}, edit = {}, button = {}, window = {}, label = {}, memo = {} } GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(sx/2-(601/2), sy/2-(344/2), 601, 344, "", false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") GUIEditor.tabpanel[1] = guiCreateTabPanel(10, 21, 579, 313, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) -----------------------------|Login|----------------------------- GUIEditor.tab[1] = guiCreateTab("Login", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) local MainText = xmlNodeGetValue(xmlLoadFile("Main.xml")) or "" GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(7, 8, 271, 270, MainText, false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiMemoSetReadOnly(GUIEditor.memo[1], true) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(395, 28, 65, 18, "UserName", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(322, 50, 210, 30, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(395, 107, 65, 18, "Password", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[2] = guiCreateEdit(322, 130, 210, 30, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiEditSetMasked(GUIEditor.edit[2], true) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(313, 207, 235, 34, "Login", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) -----------------------------|Register|----------------------------- GUIEditor.tab[2] = guiCreateTab("Register", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(273, 26, 60, 19, "UserName", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[3], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[3] = guiCreateEdit(198, 49, 212, 27, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.label[4] = guiCreateLabel(273, 90, 60, 19, "Password", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[4], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[4] = guiCreateEdit(198, 119, 212, 27, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.label[5] = guiCreateLabel(256, 162, 107, 16, "Confirm Password", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[5], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[5] = guiCreateEdit(198, 188, 212, 27, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(153, 233, 312, 36, "Register", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) -----------------------------|Rules|----------------------------- GUIEditor.tab[3] = guiCreateTab("Rules", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) local RulesText = xmlNodeGetValue(xmlLoadFile("Rules.xml")) or "" GUIEditor.memo[2] = guiCreateMemo(10, 8, 559, 271, RulesText, false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) guiMemoSetReadOnly(GUIEditor.memo[2], true) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[1] then local userName = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]) local passWord = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[2]) if userName ~= "" and passWord ~= "" then triggerServerEvent("Login-Register", localPlayer, "Login", userName, passWord) guiSetEnabled(GUIEditor.button[1], false) setTimer(function() guiSetEnabled(GUIEditor.button[1], true) end, 3000, 1) end elseif source == GUIEditor.button[2] then local userName = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[3]) local passWord1 = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[4]) local passWord2 = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[5]) if userName ~= "" and passWord1 ~= "" and passWord2 ~= "" then if #passWord1 < 4 then outputChatBox("The Password should be at least 4 characters long.", 255, 100, 0) elseif passWord1 ~= passWord2 then outputChatBox("The password does not match.", 255, 0, 0) else guiSetEnabled(GUIEditor.button[2], false) setTimer(function() guiSetEnabled(GUIEditor.button[2], true) end, 3000, 1) triggerServerEvent("Login-Register", localPlayer, "Register", userName, passWord1) end end end end) addEvent("onLoginSuccess", true) addEventHandler("onLoginSuccess", root, function() guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) showCursor(false) local ped = createPed ( 0,737.40912 ,-1276.15332 ,13.554, 90) setPedAnimation( ped, "ped", "WALK_civi") local cam = setCameraMatrix ( 739.41571044922, -1276.4376220703, 13.415299797058, 738.42529296875, -1276.4196777344, 13.378232955933 ) setElementDimension( localPlayer, 20 ) setElementDimension( ped, 20 ) setTimer (function () setPedAnimation(ped,false) end, 6500, 1) setTimer (function () skinCount = 0 sPed = createPed(105, -2816.92432,1148.40100 ,19.59490) addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage",sPed,cancelEvent) sRight() bindKey("arrow_l", "down", sLeft) bindKey("arrow_r", "down", sRight) bindKey("enter", "down", EnterSpawn) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, drawTeamName) destroyElement( ped ) Link to comment
#DRAGON!FIRE Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 من المستحيل احد يعدله لكـ .. حاول تعدله بنفسكـ ! Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 20, 2014 Author Share Posted September 20, 2014 يا خي احنا دا اللي قلناه ابي بس ايش اعدل يعني وش الاساس اللي اعدله عشان اغير لوحة الدخول Link to comment
#DRAGON!FIRE Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 وكيف تبيني اقلكـ وين تعدل ؟ وفي مليون شي ومليون كود انصحكـ لا تعدل ع شي مهو لك .. بتنلحس وما تقدر تعدل زي الناس سوي السكربت من البداية للنهاية بنفسكـ . Link to comment
shwaeki Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 هاد الجيم مود تاع سيرفرنا مسوية تابل و انا معدل علية و هاي هي لوحة التسجيل عدل عليها GUIEditor = { tab = {}, tabpanel = {}, edit = {}, button = {}, window = {}, label = {}, memo = {} } GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(sx/2-(601/2), sy/2-(344/2), 601, 344, "", false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") GUIEditor.tabpanel[1] = guiCreateTabPanel(10, 21, 579, 313, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) -----------------------------|Login|----------------------------- GUIEditor.tab[1] = guiCreateTab("Login", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) local MainText = xmlNodeGetValue(xmlLoadFile("Main.xml")) or "" GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(7, 8, 271, 270, MainText, false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiMemoSetReadOnly(GUIEditor.memo[1], true) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(395, 28, 65, 18, "UserName", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(322, 50, 210, 30, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(395, 107, 65, 18, "Password", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[2] = guiCreateEdit(322, 130, 210, 30, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiEditSetMasked(GUIEditor.edit[2], true) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(313, 207, 235, 34, "Login", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) -----------------------------|Register|----------------------------- GUIEditor.tab[2] = guiCreateTab("Register", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(273, 26, 60, 19, "UserName", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[3], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[3] = guiCreateEdit(198, 49, 212, 27, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.label[4] = guiCreateLabel(273, 90, 60, 19, "Password", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[4], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[4] = guiCreateEdit(198, 119, 212, 27, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.label[5] = guiCreateLabel(256, 162, 107, 16, "Confirm Password", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[5], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[5] = guiCreateEdit(198, 188, 212, 27, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(153, 233, 312, 36, "Register", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) -----------------------------|Rules|----------------------------- GUIEditor.tab[3] = guiCreateTab("Rules", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) local RulesText = xmlNodeGetValue(xmlLoadFile("Rules.xml")) or "" GUIEditor.memo[2] = guiCreateMemo(10, 8, 559, 271, RulesText, false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) guiMemoSetReadOnly(GUIEditor.memo[2], true) Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 20, 2014 Author Share Posted September 20, 2014 شوقي عدلت اللوحة غيرتها و تمام تجي اللوحة الجديدة لكن لما اسجل الدخول ما يصير شي ما يجي دور التيم تضل واقفة في صورة Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 20, 2014 Author Share Posted September 20, 2014 اين انتم ? Link to comment
nxFairlywell Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 عطاك تنسيق الكود وكيف تعدل اللوحه لكن ماسوا لك كل شي لازم تسوي ترايقر لما يضغط على زر تسجيل الدخول يسجل دخوله triggerServerEvent هذا الفنكشن حق تسجيل الدخول لازم بجانب سيرفر مو كلنت يعني لازم ترايقر =) logIn و هذا حق اضافة حساب , تسجيل يعني addAccount Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 20, 2014 Author Share Posted September 20, 2014 انا متلا حطيت كود اللوحة جديدة كيف اخلي لما يدخل يوديه مباشرة يختار التيم Link to comment
nxFairlywell Posted September 20, 2014 Share Posted September 20, 2014 انا متلا حطيت كود اللوحة جديدة كيف اخلي لما يدخل يوديه مباشرة يختار التيم مافهمت قصدك ^_^" بس اذا تبيه ينقل اللاعب ( سباون ) ء استعمل هذا الفنكشن سيرفر طبعاً spawnPlayer استخدمه مع onPlayerJoin ======================================== اذا قصدك ثاني ياليت توضح * Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 20, 2014 Author Share Posted September 20, 2014 طيب اسمع اخي قصدي هو متلا انا حطيت اللوحة الجديدة بس المشكلة لما ادخل تجي صفحة فارغة يعني تضل هكدا ما يجي شي ابي اضع يعني بعد اللوحة لما يضغط مباشة يسجل دخوله يجي مباشرة لأختيار التيم او الشخصية Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 21, 2014 Author Share Posted September 21, 2014 اين انتم شباب Link to comment
#DRAGON!FIRE Posted September 21, 2014 Share Posted September 21, 2014 اخوي حنا هنا للمساعدة فقط .. وساعدكـ واحد كمل الباقي انت يعني مستحيل نجلس نعدل لك بسكربت مهو حقنا ولا نعرفه ! انصحكـ تسوي سسكربت بنفسكـ من البداية للنهاية . Link to comment
TAPL Posted September 23, 2014 Share Posted September 23, 2014 شوف السيرفر في كود تسجيل الدخول لما يسجل دخول فيه تريقر للكلينت عشان يظهر اختيار التيم و الشخصية triggerClientEvent(source, "onLoginSuccess", source) Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 23, 2014 Author Share Posted September 23, 2014 اخي تابل تمام كل شيء تمام قمت بوضع كما قلت لي و تجي لوحة الدخول لكن بعد الدخول لا يحدت شيء لا تأتي اختيار التيم اين المشكلة اخي Link to comment
TAPL Posted September 23, 2014 Share Posted September 23, 2014 اخي تابلتمام كل شيء تمام قمت بوضع كما قلت لي و تجي لوحة الدخول لكن بعد الدخول لا يحدت شيء لا تأتي اختيار التيم اين المشكلة اخي المشكلة بكودك و بما انك ما حطيت كودك محد يقدر يقول لك وين المشكلة Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 23, 2014 Author Share Posted September 23, 2014 اخي تابل الكود تجده في الرد في الصفحة الاولى Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 23, 2014 Author Share Posted September 23, 2014 هدا كلنت و سيرفر القيم مود اخي تابل دا الكلنت local Anims = {"DAN_UP_A", "dnce_M_b", "DAN_Left_A", "DAN_Down_A", "DAN_Loop_A", "dance_loop"} x, y = guiGetScreenSize() font="default-bold" fontTam=5 spcGam=dxGetTextWidth ("War-streets",fontTam,font) -- اسم سيرفرك بالنجليزي function intro() ahora = getTickCount() count=ahora-start dxDrawImage(0, 0, x, y, 'fondo.png',0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255),false) sizeX=64*1.21 sizeY=64*1.21 varX,varY,varZ = anim(start,1000,spcGam,0,0,0,spcGam,150,"OutBack") dxDrawText("War-streets",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(38,205,0,255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,true) ---- اسم سيرفرك dxDrawText("",1+x/-varY/6-dxGetTextWidth ("i",fontTam,font),y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,false,false,false,true) dxDrawText("♥",x/2+varY/2,y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,false,false,false,true) if (count>1500) then varX2,varY2,varZ2 = anim(start+1500,1000,0,0,0,200,250,360,"OutBack") dxDrawText("اهلا و سهلا بكم في سيرفر حرب الشوارع ",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-100+dxGetFontHeight(fontTam,font),varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,varX2),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) ---- اسم سيرفرك dxDrawText("نتمنا ان ينال السيرفر اعجابكم",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-80+dxGetFontHeight(fontTam,font),varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,varX2),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) ---- اسم سيرفرك dxDrawText("Welcome to sever War streets ..",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-60+dxGetFontHeight(fontTam,font),varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,varX2),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) end if (count>2000) then varX2,varY3,varZ3 = anim(start+2000,1000*10,0,0,0,200,250,360*5,"Linear") dxDrawImage ( x/2-sizeX/2, y/2+50, sizeX, sizeY, 'img/cargando2.png',180+varZ3) dxDrawText("Loading..",12,y/2+60+sizeY+1,x,y,tocolor(0,0,0,85),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) dxDrawText("Loading..",10,y/2+60+sizeY,x,y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) end end function anim(tag,animTime,de1,de2,de3,hasta1,hasta2,hasta3,typeAnim) local now = getTickCount() local endTime = tag + animTime local elapsedTime = now - tag local duration = endTime - tag local progress = elapsedTime / duration local a, b, c = interpolateBetween ( de1,de2,de3,hasta1,hasta2,hasta3, progress, typeAnim) return a, b, c end fileDelete("intro_c.lua") local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() alpha = 250 MP = "files/1.png" MX = sx MY = sy function adjIntro(adj) _, times = getTimerDetails(IntroTimer) if adj == "M1" then MX = (MX*0.95)+5 MY = (MY*0.95) if times == 1 then setTimer(function() if (alpha <= 250) and not (alpha <= 0) then alpha = alpha - 10 else IntroTimer = setTimer(adjIntro, 50, 26, "M2") end end, 50, 26) end elseif adj == "M2" then if (alpha < 250) and (alpha >= 0) then alpha = alpha + 10 end MX = (MX/0.95)-5 MY = (MY/0.95) MP = "files/2.png" if times == 1 then setTimer(function() MP = "files/3.png" setTimer(function() IntroTimer = setTimer(adjIntro, 50, 26, "M3") end, 3500, 1) end, 4000, 1) end elseif adj == "M3" then MX = (MX*0.95)+5 MY = (MY*0.95) if times == 1 then MP = "files/4.png" MX = (MX/0.95)-5 MY = (MY/0.95) setTimer(function() setTimer(function() if (alpha <= 250) and not (alpha <= 0) then alpha = alpha - 10 else removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawIntro) fadeCamera(true, 6, 0, 0, 0) setCameraMatrix(-1475.5, 831.18, 65.5, -1487.5, 800.18, 65.5) showCursor(true) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], true) destroyElement(IntroSong) end end, 50, 26) end, 3500, 1) end end end function drawIntro() dxDrawImage(sx/2-(MX/2), sy/2-(MY/2), MX, MY, MP, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, alpha)) end function main() fadeCamera(false, 0) showChat(false) IntroSong = playSound("files/Intro.mp3") showPlayerHudComponent("all", false) start = getTickCount() addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),intro) setTimer ( function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),intro) IntroTimer = setTimer(adjIntro, 50, 26, "M1") addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawIntro) triggerEvent("onFinishIntro",getRootElement()) setCameraMatrix(-1475.5, 831.18, 65.5, -1487.5, 800.18, 65.5) end, 5000, 1 ) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),main) GUIEditor = { tab = {}, tabpanel = {}, edit = {}, button = {}, window = {}, label = {}, memo = {} } GUIEditor.window[1] = guiCreateWindow(sx/2-(601/2), sy/2-(344/2), 601, 344, "", false) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiWindowSetSizable(GUIEditor.window[1], false) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.window[1], 1.00) guiSetInputMode("no_binds_when_editing") GUIEditor.tabpanel[1] = guiCreateTabPanel(10, 21, 579, 313, false, GUIEditor.window[1]) -----------------------------|Login|----------------------------- GUIEditor.tab[1] = guiCreateTab("Login", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) local MainText = xmlNodeGetValue(xmlLoadFile("Main.xml")) or "" GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(7, 8, 271, 270, MainText, false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiMemoSetReadOnly(GUIEditor.memo[1], true) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(395, 28, 65, 18, "UserName", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(322, 50, 210, 30, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) GUIEditor.label[2] = guiCreateLabel(395, 107, 65, 18, "Password", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[2], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[2] = guiCreateEdit(322, 130, 210, 30, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) guiEditSetMasked(GUIEditor.edit[2], true) GUIEditor.button[1] = guiCreateButton(313, 207, 235, 34, "Login", false, GUIEditor.tab[1]) -----------------------------|Register|----------------------------- GUIEditor.tab[2] = guiCreateTab("Register", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) GUIEditor.label[3] = guiCreateLabel(273, 26, 60, 19, "UserName", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[3], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[3] = guiCreateEdit(198, 49, 212, 27, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.label[4] = guiCreateLabel(273, 90, 60, 19, "Password", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[4], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[4] = guiCreateEdit(198, 119, 212, 27, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.label[5] = guiCreateLabel(256, 162, 107, 16, "Confirm Password", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[5], "default-bold-small") GUIEditor.edit[5] = guiCreateEdit(198, 188, 212, 27, "", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) GUIEditor.button[2] = guiCreateButton(153, 233, 312, 36, "Register", false, GUIEditor.tab[2]) -----------------------------|Rules|----------------------------- GUIEditor.tab[3] = guiCreateTab("Rules", GUIEditor.tabpanel[1]) local RulesText = xmlNodeGetValue(xmlLoadFile("Rules.xml")) or "" GUIEditor.memo[2] = guiCreateMemo(10, 8, 559, 271, RulesText, false, GUIEditor.tab[3]) guiMemoSetReadOnly(GUIEditor.memo[2], true) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, function() if source == GUIEditor.button[1] then local userName = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[1]) local passWord = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[2]) if userName ~= "" and passWord ~= "" then triggerServerEvent("Login-Register", localPlayer, "Login", userName, passWord) guiSetEnabled(GUIEditor.button[1], false) setTimer(function() guiSetEnabled(GUIEditor.button[1], true) end, 3000, 1) end elseif source == GUIEditor.button[2] then local userName = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[3]) local passWord1 = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[4]) local passWord2 = guiGetText(GUIEditor.edit[5]) if userName ~= "" and passWord1 ~= "" and passWord2 ~= "" then if #passWord1 < 4 then outputChatBox("The Password should be at least 4 characters long.", 255, 100, 0) elseif passWord1 ~= passWord2 then outputChatBox("The password does not match.", 255, 0, 0) else guiSetEnabled(GUIEditor.button[2], false) setTimer(function() guiSetEnabled(GUIEditor.button[2], true) end, 3000, 1) triggerServerEvent("Login-Register", localPlayer, "Register", userName, passWord1) end end end end) addEvent("onLoginSuccess", true) addEventHandler("onLoginSuccess", root, function() guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], false) showCursor(false) local ped = createPed ( 0,737.40912 ,-1276.15332 ,13.554, 90) setPedAnimation( ped, "ped", "WALK_civi") local cam = setCameraMatrix ( 739.41571044922, -1276.4376220703, 13.415299797058, 738.42529296875, -1276.4196777344, 13.378232955933 ) setElementDimension( localPlayer, 20 ) setElementDimension( ped, 20 ) setTimer (function () setPedAnimation(ped,false) end, 6500, 1) setTimer (function () skinCount = 0 sPed = createPed(105, -2816.92432,1148.40100 ,19.59490) addEventHandler("onClientPedDamage",sPed,cancelEvent) sRight() bindKey("arrow_l", "down", sLeft) bindKey("arrow_r", "down", sRight) bindKey("enter", "down", EnterSpawn) addEventHandler("onClientPreRender", root, drawTeamName) destroyElement( ped ) Link to comment
TAPL Posted September 23, 2014 Share Posted September 23, 2014 لا تجنني انا اقصد الكود حق تسجيل الدخول الي انت معدل فيه Link to comment
Riad-Host Posted September 23, 2014 Author Share Posted September 23, 2014 هده لوحة تسجيل الدخول التي اريد اضافتها كلنت sW,sH = guiGetScreenSize() mX, mY = 0, 0 myFont = dxCreateFont( "opensans-light.ttf", 15 ) logoW, logoH = sW/8.4, sW/8.4 bgY = 0 function createLoginPanel() addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),renderLoginPanel) addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),renderButtons) showCursor(true,true) toggleAllControls(false) showChat(false) xml = xmlLoadFile("userdata.xml") loadXML() end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), createLoginPanel) function loadXML() if not xml then xml = xmlCreateFile("userdata.xml","userdata") usernameChild = xmlCreateChild(xml,"username") passwordChild = xmlCreateChild(xml,"password") checkboxChild = xmlCreateChild(xml,"state") xmlSaveFile(xml) else usernameChild = xmlFindChild(xml,"username",0) passwordChild = xmlFindChild(xml,"password",0) checkboxChild = xmlFindChild(xml,"state",0) end if xmlNodeGetValue(checkboxChild) == "true" then checkboxs[1].state = true end usernameLoad = xmlNodeGetValue(usernameChild) passwordLoad = xmlNodeGetValue(passwordChild) for w in string.gmatch(usernameLoad, ".") do for i,ebox in ipairs(editbox) do if ebox.name == "username" then table.insert(text[i], w) end end end for w in string.gmatch(passwordLoad, ".") do for i,ebox in ipairs(editbox) do if ebox.name == "password" then table.insert(text[i], w) end end end end function saveXML(username,password,checkboxState) if checkboxs[1].state == true then xmlNodeSetValue(usernameChild,username) xmlNodeSetValue(passwordChild,password) xmlNodeSetValue(checkboxChild,tostring(checkboxState)) xmlSaveFile(xml) else xmlNodeSetValue(usernameChild,"") xmlNodeSetValue(passwordChild,"") xmlNodeSetValue(checkboxChild,"") xmlSaveFile(xml) end end addEvent("saveXML",true) addEventHandler("saveXML",getRootElement(),saveXML) boxes = { {x = sW/2-sW/10, y = sH/2-sH/7, w = sW/5, h = sH/20, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), boxD = "green", text = "Please Log In", messageBox = "1"}, {x = sW/2-sW/10, y = sH/2-sH/7.4+sH/18, w = sW/5, h = sW/5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224)}, {x = sW/2-sW/10, y = sH/2-sH/7 + sH, w = sW/5, h = sH/20, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), boxD = "green", text = "Write username and password", messageBox = "2"}, {x = sW/2-sW/10, y = sH/2-sH/7.4+sH/18 + sH, w = sW/5, h = sW/5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224)}, } buttons = { {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].h - sH/14, w = sW/13, h = boxes[2].w/6.5, color = tocolor(255,255,255), borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), text = "Register", func = "pressRegisterBut"}, {x = boxes[2].x + boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].h - sH/14, w = sW/13, h = boxes[2].w/6.5, color = tocolor(255,255,255), borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), text = "Log In", func = "pressLogin"}, {x = boxes[2].x + boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].h - sH/14 + sH, w = sW/13, h = boxes[2].w/6.5, color = tocolor(255,255,255), borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), text = "Back", func = "pressBack"}, {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].h - sH/14 + sH, w = sW/13, h = boxes[2].w/6.5, color = tocolor(255,255,255), borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), text = "Register", func = "pressRegister"} } editbox = { {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].w/6.5, w = sW/13 + sW/13 + (boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13 - sW/47 - sW/13), h = boxes[2].w/6.5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), textUp = "Username", text = "", name = "username"}, {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6.5, w = sW/13 + sW/13 + (boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13 - sW/47 - sW/13), h = boxes[2].w/6.5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), textUp = "Password", text = "", hide = true, name = "password"}, {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].w/6.5 + sH, w = sW/13 + sW/13 + (boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13 - sW/47 - sW/13), h = boxes[2].w/6.5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), textUp = "Username", text = "", name = "usernameReg"}, {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6.5 + sH, w = sW/13 + sW/13 + (boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13 - sW/47 - sW/13), h = boxes[2].w/6.5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), textUp = "Password", text = "", hide = true, name = "passwordReg"}, } checkboxs = { {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6 + boxes[2].w/6, wh = boxes[2].w/25, state = false, text = "Remember me"} } text = {} for i,ebox in ipairs(editbox) do table.insert(text,{}) end bindKey("backspace", "down", function () table.remove(text[eboxClickI], #text[eboxClickI]) end) function getCharacter(character) for i,ebox in ipairs(editbox) do if eboxClickI == i then table.insert(text[i], character) end end end function renderLoginPanel() dxDrawRectangle(0 , bgY, sW, sH, tocolor(241, 241, 241)) dxDrawImage ( sW/2 - logoW/2 + mX, boxes[1].y - logoH - sH/50 + mY, logoW, logoH, 'logo.png') dxDrawImage ( sW/2 - logoW/2 + mX, boxes[1].y - logoH - sH/50 + mY + sH, logoW, logoH, 'logo.png') for i,box in ipairs(boxes) do dxDrawRectangle(box.x + mX, box.y + mY, box.w, box.h) dxDrawRectangle(box.x + mX, box.y + mY, box.w, 1, box.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(box.x + mX, box.y + mY, 1, box.h, box.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(box.x + mX, box.y + box.h + mY, box.w, 1, box.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(box.x + box.w + mX, box.y + mY, 1, box.h, box.borderColor) if box.boxD then if box.boxD == "green" then dxDrawRectangle(box.x + mX, box.y + mY, sW/160, box.h, tocolor(124,198,35)) elseif box.boxD == "red" then dxDrawRectangle(box.x + mX, box.y + mY, sW/160, box.h, tocolor(255,0,0)) end end if box.text then dxDrawText ( box.text, box.x + sW/80 + mX, box.y + mY, box.x + box.w + mX, box.y + box.h + mY, tocolor(31,31,31), sW/1600, myFont, "left", "center") end end for i,ebox in ipairs(editbox) do dxDrawRectangle(ebox.x + mX, ebox.y + mY, ebox.w, ebox.h) dxDrawRectangle(ebox.x + mX, ebox.y + mY, ebox.w, 1, ebox.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(ebox.x + mX, ebox.y + mY, 1, ebox.h, ebox.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(ebox.x + mX, ebox.y + ebox.h + mY, ebox.w, 1, ebox.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(ebox.x + ebox.w + mX, ebox.y + mY, 1, ebox.h, ebox.borderColor) if ebox.textUp then dxDrawText ( ebox.textUp, ebox.x + mX, ebox.y - ebox.h + mY, ebox.x + ebox.w + mX, ebox.y + mY, tocolor(31,31,31), sW/1600, myFont, "left", "bottom") end if isMouseWithinRangeOf(ebox.x + mX, ebox.y + mY, ebox.w, ebox.h) then ebox.borderColor = tocolor(204,204,204) else ebox.borderColor = tocolor(224,224,224) end if ebox.text then ebox.text = table.concat(text[i],"") if ebox.hide == true then dxDrawText (string.rep("*",#text[i],""), ebox.x + 10 + mX, ebox.y + mY, ebox.x + ebox.w + mX, ebox.y + ebox.h + mY, tocolor(31,31,31), sW/1600, myFont, "left", "center", true) else dxDrawText ( table.concat(text[i],""), ebox.x + 10 + mX, ebox.y + mY, ebox.x + ebox.w + mX, ebox.y + ebox.h + mY, tocolor(31,31,31), sW/1600, myFont, "left", "center",true) end end if eboxClickI == i then dxDrawRectangle(ebox.x + mX, ebox.y + mY, ebox.w, 1, tocolor(124,198,35)) dxDrawRectangle(ebox.x + mX, ebox.y + mY, 1, ebox.h, tocolor(124,198,35)) dxDrawRectangle(ebox.x + mX, ebox.y + ebox.h + mY, ebox.w, 1, tocolor(124,198,35)) dxDrawRectangle(ebox.x + ebox.w + mX, ebox.y + mY, 1, ebox.h, tocolor(124,198,35)) end end for i,cbox in ipairs(checkboxs) do if cbox.state == true then dxDrawRectangle(cbox.x + mX, cbox.y + mY, cbox.wh, cbox.wh, tocolor(124,198,35)) else dxDrawRectangle(cbox.x + mX, cbox.y + mY, cbox.wh, cbox.wh, tocolor(200,200,200)) end if cbox.text then dxDrawText (cbox.text, cbox.x + cbox.wh + 5 + mX, cbox.y + mY, cbox.x + cbox.wh*10 + mX, cbox.y + cbox.wh + mY, tocolor(31,31,31), sW/2000, myFont, "left", "center",true) end end end addEventHandler("onClientCharacter", getRootElement(), getCharacter) function pressLogin() for i, ebox in ipairs(editbox) do if ebox.name == "username" then gUser = ebox.text elseif ebox.name == "password" then gPass = ebox.text end end triggerServerEvent ( "onLogin", getLocalPlayer(), gUser, gPass, checkboxs[1].state) end function pressRegister() for i, ebox in ipairs(editbox) do if ebox.name == "usernameReg" then rUser = ebox.text elseif ebox.name == "passwordReg" then rPass = ebox.text end end triggerServerEvent ( "onRegister", getLocalPlayer(), rUser, rPass) end function pressRegisterBut() p_Move = {} p_Move.startTime = getTickCount() p_Move.endTime = p_Move.startTime + 1200 p_Move.easingFunction = "InOutQuad" addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), movePanelOut) end function pressBack() p_Move = {} p_Move.startTime = getTickCount() p_Move.endTime = p_Move.startTime + 1200 p_Move.easingFunction = "InOutQuad" addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), movePanelIn) end addEvent("pressBack",true) addEventHandler("pressBack",getRootElement(),pressBack) function movePanelOut() local now = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = now - p_Move.startTime local duration = p_Move.endTime - p_Move.startTime local progress = elapsedTime / duration local fAnimationTime = getEasingValue(progress, p_Move.easingFunction) local move = fAnimationTime*sH mY = ( -move ) if now > p_Move.endTime then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), movePanelOut) end end function movePanelIn() local now = getTickCount() local elapsedTime = now - p_Move.startTime local duration = p_Move.endTime - p_Move.startTime local progress = elapsedTime / duration local fAnimationTime = getEasingValue(progress, p_Move.easingFunction) local move = fAnimationTime*sH mY = (-sH + move) if now > p_Move.endTime then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), movePanelIn) end end function renderButtons() for i,b in ipairs(buttons) do dxDrawRectangle(b.x + mX,b.y + mY,b.w,b.h,b.color) dxDrawRectangle(b.x + mX, b.y + mY, b.w, 1, b.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(b.x + mX, b.y + mY, 1, b.h, b.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(b.x + mX, b.y + b.h + mY, b.w, 1, b.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(b.x + b.w + mX, b.y + mY, 1, b.h, b.borderColor) if b.text then dxDrawText ( b.text, b.x + mX, b.y + mY, b.x + b.w + mX, b.y + b.h + mY, tocolor(31,31,31), sW/1600, myFont, "center", "center") end if isMouseWithinRangeOf(b.x + mX, b.y + mY, b.w, b.h) then dxDrawRectangle(b.x + mX,b.y + mY,b.w,b.h,tocolor(124,198,35)) if b.text then dxDrawText ( b.text, b.x + mX, b.y + mY, b.x + b.w + mX, b.y + b.h + mY, tocolor(255,255,255), sW/1600, myFont, "center", "center") end end end end function changeMessage(mesBox, newMessage, boxColor) for i,box in ipairs(boxes) do if box.messageBox == mesBox then box.text = newMessage box.boxD = boxColor end end end Link to comment
KING-_-HOHO Posted September 24, 2014 Share Posted September 24, 2014 جرب كلنت القيم مود local Anims = {"DAN_UP_A", "dnce_M_b", "DAN_Left_A", "DAN_Down_A", "DAN_Loop_A", "dance_loop"} x, y = guiGetScreenSize() font="default-bold" fontTam=5 spcGam=dxGetTextWidth ("War-streets",fontTam,font) -- اسم سيرفرك بالنجليزي function intro() ahora = getTickCount() count=ahora-start dxDrawImage(0, 0, x, y, 'fondo.png',0,0,0,tocolor(255,255,255),false) sizeX=64*1.21 sizeY=64*1.21 varX,varY,varZ = anim(start,1000,spcGam,0,0,0,spcGam,150,"OutBack") dxDrawText("War-streets",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(38,205,0,255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,true) ---- اسم سيرفرك dxDrawText("",1+x/-varY/6-dxGetTextWidth ("i",fontTam,font),y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,false,false,false,true) dxDrawText("♥",x/2+varY/2,y/2-100,varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),fontTam,font,nil,nil,false,false,false,true) if (count>1500) then varX2,varY2,varZ2 = anim(start+1500,1000,0,0,0,200,250,360,"OutBack") dxDrawText("اهلا و سهلا بكم في سيرفر حرب الشوارع ",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-100+dxGetFontHeight(fontTam,font),varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,varX2),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) ---- اسم سيرفرك dxDrawText("نتمنا ان ينال السيرفر اعجابكم",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-80+dxGetFontHeight(fontTam,font),varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,varX2),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) ---- اسم سيرفرك dxDrawText("Welcome to sever War streets ..",0+x/2-varY/2,y/2-60+dxGetFontHeight(fontTam,font),varY+x/2-varY/2,y,tocolor(255,255,255,varX2),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) end if (count>2000) then varX2,varY3,varZ3 = anim(start+2000,1000*10,0,0,0,200,250,360*5,"Linear") dxDrawImage ( x/2-sizeX/2, y/2+50, sizeX, sizeY, 'img/cargando2.png',180+varZ3) dxDrawText("Loading..",12,y/2+60+sizeY+1,x,y,tocolor(0,0,0,85),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) dxDrawText("Loading..",10,y/2+60+sizeY,x,y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.5,font,"center",nil,false,false,false,true) end end function anim(tag,animTime,de1,de2,de3,hasta1,hasta2,hasta3,typeAnim) local now = getTickCount() local endTime = tag + animTime local elapsedTime = now - tag local duration = endTime - tag local progress = elapsedTime / duration local a, b, c = interpolateBetween ( de1,de2,de3,hasta1,hasta2,hasta3, progress, typeAnim) return a, b, c end fileDelete("intro_c.lua") local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() alpha = 250 MP = "files/1.png" MX = sx MY = sy function adjIntro(adj) _, times = getTimerDetails(IntroTimer) if adj == "M1" then MX = (MX*0.95)+5 MY = (MY*0.95) if times == 1 then setTimer(function() if (alpha <= 250) and not (alpha <= 0) then alpha = alpha - 10 else IntroTimer = setTimer(adjIntro, 50, 26, "M2") end end, 50, 26) end elseif adj == "M2" then if (alpha < 250) and (alpha >= 0) then alpha = alpha + 10 end MX = (MX/0.95)-5 MY = (MY/0.95) MP = "files/2.png" if times == 1 then setTimer(function() MP = "files/3.png" setTimer(function() IntroTimer = setTimer(adjIntro, 50, 26, "M3") end, 3500, 1) end, 4000, 1) end elseif adj == "M3" then MX = (MX*0.95)+5 MY = (MY*0.95) if times == 1 then MP = "files/4.png" MX = (MX/0.95)-5 MY = (MY/0.95) setTimer(function() setTimer(function() if (alpha <= 250) and not (alpha <= 0) then alpha = alpha - 10 else removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawIntro) fadeCamera(true, 6, 0, 0, 0) setCameraMatrix(-1475.5, 831.18, 65.5, -1487.5, 800.18, 65.5) showCursor(true) guiSetVisible(GUIEditor.window[1], true) destroyElement(IntroSong) end end, 50, 26) end, 3500, 1) end end end function drawIntro() dxDrawImage(sx/2-(MX/2), sy/2-(MY/2), MX, MY, MP, 0, 0, 0, tocolor(255, 255, 255, alpha)) end function main() fadeCamera(false, 0) showChat(false) IntroSong = playSound("files/Intro.mp3") showPlayerHudComponent("all", false) start = getTickCount() addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),intro) setTimer ( function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),intro) IntroTimer = setTimer(adjIntro, 50, 26, "M1") addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawIntro) triggerEvent("onFinishIntro",getRootElement()) setCameraMatrix(-1475.5, 831.18, 65.5, -1487.5, 800.18, 65.5) end, 5000, 1 ) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),main) sW,sH = guiGetScreenSize() mX, mY = 0, 0 myFont = dxCreateFont( "opensans-light.ttf", 15 ) logoW, logoH = sW/8.4, sW/8.4 bgY = 0 function createLoginPanel() addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),renderLoginPanel) addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),renderButtons) showCursor(true,true) toggleAllControls(false) showChat(false) xml = xmlLoadFile("userdata.xml") loadXML() end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), createLoginPanel) function loadXML() if not xml then xml = xmlCreateFile("userdata.xml","userdata") usernameChild = xmlCreateChild(xml,"username") passwordChild = xmlCreateChild(xml,"password") checkboxChild = xmlCreateChild(xml,"state") xmlSaveFile(xml) else usernameChild = xmlFindChild(xml,"username",0) passwordChild = xmlFindChild(xml,"password",0) checkboxChild = xmlFindChild(xml,"state",0) end if xmlNodeGetValue(checkboxChild) == "true" then checkboxs[1].state = true end usernameLoad = xmlNodeGetValue(usernameChild) passwordLoad = xmlNodeGetValue(passwordChild) for w in string.gmatch(usernameLoad, ".") do for i,ebox in ipairs(editbox) do if ebox.name == "username" then table.insert(text[i], w) end end end for w in string.gmatch(passwordLoad, ".") do for i,ebox in ipairs(editbox) do if ebox.name == "password" then table.insert(text[i], w) end end end end function saveXML(username,password,checkboxState) if checkboxs[1].state == true then xmlNodeSetValue(usernameChild,username) xmlNodeSetValue(passwordChild,password) xmlNodeSetValue(checkboxChild,tostring(checkboxState)) xmlSaveFile(xml) else xmlNodeSetValue(usernameChild,"") xmlNodeSetValue(passwordChild,"") xmlNodeSetValue(checkboxChild,"") xmlSaveFile(xml) end end addEvent("saveXML",true) addEventHandler("saveXML",getRootElement(),saveXML) boxes = { {x = sW/2-sW/10, y = sH/2-sH/7, w = sW/5, h = sH/20, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), boxD = "green", text = "Please Log In", messageBox = "1"}, {x = sW/2-sW/10, y = sH/2-sH/7.4+sH/18, w = sW/5, h = sW/5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224)}, {x = sW/2-sW/10, y = sH/2-sH/7 + sH, w = sW/5, h = sH/20, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), boxD = "green", text = "Write username and password", messageBox = "2"}, {x = sW/2-sW/10, y = sH/2-sH/7.4+sH/18 + sH, w = sW/5, h = sW/5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224)}, } buttons = { {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].h - sH/14, w = sW/13, h = boxes[2].w/6.5, color = tocolor(255,255,255), borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), text = "Register", func = "pressRegisterBut"}, {x = boxes[2].x + boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].h - sH/14, w = sW/13, h = boxes[2].w/6.5, color = tocolor(255,255,255), borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), text = "Log In", func = "pressLogin"}, {x = boxes[2].x + boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].h - sH/14 + sH, w = sW/13, h = boxes[2].w/6.5, color = tocolor(255,255,255), borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), text = "Back", func = "pressBack"}, {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].h - sH/14 + sH, w = sW/13, h = boxes[2].w/6.5, color = tocolor(255,255,255), borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), text = "Register", func = "pressRegister"} } editbox = { {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].w/6.5, w = sW/13 + sW/13 + (boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13 - sW/47 - sW/13), h = boxes[2].w/6.5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), textUp = "Username", text = "", name = "username"}, {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6.5, w = sW/13 + sW/13 + (boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13 - sW/47 - sW/13), h = boxes[2].w/6.5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), textUp = "Password", text = "", hide = true, name = "password"}, {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].w/6.5 + sH, w = sW/13 + sW/13 + (boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13 - sW/47 - sW/13), h = boxes[2].w/6.5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), textUp = "Username", text = "", name = "usernameReg"}, {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6.5 + sH, w = sW/13 + sW/13 + (boxes[2].w - sW/47 - sW/13 - sW/47 - sW/13), h = boxes[2].w/6.5, borderColor = tocolor(224, 224, 224), textUp = "Password", text = "", hide = true, name = "passwordReg"}, } checkboxs = { {x = boxes[2].x + sW/47, y = boxes[2].y + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6.5 + boxes[2].w/6 + boxes[2].w/6, wh = boxes[2].w/25, state = false, text = "Remember me"} } text = {} for i,ebox in ipairs(editbox) do table.insert(text,{}) end bindKey("backspace", "down", function () table.remove(text[eboxClickI], #text[eboxClickI]) end) function getCharacter(character) for i,ebox in ipairs(editbox) do if eboxClickI == i then table.insert(text[i], character) end end end function renderLoginPanel() dxDrawRectangle(0 , bgY, sW, sH, tocolor(241, 241, 241)) dxDrawImage ( sW/2 - logoW/2 + mX, boxes[1].y - logoH - sH/50 + mY, logoW, logoH, 'logo.png') dxDrawImage ( sW/2 - logoW/2 + mX, boxes[1].y - logoH - sH/50 + mY + sH, logoW, logoH, 'logo.png') for i,box in ipairs(boxes) do dxDrawRectangle(box.x + mX, box.y + mY, box.w, box.h) dxDrawRectangle(box.x + mX, box.y + mY, box.w, 1, box.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(box.x + mX, box.y + mY, 1, box.h, box.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(box.x + mX, box.y + box.h + mY, box.w, 1, box.borderColor) dxDrawRectangle(box.x + box.w + mX, box.y + mY, 1, box.h, box.borderColor) if box.boxD then if box.boxD == "green" then Link to comment
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