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Ped Message and MoveObject


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Hi, I have a question how to do that over the name of a pansy he say something? (Some text) and how do I do if the barrier is created as the player will take the $ 50 it will raise up (as the boundaries of GTA 4), and how will take $ 50 and will open it immediately closes.

Sorry for English = Google Translate :oops:

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I don't understand what you're trying to say here, i barely got the first part that you want to show some text over someone, right? Well use dx functions...

getScreenFromWorldPosition --To get X,Y where the text will show on screen 
dxDrawText --Draw it 

The second part of your post i don't understand at all.

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Can you tell me which code is responsible for that as we stand before rail it gets $ 50 and opens?

local tollPrice = 150       -- Toll Price (Default: 150) 
local allowedTypes = {      -- Allowed vehicle types 
    ["Monster Truck"]=true;  
local teamsImmuneToToll = { 
-- End of settings 
-- Barriers 
local tollbarrierLSLV = createObject (968, 1745.19, 509.79, 28.6, 0, 90, 340)   -- gate LS > LV 
local tollbarrierLSLV2 = createObject (968, 1736.8, 513.2, 28.6, 0, 89, 338)    -- gate LS > LV 2 
local tollbarrierLVLS = createObject (968, 1723.5, 510.5, 28.9, 0, 270, 338)    -- gate LV > LS 
local tollbarrierLVLS2 = createObject (968, 1731.9, 507.64, 28.9, 0, 271, 338)  -- gate LV > LS 2 
local tollbarrierLVSF = createObject (968, -1401.1, 826.2, 47.6, 0, 270, 318)   -- gate LV > SF 
local tollbarrierLVSF2 = createObject (968, -1407.9, 832, 47.6, 0, 270, 316)    -- gate LV > SF 2 
local tollbarrierSFLV = createObject (968, -1395.1, 829.2, 47.6, 0, 90, 316)    -- gate SF > LV 
local tollbarrierSFLV2 = createObject (968, -1389, 823.4, 47.6, 0, 90, 316)     -- gate SF > LV 2 
local tollbarrierTRSF = createObject (968, -2691.69, 1271.3, 55.5, 0, 270, 0)   -- gate TR > SF 
local tollbarrierTRSF2 = createObject (968, -2683, 1271.19, 55.5, 0, 270, 0)    -- gate TR > SF 2 
local tollbarrierSFTR = createObject (968, -2671.2, 1277.7, 55.5, 0, 90, 0)     -- gate SF > TR 
local tollbarrierSFTR2 = createObject (968, -2680.8, 1278.19, 55.5, 0, 90, 0)   -- gate SF > TR 2 
local tollbarrierLSSF = createObject (968, 51.7, -1528.1, 5.2, 0, 90, 85)       -- gate LS > SF 
local tollbarrierSFLS = createObject (968, 53.7, -1535, 5.2, 0, 270, 85)        -- gate SF > LS 
-- Blips 
local tollblip1 = createBlip (1736, 512, 28, 42) 
setBlipVisibleDistance (tollblip1, 250) 
local tollblip2 = createBlip (-1398, 828, 53, 42) 
setBlipVisibleDistance (tollblip2, 250) 
local tollblip3 = createBlip (-2676, 1278, 62, 42) 
setBlipVisibleDistance (tollblip3, 250) 
local tollblip4 = createBlip (52.7, -1531.6, 6, 42) 
setBlipVisibleDistance (tollblip4, 250) 
-- Markers 
local tollboothLSLV = createMarker (1746, 499, 27.5, "cylinder", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothLSLV2 = createMarker (1736.69, 503.2, 27.5, "cylinder", 5.0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothLVLS = createMarker (1725, 524, 27.5, "cylinder", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothLVLS2 = createMarker (1732.19, 518.2, 27.1, "cylinder", 5.0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothLVSF = createMarker (-1397, 836, 47, "cylinder", 5, 0, 0, 100, 0) 
local tollboothLVSF2 = createMarker (-1403.59, 839.79, 46, "cylinder", 4.0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothSFLV = createMarker (-1399, 820, 47, "cylinder", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothSFLV2 = createMarker (-1394.09, 813.7, 46, "cylinder", 4.0, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothTRSF = createMarker (-2696, 1283, 54, "cylinder", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothTRSF2 = createMarker (-2686.3, 1281.8, 54, "cylinder", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothSFTR = createMarker (-2667, 1268, 54, "cylinder", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothSFTR2 = createMarker (-2677, 1267.3, 54, "cylinder", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothLSSF = createMarker (57.59, -1525.3, 4, "cylinder", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
local tollboothSFLS = createMarker (46.79, -1537.09, 4, "cylinder", 5, 0, 0, 0, 0) 
addEventHandler ("onMarkerHit", root, 
    function (hitElement, dimension) 
        local s = source 
        if s == tollboothLSLV or s == tollboothLVLS or s == tollboothLVSF or s == tollboothSFLV or s == tollboothTRSF or s == tollboothSFTR or s == tollboothLSLV2 or s == tollboothLVLS2 or s == tollboothLVSF2 or s == tollboothSFLV2 or s == tollboothTRSF2 or s == tollboothSFTR2 or s == tollboothLSSF or s == tollboothSFLS and dimension then 
            if getElementType (hitElement) == "player" and isPedInVehicle (hitElement) then 
                local sourceVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle (hitElement) 
                local controller = getVehicleController (sourceVehicle) 
                local pAcc = getPlayerAccount (hitElement) 
                if allowedTypes [getVehicleType (sourceVehicle)] then 
                    if isGuestAccount (pAcc) then 
                        if getPlayerMoney (hitElement) < tollPrice then 
                            outputChatBox ("[TOLL] You don't have enough money. (Toll Price: $"..tollPrice..")", controller, 255, 0, 0) 
                            setElementVelocity (sourceVehicle, 0, 0, 0) 
                            triggerClientEvent (controller, "manageTollGUI", controller, 1, tollPrice, true) 
                    elseif not isGuestAccount (pAcc) then 
                        if getPlayerTeam (controller) and teamsImmuneToToll[getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(controller))] then 
                            triggerEvent ("tollPaid", controller, true) 
                            outputChatBox ("[TOLL] This pass was financed by the Government", controller, 120, 255, 0) 
                            if getAccountData (pAcc, "toll.impulses") and getAccountData (pAcc, "toll.impulses") > 0 then 
                                setAccountData (pAcc, "toll.impulses", getAccountData (pAcc, "toll.impulses") - 1) 
                                triggerEvent ("tollPaid", controller, true) 
                                outputChatBox ("[TOLL] Toll impulse used, left:#ffffff "..getAccountData (pAcc, "toll.impulses"), controller, 255, 120, 0, true) 
                            elseif not getAccountData (pAcc, "toll.impulses") or getAccountData (pAcc, "toll.impulses") == 0 then 
                                setElementVelocity (sourceVehicle, 0, 0, 0) 
                                triggerClientEvent (controller, "manageTollGUI", controller, 1, tollPrice) 
                    outputChatBox ("[TOLL] This vehicle type is not allowed", controller, 255, 0, 0) 
addEventHandler ("onMarkerLeave", root, 
    function (leaveElement, dimension) 
        local s = source 
        if s == tollboothLSLV or s == tollboothLVLS or s == tollboothLVSF or s == tollboothSFLV or s == tollboothTRSF or s == tollboothSFTR or s == tollboothLSLV2 or s == tollboothLVLS2 or s == tollboothLVSF2 or s == tollboothSFLV2 or s == tollboothTRSF2 or s == tollboothSFTR2 or s == tollboothLSSF or s == tollboothSFLS and dimension then 
            if getElementType (leaveElement) == "player" and isPedInVehicle (leaveElement) then 
                triggerClientEvent (leaveElement, "manageTollGUI", leaveElement, 2) 
addEvent ("tollPaid", true) 
function openRamp (freePass) 
    if isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothLSLV) and not isTimer (ob1) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierLSLV, 1000, 1745.19, 509.79, 28.6, 0, -90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierLSLV, 1000, 1745.19, 509.79, 28.6, 0, 90, 0) 
        ob1 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothLVLS) and not isTimer (ob2) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierLVLS, 1000, 1723.5, 510.5, 28.9, 0, 90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierLVLS, 1000, 1723.5, 510.5, 28.9, 0, -90, 0) 
        ob2 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothLVSF) and not isTimer (ob3) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierLVSF, 1000, -1401.1, 826.2, 47.6, 0, 90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierLVSF, 1000, -1401.1, 826.2, 47.6, 0, -90, 0) 
        ob3 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothSFLV) and not isTimer (ob4) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierSFLV, 1000, -1395.1, 829.2, 47.6, 0, -90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierSFLV, 1000, -1395.1, 829.2, 47.6, 0, 90, 0) 
        ob4 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothTRSF) and not isTimer (ob5) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierTRSF, 1000, -2691.69, 1271.3, 55.5, 0, 90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierTRSF, 1000, -2691.69, 1271.3, 55.5, 0, -90, 0) 
        ob5 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothSFTR) and not isTimer (ob6) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierSFTR, 1000, -2671.2, 1277.7, 55.5, 0, -90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierSFTR, 1000, -2671.2, 1277.7, 55.5, 0, 90, 0) 
        ob6 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothLSLV2) and not isTimer (ob7) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierLSLV2, 1000, 1736.8, 513.2, 28.6, 0, -90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierLSLV2, 1000, 1736.8, 513.2, 28.6, 0, 90, 0) 
        ob7 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothLVLS2) and not isTimer (ob8) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierLVLS2, 1000, 1731.9, 507.64, 28.9, 0, 88, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierLVLS2, 1000, 1731.9, 507.64, 28.9, 0, -90, 0) 
        ob8 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothLVSF2) and not isTimer (ob9) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierLVSF2, 1000, -1407.9, 832, 47.6, 0, 90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierLVSF2, 1000, -1407.9, 832, 47.6, 0, -90, 0) 
        ob9 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothSFLV2) and not isTimer (ob10) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierSFLV2, 1000, -1389, 823.4, 47.6, 0, -90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierSFLV2, 1000, -1389, 823.4, 47.6, 0, 90, 0) 
        ob10 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothTRSF2) and not isTimer (ob11) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierTRSF2, 1000, -2683, 1271.19, 55.5, 0, 90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierTRSF2, 1000, -2683, 1271.19, 55.5, 0, -90, 0) 
        ob11 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothSFTR2) and not isTimer (ob12) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierSFTR2, 1000, -2680.8, 1278.19, 55.5, 0, -90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierSFTR2, 1000, -2680.8, 1278.19, 55.5, 0, 90, 0) 
        ob12 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothLSSF) and not isTimer (ob13) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierLSSF, 1000, 51.7, -1528.1, 5.2, 0, -90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierLSSF, 1000, 51.7, -1528.1, 5.2, 0, 90, 0) 
        ob13 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    elseif isElementWithinMarker (source, tollboothSFLS) and not isTimer (ob14) then 
        moveObject (tollbarrierSFLS, 1000, 53.7, -1535, 5.2, 0, 90, 0) 
        setTimer (moveObject, 3500, 1, tollbarrierSFLS, 1000, 53.7, -1535, 5.2, 0, -90, 0) 
        ob14 = setTimer (function () end, 5000, 1) 
    if not freePass then 
        takePlayerMoney (source, tollPrice) 
addEventHandler ("tollPaid", root, openRamp) 
addEvent ("manageImpulses", true) 
addEventHandler ("manageImpulses", root, 
    function (value) 
        local acc = getPlayerAccount (source) 
        if value == 1 then 
            if not getAccountData (acc, "toll.impulses") then 
                setAccountData (acc, "toll.impulses", 1) 
                setAccountData (acc, "toll.impulses", getAccountData (acc, "toll.impulses") + 1) 
            outputChatBox ("[TOLL] Added one toll impulse to your account, total: #ffffff"..getAccountData (acc, "toll.impulses"), source, 10, 230, 10, true) 
            takePlayerMoney (source, tollPrice) 
        elseif value == 2 then 
            givePlayerMoney (source, tollPrice) 
            setAccountData (acc, "toll.impulses", getAccountData (acc, "toll.impulses") - 1) 
            outputChatBox ("[TOLL] Removed an impulse, you got your money back. Left: #ffffff"..getAccountData (acc, "toll.impulses"), source, 255, 130, 0, true) 

-- Settings 
local enableImpulses = true     -- If set to false players will not be able to purchase impulses 
-- End of settings 
function centerTollGUI (theWindow) 
    local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize () 
    local windowW, windowH = guiGetSize (theWindow,false) 
    local x, y = (screenW - windowW) / 2, (screenH - windowH) / 2 
    guiSetPosition (theWindow, x, y, false) 
-- Toll GUI 
local tollGUI = guiCreateWindow(0.37, 0.22, 0.34, 0.41,"Toll Booth",true) 
centerTollGUI (tollGUI) 
guiSetVisible (tollGUI, false) 
local tollIMG = guiCreateStaticImage(0.27, 0.07, 0.48, 0.47,"tollbooth.png",true,tollGUI) 
local tollinfo = guiCreateLabel(0.34, 0.58, 0.42, 0.04,"Toll Price: $",true,tollGUI) 
local tollinfoPrice = guiCreateLabel(0.53, 0.58, 0.42, 0.04,"",true,tollGUI) 
local tollPay = guiCreateButton(0.17, 0.66, 0.64, 0.14,"Pay Toll",true,tollGUI) 
local tollImpulses = guiCreateButton(0.17, 0.82, 0.64, 0.14,"Purchase Impulses",true,tollGUI) 
local tollClose = guiCreateButton(0.88, 0.08, 0.09, 0.09,"X",true,tollGUI) 
-- Impulses GUI 
local impulsesGUI = guiCreateWindow(0.31, 0.24, 0.35, 0.22, "Purchase Impulses", true) 
guiWindowSetSizable(impulsesGUI, false) 
guiSetVisible (impulsesGUI, false) 
centerTollGUI (impulsesGUI) 
local impulsesAdd = guiCreateButton(0.18, 0.21, 0.65, 0.20, "Add one", true, impulsesGUI) 
local impulsesCurrent = guiCreateMemo(0.39, 0.49, 0.16, 0.20, "0", true, impulsesGUI) 
guiMemoSetReadOnly(impulsesCurrent, true) 
local impulsesInfo = guiCreateLabel(0.25, 0.53, 0.13, 0.11, "Current:", true, impulsesGUI) 
local impulsesRemove = guiCreateButton(0.19, 0.72, 0.65, 0.20, "Remove one", true, impulsesGUI) 
local impulsesClose = guiCreateButton(0.90, 0.14, 0.08, 0.15, "X", true, impulsesGUI)     
addEvent ("manageTollGUI", true) 
addEventHandler ("manageTollGUI", root, 
    function (state, tollPrice, guest) 
        tollPrice = tonumber (tollPrice) 
        if state == 1 then 
            if not guiGetVisible (tollGUI) then 
                guiSetVisible (tollGUI, true) 
                showCursor (true) 
                guiSetText (tollinfoPrice, tostring (tollPrice)) 
                guiSetText (impulsesAdd, "Add one ($"..tollPrice..")") 
                guiSetText (impulsesCurrent, "0") 
                if enableImpulses == false or guest then 
                    guiSetEnabled (tollImpulses, false) 
                elseif enableImpuses == true then 
                    guiSetEnabled (tollImpulses, true) 
        elseif state == 2 then 
            if guiGetVisible (tollGUI) then 
                guiSetVisible (tollGUI, false) 
                showCursor (false) 
-- Handles GUI Clicks 
addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", root, 
    function (button, state) 
        if button == "left" and state == "up" then 
            if source == tollPay then 
                local vehicleController = getVehicleController (getPedOccupiedVehicle (localPlayer)) 
                if vehicleController == localPlayer and getPlayerMoney (vehicleController) < tonumber (guiGetText (tollinfoPrice)) then  
                    outputChatBox ("[TOLL] You don't have enough money", 255, 0, 0) 
                    guiSetVisible (tollGUI, false) 
                    showCursor (false) 
                    triggerServerEvent ("tollPaid", localPlayer) 
                    playSoundFrontEnd (5) 
                    guiSetVisible (tollGUI, false) 
                    showCursor (false) 
            elseif source == tollClose then 
                guiSetVisible (tollGUI, false) 
                showCursor (false) 
            elseif source == tollImpulses then 
                guiSetVisible (tollGUI, false) 
                guiSetVisible (impulsesGUI, true) 
            elseif source == impulsesClose then 
                guiSetVisible (tollGUI, true) 
                guiSetVisible (impulsesGUI, false) 
            elseif source == impulsesAdd then 
                if getPlayerMoney (getVehicleController (getPedOccupiedVehicle (localPlayer))) < tonumber (guiGetText (tollinfoPrice)) then 
                    outputChatBox ("[TOLL] You don't have enough money", 255, 0, 0) 
                    guiSetVisible (impulsesGUI, false) 
                    showCursor (false) 
                    triggerServerEvent ("manageImpulses", localPlayer, 1) 
                    guiSetText (impulsesCurrent, tonumber (guiGetText (impulsesCurrent)) + 1) 
            elseif source == impulsesRemove then 
                if getVehicleController (getPedOccupiedVehicle (localPlayer)) == localPlayer then 
                    if tonumber (guiGetText (impulsesCurrent)) > 0 then 
                        guiSetText (impulsesCurrent, tonumber (guiGetText (impulsesCurrent)) - 1) 
                        triggerServerEvent ("manageImpulses", localPlayer, 2) 

Link to comment

Can you check if it is good?

Script consists of peds, barriers, and markers,

If we hit the marker will check if we have $ 50 if it is a barrier to open if it is closed.

function granice(name) 
-- Granica przy czerwonym moście San Fiero --  
-- Policjanci ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
local ped=createPed(int 280, float -2672, float 1280.5999755859, float 55.900001525879 [, float rot = 2658.001831, bool synced = true]) 
getScreenFromWorldPosition(float -2671.8999023438, float 1280.5999755859, float 56.900001525879 [ float adgeTolerance=0, bool relative=true]) 
dxDrawText("Przejazd przez granice kosztuje 50$") 
local ped=createPed(int 280, float -2672, float 1280.5999755859, float 55.900001525879 [, float rot = 88.0018310, bool synced = true]) 
getScreenFromWorldPosition(float x, y, z )  
dxDrawText("Przejazd przez granice kosztuje 50$") 
local ped=createPed(int 280, float -2682.3999023438, float 1280.4000244141, float 55.900001525879 [, float rot = 90.0018310, bool synced = true]) 
getScreenFromWorldPosition(float x, y, z) 
dxDrawText("Przejazd przez granice kosztuje 50$") 
local ped=createPed(int 280, float -2689.8999023438, float 1280.5999755859, float 56 [, float rot = 268.004119, bool synced = true]) 
getScreenFromWorldPosition(float x, y, z) 
dxDrawText("Przejazd przez granice kosztuje 50$") 
local ped=createPed(int 280, float -2691.1999511719, float 1280.5999765859, float 56 [, float rot = 90.0018310, bool synced = true]) 
getScreenFromWorldPosition(float x, y, z) 
dxDrawText("Przejazd przez granice kosztuje 50$") 
local ped=createPed(int 280, float -2681.1999511719, float 1280.4000244141, float 55.900001525879 [, float 270.001831, bool synced = true]) 
getScreenFromWorldPosition(float x, y, z) 
dxDrawText("Przejazd przez granice kosztuje 50$") 
-- Barierki i markery----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
local object1=createObject(int 968, float -2671.8999023438, float 1283.1999511719, float 55.5, [ float 0, float 88, float 0, bool isLowLOD = false]) 
-- local marker=createMarker(-2668.1999511719, 1279.8000488281, 55.400001525879 [, string theType = "cylinder", size = 3.59999990, int g = 0 , int b = 0, int a = 0, visibleTo = getRootElement( ) ] ) 
local object2=createObject(int 968, float -2673.1000976563, float 1283.1999511719, float 55.5, [ float 0, float 270, float 0, bool isLowLOD = false]) 
-- local marker=createMarker(-2677, 1279.0999755859, 55.400001525879 [, string theType = "cylinder", size = 3.59999990, int g = 0, int b = 0, int a = 0, visibleTo = getRootElement( ) ] ) 
local object3=createObject(int 968, float -2681.6000976563, float 1283, float 55.5, float 0, [ float 0, float 270, float 0, bool isLowLOD = false]) 
-- local marker=createMarker(-2687.5, 1288.1999511719, 55.400001525879, [, string theType = "cylinder", size = 3.59999990, int g = 0, int b = 0, int a = 0, visibleTo = getRootElement( ) ] ) 
local object4=createObject(int 968, float -2690.6000976563, float 1282.9000244141, float 55.5, [ float 0, float 0, float 88.0018310, bool isLowLOD = false]) 
-- local marker=createMarker(-2694.6000976563, 1288.6999511719, 55.400001525879 [, string theType = "cylinder", size = 3.59999990, int g = 0, int b = 0, int a = 0, visibleTo = getRootElement( ) ] ) 
function bariers(thePlayer) -- Pobieranie pieniędzy (50$) i ruchome barierki 
if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, object1) then 
    local pieniadze = getPlayerMoney(elementgracza) 
    local koszt >= 50 
if pieniadze == koszt then 
outputChatBox("Nie posiadasz tyle pieniedzy", elementgracza) 
takePlayerMoney(thePlayer, tonumber(50) 
moveObject(1000, -2671.8999023438, 1283.1999511719, 55.5) 
moveObject(1000, -2671.8999023438, 1283.1999511719, 55.5 [, moverx 0, movery 88, moverz 0, ] ) 
function barriers2(thePlayer) 
if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, object2) then 
    local pieniadze = getPlayerMoney(elementgracza) 
    local koszt >= 50 
if pieniadze == koszt then 
outputChatBox("Nie posiadasz tyle pieniedzy", elementgracza) 
takePlayerMoney(thePlayer, tonumber(50) 
moveObject(1000, -2673.8999023438, 1283.1999511719, 55.5) 
moveObject(1000, -2673.1000976563, 1283.1999511719, 55.5 [, moverx 0, movery 270, move rz 0, ] ) 
function barriers3(thePlayer) 
if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, object3) then 
    local pieniadze = getPlayerMoney(elementgracza) 
    local koszt >= 50 
if pieniadze == koszt then 
outputChatBox("Nie posiadasz tyle pieniedzy", elementgracza) 
takePlayerMoney(thePlayer, tonumber(50) 
moveObject(-2681.6000976563, 1283, 55.5) 
moveObject(-2681.6000976563, 1283, 55.5 [, moverx 0, move ry 270, move rz 0 ] ) 
function barriers4(thePlayer) 
if isElementWithinMarker(thePlayer, object4) then 
    local pieniadze = getPlayerMoney(elementgracza) 
    local koszt >= 50 
if pieniadze == koszt then 
outputChatBox("Nie posiadasz tyle pieniedzy", elementgracza) 
takePlayerMoney(thePlayer, tonumber(50) 
moveObject(-2690.6000976563, 1282.9000244141, 55.5) 
moveObject(-2690.6000976563, 9000244141, 55.5 [, moverx 0, move ry 270, move rz 0 ] ) 

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not because I know that I have done this that a player does not have $ 50 this barrier is closed and I have immediately that if we pay it opens and closes

moveObject(-2690.6000976563, 1282.9000244141, 55.5) 
moveObject(-2690.6000976563, 9000244141, 55.5 [, moverx 0, move ry 270, move rz 0 ] ) 

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