shoBy Posted September 4, 2014 Share Posted September 4, 2014 Hey guys...I have some problems with this scripts Can you help me to remove this ? Globalchat/chat_server.lua Script --\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -- GlobalChat MTA:DayZ addon 1.1 -- Made by -ffs-Sniper -- You are free to edit this addon --/////////////////////////////////// --Add the resource as addon to DayZ function addAddonInfo ( name, description ) return call ( getResourceFromName( "DayZ" ), "addAddonInfo", name, description ) end addAddonInfo ( "GlobalChat", "" ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- --Your Code --Please edit the settings in the meta.xml or admin panel instead of changing those colorCodesDefault = { } colorCodesDefault.colorcode1 = "#00a5ff" colorCodesDefault.colorcode3 = "#00a5ff" colorCodesDefault.colorcode2 = "#00a5ff" colorCodes = { } colorCodes.colorcode1 = get ( "colorcode1" ) or colorCodesDefault.colorcode1 colorCodes.colorcode2 = get ( "colorcode2" ) or colorCodesDefault.colorcode2 colorCodes.colorcode3 = get ( "colorcode3" ) or colorCodesDefault.colorcode3 --Check color code on start for i, v in pairs ( colorCodes ) do if not getColorFromString ( v ) then colorCodes[i] = colorCodesDefault[i] --if the admin fails to enter a valid hex color code outputChatBox ( "Bad " .. i .. " specified at GlobalChat addon (format: #FFFFFF)", root, 255, 0, 0, false) outputDebugString ( "Bad " .. i .. " specified at GlobalChat addon (format: #FFFFFF)", 2 ) end end outputLimit = 128 --character limit for chatbox outputs (do not change this) messagePrefix = get ( "prefix" ) or "[Global]" --prefix for the outputs onlyLatinCharacters = get ( "latinchars" ) == "true" and true or false timeBetweenMessages = tonumber ( get ( "messagedelay" ) ) or 1000 --time to wait between chat messages playerTickTable = { } --create a table with tick counts of the most recent chat message --The message output function playeGlobalChat ( playersource, cmd, ... ) if cmd == "globalchat" then --Check whether the player is muted first if isPlayerMuted ( playersource ) then outputChatBox ("You are muted!", playersource, 255, 128, 22, true) return end local msg = table.concat ( {...} , " " ) --concat the arguments from table to a string seperated by spaces local msg = string.gsub ( msg, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) --remove color-codes --Anti-spam checks local onlyLettersMsg = string.gsub ( msg , "%A", "" ) --extract letters only if onlyLettersMsg == string.upper ( onlyLettersMsg ) and #onlyLettersMsg > 6 then --check if there are more than 6 uppercase letters without any lowercase letters outputChatBox ( "Turn off your capslock!", playersource, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if string.find ( msg, "http://" ) then --disallow links outputChatBox ( "Do not spam the chat with links. Please use a private message instead!", playersource, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if onlyLatinCharacters then local noSpacesMsg = string.gsub ( msg, " ", "" ) local onlySpecCharMsg = string.gsub( noSpacesMsg, "[%a%d]", "") --extract special chars only if #onlySpecCharMsg > 10 then --check if there are more than 10 non-latin characters used (including russian, chinese, etc. characters) outputChatBox ( "Do not spam the chat with special (language) characters!", playersource, 255, 0, 0 ) return end end local var, spacesCount = string.gsub( msg, " ", "") --get the count of spaces if ( #msg / spacesCount ) > 20 and #msg > 20 then --check if there is at least one space per 20 or less characters outputChatBox ( "Do not spam the chat with long words!", playersource, 255, 0, 0 ) return end if playerTickTable[playersource] then --check if a table entry for the player exists local tick = getTickCount ( ) --get the current tick count in ms local timePassed = tick - playerTickTable[playersource] --calculate the time that passed between two messages if timePassed <= timeBetweenMessages then outputChatBox ( "Please refrain from chat spam!", playersource, 255, 0, 0 ) return end else playerTickTable[playersource] = getTickCount ( ) end --End of anti-spam checks local message = messagePrefix .. colorCodes.colorcode2 .. string.gsub ( ( getPlayerName ( playersource ) .. " : " ), '#%x%x%x%x%x%x', '' ) .. colorCodes.colorcode3 .. msg --precreate the message string local message = string.sub ( message, 1, outputLimit ) --since the chatbox won't display messages with more than 128 characters we just drop the ones at the end local r, g, b = getColorFromString ( colorCodes.colorcode1 ) outputChatBox ( message, root, r, g, b, true ) playerTickTable[playersource] = getTickCount ( ) end end addCommandHandler ( "globalchat", playeGlobalChat ) --Admin panel resource settings checks addEventHandler ( "onSettingChange", root, function ( setting, oldValue, newValue ) local setting = gettok ( setting, 2, string.byte ( "." ) ) if setting == "colorcode1" or setting == "colorcode2" or setting == "colorcode3" then if getColorFromString ( fromJSON( newValue ) ) then --if the admin fails to enter a valid hex color code colorCodes[setting] = fromJSON( newValue ) else colorCodes[setting] = colorCodesDefault[setting] outputChatBox ( "Bad " .. setting .. " specified at GlobalChat addon (format: #FFFFFF)", root, 255, 0, 0, false) outputDebugString ( "Bad " .. setting .. " specified at GlobalChat addon (format: #FFFFFF)", 2 ) end end if setting == "messagedelay" then --update message delay when changed if tonumber ( fromJSON( newValue ) ) then timeBetweenMessages = tonumber ( fromJSON( newValue ) ) or 1000 --maximum securtiy is usually best end end if setting == "prefix" then --update message prefix when changed if fromJSON( newValue ) then messagePrefix = fromJSON ( newValue ) or "[GLOBAL]" --maximum securtiy is usually best end end if setting == "latinchars" then --update onlyLatinCharacters setting when changed onlyLatinCharacters = fromJSON ( newValue ) == "true" and true or false end end ) addEventHandler ( "onPlayerQuit", root, function ( ) playerTickTable[source] = nil --remove a leaving player from our cached table end ) baseb1/baseb1_s.lua Script RestricLocation = {} TeleportLocation = {} EnabledAlarm = true TimesToKick = {} TimeSireneEnabled = true ColCuboid = false --------------------------------------- CONFIGS -------------------------------------------- RestricLocation["location1"] = {1110.8000488281,1250.9000244141,42.599998474121} --Local PARTE DE CIMA RestricLocation["location2"] = {1167.6999511719,1327.4000244141,6.0999999046326} --LOCAL PARTE DE BAIXO TeleportLocation = {1142.4000244141,1374.8000488281,10.60000038147} --LOCAL TO TELEPORT PLAYER GroupName = "Staff" -- name of the acl/gang group !!! GroupNameBy = 1 -- 1 for gang name, 2 for ACL group ! cmdTurnON = "turnONcmd" -- Command to enable alarm / cmdTurnOFF = "TurnOFFcmd" -- Command to disable alarm / MsgtoKICK = "Area protected! Leave or kick!" MsgCantCreateCollision = "Can't be created the Collision, check your location1 and location2" EnableVehicleGodMode = true -- true enabled, false disabled. KickORBAN = 1 -- 1 for kick player, 2 for BAN BanTime = 900000 -- time in seconds of ban, 900000 sec = 15 min MsgBAN = "Invasor" -- Reason of BAN ! --------------------------------------- CONFIGS -------------------------------------------- function sendMsg(iplayer,msg) outputChatBox ( msg, iplayer, 255, 255, 255, true ) end function EnterPlace ( theElement ) if (getElementType ( theElement ) == "player") and (PlayerHaveLevel (theElement) == false) and (EnabledAlarm == true ) then if(TimesToKick[theElement] > 0) then sendMsg(theElement,MsgtoKICK ..TimesToKick[theElement]) TimesToKick[theElement] = TimesToKick[theElement] -1 setElementPosition( theElement, TeleportLocation[1], TeleportLocation[2], TeleportLocation[3]) if TimeSireneEnabled == true then triggerClientEvent ( "ActiveAlarm", getRootElement() ) end sendMsgOwners(theElement) else if (KickORBAN == 1) then kickPlayer(theElement) else banPlayer ( theElement , false, false, true, "Alarme system Base", MsgBAN, BanTime ) end end elseif getElementType ( theElement ) == "vehicle" then SetVehicleGodMode(theElement,true) end end function ExitPlace ( theElement ) if getElementType ( theElement ) == "vehicle" then SetVehicleGodMode(theElement,false) end end function ASBenable1 ( source ) if(PlayerHaveLevel (source) == true) then EnabledAlarm = true end end function ASBdisable1 ( source ) if(PlayerHaveLevel (source) == true) then EnabledAlarm = false end end function ResetStats ( ) local connectedPlayers = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for i, aPlayer in ipairs(connectedPlayers) do if TimesToKick[aPlayer] == nil then TimesToKick[aPlayer] = 5 end if(TimesToKick[aPlayer] < 5) then TimesToKick[aPlayer] = TimesToKick[aPlayer] + 1 end end end function playerConnect ( playerNick ) local iPlayer = getPlayerFromName ( =GOW=brokengunman26 ) TimesToKick[iPlayer] = 5 end function PlayerHaveLevel( PlayerID ) if GroupNameBy == 1 then if ( getElementData ( PlayerID , "gang" ) == GroupName ) then return true else return false end else local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( PlayerID ) ) if ( isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( GroupName ) ) ) then return true else return false end end end function ResourceStart( ) LoadLocations() CreateCollision() local connectedPlayers = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for i, aPlayer in ipairs(connectedPlayers) do TimesToKick[aPlayer] = 5 end end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ),ResourceStart) function LoadLocations() local RX, RY, RZ, WRX, WRX, WRX if(RestricLocation["location1"][1] > RestricLocation["location2"][1]) then RestricLocation["maxx"] = RestricLocation["location1"][1] RestricLocation["minx"] = RestricLocation["location2"][1] else RestricLocation["maxx"] = RestricLocation["location2"][1] RestricLocation["minx"] = RestricLocation["location1"][1] end if(RestricLocation["location1"][2] > RestricLocation["location2"][2]) then RestricLocation["maxy"] = RestricLocation["location1"][2] RestricLocation["miny"] = RestricLocation["location2"][2] else RestricLocation["maxy"] = RestricLocation["location2"][2] RestricLocation["miny"] = RestricLocation["location1"][2] end if(RestricLocation["location1"][3] > RestricLocation["location2"][3]) then RestricLocation["maxz"] = RestricLocation["location1"][3] RestricLocation["minz"] = RestricLocation["location2"][3] else RestricLocation["maxz"] = RestricLocation["location2"][3] RestricLocation["minz"] = RestricLocation["location1"][3] end end function CreateCollision() RX = RestricLocation["minx"] WRX = RestricLocation["maxx"] - RestricLocation["minx"] RY = RestricLocation["miny"] WRY = RestricLocation["maxy"] - RestricLocation["miny"] RZ = RestricLocation["minz"] WRZ = RestricLocation["maxz"] - RestricLocation["minz"] ColCuboid = createColCuboid ( RX, RY, RZ, WRX, WRY, WRZ ) if ColCuboid then addEventHandler ( "onColShapeHit", ColCuboid, EnterPlace ) addEventHandler ( "onColShapeLeave", ColCuboid, ExitPlace ) else outputDebugString(MsgCantCreateCollision) end end function ResourceStop( ) destroyElement ( ColCuboid ) end addEventHandler( "onResourceStop", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ),ResourceStop) function SireneEnabled() TimeSireneEnabled = true end function sendMsgOwners( PlayerID ) local connectedPlayers = getElementsByType ( "player" ) for i, aPlayer in ipairs(connectedPlayers) do if(PlayerHaveLevel (aPlayer) == true) then sendMsg(aPlayer," Player " ..getPlayerName ( PlayerID ) .." is trying to join in our base!") end end end function SetVehicleGodMode( VehicleID, godEoD ) if EnableVehicleGodMode == true then setElementData(VehicleID, "godmode", godEoD) setVehicleDamageProof (VehicleID, godEoD ) end end setTimer ( SireneEnabled , 20000, 0, "" ) setTimer ( ResetStats , 15000, 0, "" ) addCommandHandler("alarmon",ASBenable1) addCommandHandler("alarmoff",ASBdisable1) addEventHandler ("onPlayerConnect", getRootElement(), playerConnect) spawn/server.lua Script LuaQ @server.lua T J Á@ b@ Š Á A ¢@ Ê A A "A J Š Á B ¢A Ê AB âA A B "B J Š Á C ¢B Ê AC âB A C "C J€ Š€ Ê€ A D "D âC€ ¢C€ bC€ bB bA Š Á B ¢A Ê AB âA â@ A A "A "@ d G€ EÀ Å@ Ü€€ \@ d@ G€ d€ GÀ E À ÅÀ \@€ € ð? @ fcz addEventHandler onsourceLogin getRootElement spawn2 spawn addCommandHandler + E@ …€ \ € EÀ À •À Å@ Ü \€ Z €€EÀ …€ Á A \@ E€ …€ ÁÀ AA \@€E€ À Å€ AA € \@€E€ À Å€ AA € \@€ € getAccountName getsourceAccount source isObjectInACLGroup user. aclGetGroup Admin setElementData adm ð? bindKey F10 both spawnvehh outputChatBox 5 /spawn ID fuel fuelmax tire tiremax engine enginemax ào@ $@ >@" Example: /spawn 521 10 90 1 2 1 1 E € Á@ \@ € setElementData jausou ! [ E € ÁB \‚€Z À€E‚ € \ @ ŒCÁ̃A €ƒ€ à @€€ À€D ƒ€ à ƒ Eà …à ÁÃ Ä AÄ C Eà C À C Eà ƒ À C Eà à À C Eà Åà C Eà Åà C Eà C € C Eà ƒ Áà C Eà À€C Eà C À€C Eà ƒ Ê @€€ À€âC C Eà à À€C € getElementData adm getElementPosition veh createVehicle @ @ vehCol createColSphere ø? attachElements setElementData maxfuel needtires needengines parent vehicle MAX_Slots D@ Tire_inVehicle Engine_inVehicle spawn fuel R\RNj^8ì€PêO)ú|hMI=I”lnmlsTÜ1>}L)ä|hMJ=IŠlnmlmd9ì=,M|ÔLF}d ,y¤\·UJñš Ê ô™J£Ð4_qؤS}Hä•}€˜Ç¬&‘"Ù=½! ž>–ßîæM½Kìóõc]" ¹T]gѼîL˜- Link to comment
shoBy Posted September 4, 2014 Author Share Posted September 4, 2014 Can you help me ? Please do it.. Link to comment
lcd1232 Posted September 4, 2014 Share Posted September 4, 2014 to compile scripts use Link to comment
shoBy Posted September 4, 2014 Author Share Posted September 4, 2014 I can't It says already compiled...Please do it for me...And some scripts have error...Please help Link to comment
lcd1232 Posted September 4, 2014 Share Posted September 4, 2014 I can't It says already compiled...Please do it for me...And some scripts have error...Please help U must put there uncompiled versions of scripts, because u can't compile script which are already compiled. Link to comment
shoBy Posted September 4, 2014 Author Share Posted September 4, 2014 The uncomplied version is .lua_dayz? Link to comment
Moderators IIYAMA Posted September 4, 2014 Moderators Share Posted September 4, 2014 The uncomplied version is .lua_dayz? No you have to buy that. Show some more respect to the creators. Link to comment
shoBy Posted September 4, 2014 Author Share Posted September 4, 2014 I show it. LoL, what did I do? I just asked for this problem, lol. Link to comment
Moderators IIYAMA Posted September 4, 2014 Moderators Share Posted September 4, 2014 Discussing illegal software on a public forum. That is what you did, like many others still do. I don't blame you for that , but in my opinion it is disrespectful towards to creators. Also I just told you what you should do to solve your problems, so I am not that bad am I? Link to comment
shoBy Posted September 4, 2014 Author Share Posted September 4, 2014 Oh, god! I have some problems here...I found something but I don't know if it works. Link to comment
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