Simple. Posted August 25, 2014 Share Posted August 25, 2014 آلسلام عليكم انا عندي مود حملته من الكومينتي آلمود ول هاك لما تلبس النظاره يطلع لك انا آبيه بدون نظاره بس تكتب بآف8 آمر يضبط حاولت آسويه لكن يجيني اخطاء دايم :‘( هذآ آلكلنت local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() local osw = sw/1280 local osh = sh/1024 local maxdist = 200 local vis = 0 local currentUse = false local infoTable = {{"Health",true,nil},{"Armor",true,nil},{"Weapon",true,nil},{"Vehicle",true,nil},{"Team",true,"player"}} local colors = {window=tocolor(0,0,200,130),windowHead=tocolor(0,0,0,180),windowHeadText=tocolor(255,0,0,255),windowText=tocolor(255,0,0,255)} --BONES-- local lvl1bones = {[54] = 53,[53] = 52,[52] = 51,[51] = 1,[44] = 43,[43] = 42,[42] = 41,[41] = 1,[1] = 2,[2] = 3,[3] = 4,[26] = 25,[25] = 24,[24] = 23,[23] = 22,[21] = 22, [36] = 35,[35] = 34,[34] = 33,[33] = 32,[31] = 32,[4] = 6,[6] = 7,[7] = 4,[32] = 41,[22] = 51} local lvl2bones = {[5] = 32, [22] = 5, [24] = 23, [23] = 22, [32] = 33, [33] = 34, [1] = 5, [51] = 1, [41] = 1, [52] = 51, [42] = 41, [6] = 5, [53] = 52, [43] = 42} local lvl3bones = {[24] = 23, [23] = 5, [34] = 33, [33] = 5, [1] = 5, [52] = 1, [42] = 1, [53] = 52, [43] = 42} --BONES-- function getType(element) if isElement(element) then return getElementType(element) else return type(element) end end function isNormalValue(value) if getType(value) ~= "table" then return false, "Argument must be 'table'" elseif getType(value[1]) ~= "string" or getType(value[2]) ~= "string" then return false, "Value should be like '{string showingName, string elementData, player/ped/nil workingElement, [{childValue1,childValue2,..}]}" end if value[4] then if getType(value[4]) ~= "table" then return false, "Child values must be 'table'" else for i,value in ipairs(value[4]) do local isNormal, debugMessage = isNormalValue(value) if not isNormal then return isNormal, debugMessage end end end end return true end function addWindowInfo(value) local isNormal, debugMessage = isNormalValue(value) if not isNormal then return isNormal, debugMessage end infoTable[#infoTable+1] = value return true end function removeWindowInfo(v1,v2,v3) if v1 then for i,value in ipairs(infoTable) do if value[1] == v1 then if v2 then if value[2] == v2 then if v3 then if value[3] == v3 then table.remove(infoTable,i) return true end else table.remove(infoTable,i) return true end end else table.remove(infoTable,i) return true end end end end return false end function local scores = {} local n = 0 local win = {} for k,v in pairs(pl) do table.insert(scores,v) end table.sort(scores,function(a,b) return aend) for i,v in ipairs(scores) do n = n + 1 local find = 0 for e,r in pairs(pl) do if r == v and find ~= 1 then win[i] = e find = 1 end end end return win end function checkTarget(tab) local target =[1] if target == getLocalPlayer() or target == nil then target =[2] end if target then drawInfoWindow(target) end end function getValue(ped,value,num) local ret = getElementData(ped,value[2]) local space = " " if ret then if value[4] then for i,value in ipairs(value[4]) do ret = tostring(ret).."\n"[1]..": "..tostring(getValue(ped,value,num+1)) end end end return ret end function getStandartValue(ped,value) local ret if value == "Health" then ret = math.floor(getElementHealth(ped)) elseif value == "Armor" then ret = math.floor(getPedArmor(ped)) elseif value == "Weapon" then local pedWeap = getPedWeapon(ped) ret = getWeaponNameFromID(pedWeap).." (ID: "..pedWeap..")" ret = ret.."\n Ammo: "..getPedTotalAmmo(ped) elseif value == "Vehicle" then local pedVeh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(ped) ret = "-" if pedVeh then local vModel = getElementModel(pedVeh) ret = getVehicleNameFromModel(vModel).." (ID: "..vModel..")\n Vehicle Health: "..math.ceil(getElementHealth(pedVeh)) if getVehicleOccupant(pedVeh) == ped then ret = ret.."\n Seat: Driver" else ret = ret.."\n Seat: Passenger" end end elseif value == "Team" then local team = getPlayerTeam(ped) ret = team if team then ret = getTeamName(team) end end return ret end function drawInfoWindow(ped) local pedType = getType(ped) local color2 = tocolor(205,205,205,255) local color3 = tocolor(50,50,50,255) local txt = "" local txtname = "" local alltxt = "" if pedType == "player" then txtname = getPlayerName(ped) else txtname = string.upper(pedType) end if getElementHealth(ped) > 0 then txt = math.floor(getElementHealth(ped)) .. " HP" else txt = "DEAD" end if getType(ped) == "player" then local plteam = getPlayerTeam(ped) if (plteam) then local tr,tg,tb = getTeamColor(plteam) color2 = tocolor(255-tr,255-tg,255-tb,255) color3 = tocolor(tr,tg,tb,255) else color2 = tocolor(0,0,0,255) color3 = tocolor(255,255,255,255) end end local x8,y8,z8 = getPedBonePosition(ped,8) local px8,py8 = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x8,y8,z8+0.3) if not px8 then x8,y8,z8 = getElementPosition(ped) px8,py8 = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x8,y8,z8) end for ind,value in ipairs(infoTable) do local vtxt = value[1] if not value[3] or value[3] == pedType then if value[2] == true then vtxt = vtxt..": "..tostring(getStandartValue(ped,vtxt)) else vtxt = vtxt..": "..tostring(getValue(ped,value,0)) end alltxt = alltxt..vtxt.."\n" end end alltxt = alltxt:sub(1,alltxt:len()-1) dxDrawText(txt,px8+1,py8-1,px8+1,py8-1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8-1,py8+1,px8-1,py8+1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8+1,py8+1,px8+1,py8+1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8-1,py8-1,px8-1,py8-1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8,py8,px8,py8,color3,1,"default-bold","center","center") local _,amountOfN = string.gsub(alltxt,"\n","") local windHeight = 35+15*(amountOfN+1) dxDrawRectangle(sw-(osh*250+16),osh*650,osh*250,osh*windHeight,colors.window) dxDrawRectangle(sw-(osh*250+16),osh*650,osh*250,osh*25,colors.windowHead) dxDrawText(txtname,sw-(osh*250+16),osh*650,sw-6,osh*675,colors.windowHeadText,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(alltxt,sw-(osh*250+6),osh*680,sw-26,osh*850,colors.windowText,1 ,"default-bold","left","top",false,true) end function drawPedBones (ped) local aList = {} if ped ~= getLocalPlayer() then local x,y,z = getCameraMatrix() local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(ped) local fDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,px,py,pz) if fDistance < 40 then aList = lvl1bones elseif fDistance < 90 and fDistance >= 40 then aList = lvl2bones elseif fDistance < maxdist and fDistance >= 90 then aList = lvl3bones end local playerTeam = nil if getType(ped) == "player" then playerTeam = getPlayerTeam( ped ) end local red,green,blue = 200,200,200 if playerTeam then red,green,blue = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) end local pedColor = tocolor(red,green,blue,255) for iFrom,iTo in pairs(aList) do local x1,y1,z1 = getPedBonePosition(ped,iFrom) local x2,y2,z2 = getPedBonePosition(ped,iTo) if not (x1 or x2) then return end local screenX1, screenY1 = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x1,y1,z1 ) local screenX2, screenY2 = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x2,y2,z2 ) if screenX1 and screenX2 then Link to comment
./BlackBird# Posted August 25, 2014 Share Posted August 25, 2014 local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() local osw = sw/1280 local osh = sh/1024 local maxdist = 200 local vis = 0 local currentUse = false local infoTable = {{"Health",true,nil},{"Armor",true,nil},{"Weapon",true,nil},{"Vehicle",true,nil},{"Team",true,"player"}} local colors = {window=tocolor(0,0,200,130),windowHead=tocolor(0,0,0,180),windowHeadText=tocolor(255,0,0,255),windowText=tocolor(255,0,0,255)} --BONES-- local lvl1bones = {[54] = 53,[53] = 52,[52] = 51,[51] = 1,[44] = 43,[43] = 42,[42] = 41,[41] = 1,[1] = 2,[2] = 3,[3] = 4,[26] = 25,[25] = 24,[24] = 23,[23] = 22,[21] = 22, [36] = 35,[35] = 34,[34] = 33,[33] = 32,[31] = 32,[4] = 6,[6] = 7,[7] = 4,[32] = 41,[22] = 51} local lvl2bones = {[5] = 32, [22] = 5, [24] = 23, [23] = 22, [32] = 33, [33] = 34, [1] = 5, [51] = 1, [41] = 1, [52] = 51, [42] = 41, [6] = 5, [53] = 52, [43] = 42} local lvl3bones = {[24] = 23, [23] = 5, [34] = 33, [33] = 5, [1] = 5, [52] = 1, [42] = 1, [53] = 52, [43] = 42} --BONES-- function getType(element) if isElement(element) then return getElementType(element) else return type(element) end end function isNormalValue(value) if getType(value) ~= "table" then return false, "Argument must be 'table'" elseif getType(value[1]) ~= "string" or getType(value[2]) ~= "string" then return false, "Value should be like '{string showingName, string elementData, player/ped/nil workingElement, [{childValue1,childValue2,..}]}" end if value[4] then if getType(value[4]) ~= "table" then return false, "Child values must be 'table'" else for i,value in ipairs(value[4]) do local isNormal, debugMessage = isNormalValue(value) if not isNormal then return isNormal, debugMessage end end end end return true end function addWindowInfo(value) local isNormal, debugMessage = isNormalValue(value) if not isNormal then return isNormal, debugMessage end infoTable[#infoTable+1] = value return true end function removeWindowInfo(v1,v2,v3) if v1 then for i,value in ipairs(infoTable) do if value[1] == v1 then if v2 then if value[2] == v2 then if v3 then if value[3] == v3 then table.remove(infoTable,i) return true end else table.remove(infoTable,i) return true end end else table.remove(infoTable,i) return true end end end end return false end function local scores = {} local n = 0 local win = {} for k,v in pairs(pl) do table.insert(scores,v) end table.sort(scores,function(a,b) return aend) for i,v in ipairs(scores) do n = n + 1 local find = 0 for e,r in pairs(pl) do if r == v and find ~= 1 then win[i] = e find = 1 end end end return win end function checkTarget(tab) local target =[1] if target == getLocalPlayer() or target == nil then target =[2] end if target then drawInfoWindow(target) end end function getValue(ped,value,num) local ret = getElementData(ped,value[2]) local space = " " if ret then if value[4] then for i,value in ipairs(value[4]) do ret = tostring(ret).."\n"[1]..": "..tostring(getValue(ped,value,num+1)) end end end return ret end function getStandartValue(ped,value) local ret if value == "Health" then ret = math.floor(getElementHealth(ped)) elseif value == "Armor" then ret = math.floor(getPedArmor(ped)) elseif value == "Weapon" then local pedWeap = getPedWeapon(ped) ret = getWeaponNameFromID(pedWeap).." (ID: "..pedWeap..")" ret = ret.."\n Ammo: "..getPedTotalAmmo(ped) elseif value == "Vehicle" then local pedVeh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(ped) ret = "-" if pedVeh then local vModel = getElementModel(pedVeh) ret = getVehicleNameFromModel(vModel).." (ID: "..vModel..")\n Vehicle Health: "..math.ceil(getElementHealth(pedVeh)) if getVehicleOccupant(pedVeh) == ped then ret = ret.."\n Seat: Driver" else ret = ret.."\n Seat: Passenger" end end elseif value == "Team" then local team = getPlayerTeam(ped) ret = team if team then ret = getTeamName(team) end end return ret end function drawInfoWindow(ped) local pedType = getType(ped) local color2 = tocolor(205,205,205,255) local color3 = tocolor(50,50,50,255) local txt = "" local txtname = "" local alltxt = "" if pedType == "player" then txtname = getPlayerName(ped) else txtname = string.upper(pedType) end if getElementHealth(ped) > 0 then txt = math.floor(getElementHealth(ped)) .. " HP" else txt = "DEAD" end if getType(ped) == "player" then local plteam = getPlayerTeam(ped) if (plteam) then local tr,tg,tb = getTeamColor(plteam) color2 = tocolor(255-tr,255-tg,255-tb,255) color3 = tocolor(tr,tg,tb,255) else color2 = tocolor(0,0,0,255) color3 = tocolor(255,255,255,255) end end local x8,y8,z8 = getPedBonePosition(ped,8) local px8,py8 = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x8,y8,z8+0.3) if not px8 then x8,y8,z8 = getElementPosition(ped) px8,py8 = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x8,y8,z8) end for ind,value in ipairs(infoTable) do local vtxt = value[1] if not value[3] or value[3] == pedType then if value[2] == true then vtxt = vtxt..": "..tostring(getStandartValue(ped,vtxt)) else vtxt = vtxt..": "..tostring(getValue(ped,value,0)) end alltxt = alltxt..vtxt.."\n" end end alltxt = alltxt:sub(1,alltxt:len()-1) dxDrawText(txt,px8+1,py8-1,px8+1,py8-1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8-1,py8+1,px8-1,py8+1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8+1,py8+1,px8+1,py8+1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8-1,py8-1,px8-1,py8-1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8,py8,px8,py8,color3,1,"default-bold","center","center") local _,amountOfN = string.gsub(alltxt,"\n","") local windHeight = 35+15*(amountOfN+1) dxDrawRectangle(sw-(osh*250+16),osh*650,osh*250,osh*windHeight,colors.window) dxDrawRectangle(sw-(osh*250+16),osh*650,osh*250,osh*25,colors.windowHead) dxDrawText(txtname,sw-(osh*250+16),osh*650,sw-6,osh*675,colors.windowHeadText,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(alltxt,sw-(osh*250+6),osh*680,sw-26,osh*850,colors.windowText,1 ,"default-bold","left","top",false,true) end function drawPedBones (ped) local aList = {} if ped ~= getLocalPlayer() then local x,y,z = getCameraMatrix() local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(ped) local fDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,px,py,pz) if fDistance < 40 then aList = lvl1bones elseif fDistance < 90 and fDistance >= 40 then aList = lvl2bones elseif fDistance < maxdist and fDistance >= 90 then aList = lvl3bones end local playerTeam = nil if getType(ped) == "player" then playerTeam = getPlayerTeam( ped ) end local red,green,blue = 200,200,200 if playerTeam then red,green,blue = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) end local pedColor = tocolor(red,green,blue,255) for iFrom,iTo in pairs(aList) do local x1,y1,z1 = getPedBonePosition(ped,iFrom) local x2,y2,z2 = getPedBonePosition(ped,iTo) if not (x1 or x2) then return end local screenX1, screenY1 = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x1,y1,z1 ) local screenX2, screenY2 = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x2,y2,z2 ) if screenX1 and screenX2 then Link to comment
Simple. Posted August 25, 2014 Author Share Posted August 25, 2014 local sw,sh = guiGetScreenSize() local osw = sw/1280 local osh = sh/1024 local maxdist = 200 local vis = 0 local currentUse = false local infoTable = {{"Health",true,nil},{"Armor",true,nil},{"Weapon",true,nil},{"Vehicle",true,nil},{"Team",true,"player"}} local colors = {window=tocolor(0,0,200,130),windowHead=tocolor(0,0,0,180),windowHeadText=tocolor(255,0,0,255),windowText=tocolor(255,0,0,255)} --BONES-- local lvl1bones = {[54] = 53,[53] = 52,[52] = 51,[51] = 1,[44] = 43,[43] = 42,[42] = 41,[41] = 1,[1] = 2,[2] = 3,[3] = 4,[26] = 25,[25] = 24,[24] = 23,[23] = 22,[21] = 22, [36] = 35,[35] = 34,[34] = 33,[33] = 32,[31] = 32,[4] = 6,[6] = 7,[7] = 4,[32] = 41,[22] = 51} local lvl2bones = {[5] = 32, [22] = 5, [24] = 23, [23] = 22, [32] = 33, [33] = 34, [1] = 5, [51] = 1, [41] = 1, [52] = 51, [42] = 41, [6] = 5, [53] = 52, [43] = 42} local lvl3bones = {[24] = 23, [23] = 5, [34] = 33, [33] = 5, [1] = 5, [52] = 1, [42] = 1, [53] = 52, [43] = 42} --BONES-- function getType(element) if isElement(element) then return getElementType(element) else return type(element) end end function isNormalValue(value) if getType(value) ~= "table" then return false, "Argument must be 'table'" elseif getType(value[1]) ~= "string" or getType(value[2]) ~= "string" then return false, "Value should be like '{string showingName, string elementData, player/ped/nil workingElement, [{childValue1,childValue2,..}]}" end if value[4] then if getType(value[4]) ~= "table" then return false, "Child values must be 'table'" else for i,value in ipairs(value[4]) do local isNormal, debugMessage = isNormalValue(value) if not isNormal then return isNormal, debugMessage end end end end return true end function addWindowInfo(value) local isNormal, debugMessage = isNormalValue(value) if not isNormal then return isNormal, debugMessage end infoTable[#infoTable+1] = value return true end function removeWindowInfo(v1,v2,v3) if v1 then for i,value in ipairs(infoTable) do if value[1] == v1 then if v2 then if value[2] == v2 then if v3 then if value[3] == v3 then table.remove(infoTable,i) return true end else table.remove(infoTable,i) return true end end else table.remove(infoTable,i) return true end end end end return false end function local scores = {} local n = 0 local win = {} for k,v in pairs(pl) do table.insert(scores,v) end table.sort(scores,function(a,b) return aend) for i,v in ipairs(scores) do n = n + 1 local find = 0 for e,r in pairs(pl) do if r == v and find ~= 1 then win[i] = e find = 1 end end end return win end function checkTarget(tab) local target =[1] if target == getLocalPlayer() or target == nil then target =[2] end if target then drawInfoWindow(target) end end function getValue(ped,value,num) local ret = getElementData(ped,value[2]) local space = " " if ret then if value[4] then for i,value in ipairs(value[4]) do ret = tostring(ret).."\n"[1]..": "..tostring(getValue(ped,value,num+1)) end end end return ret end function getStandartValue(ped,value) local ret if value == "Health" then ret = math.floor(getElementHealth(ped)) elseif value == "Armor" then ret = math.floor(getPedArmor(ped)) elseif value == "Weapon" then local pedWeap = getPedWeapon(ped) ret = getWeaponNameFromID(pedWeap).." (ID: "..pedWeap..")" ret = ret.."\n Ammo: "..getPedTotalAmmo(ped) elseif value == "Vehicle" then local pedVeh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(ped) ret = "-" if pedVeh then local vModel = getElementModel(pedVeh) ret = getVehicleNameFromModel(vModel).." (ID: "..vModel..")\n Vehicle Health: "..math.ceil(getElementHealth(pedVeh)) if getVehicleOccupant(pedVeh) == ped then ret = ret.."\n Seat: Driver" else ret = ret.."\n Seat: Passenger" end end elseif value == "Team" then local team = getPlayerTeam(ped) ret = team if team then ret = getTeamName(team) end end return ret end function drawInfoWindow(ped) local pedType = getType(ped) local color2 = tocolor(205,205,205,255) local color3 = tocolor(50,50,50,255) local txt = "" local txtname = "" local alltxt = "" if pedType == "player" then txtname = getPlayerName(ped) else txtname = string.upper(pedType) end if getElementHealth(ped) > 0 then txt = math.floor(getElementHealth(ped)) .. " HP" else txt = "DEAD" end if getType(ped) == "player" then local plteam = getPlayerTeam(ped) if (plteam) then local tr,tg,tb = getTeamColor(plteam) color2 = tocolor(255-tr,255-tg,255-tb,255) color3 = tocolor(tr,tg,tb,255) else color2 = tocolor(0,0,0,255) color3 = tocolor(255,255,255,255) end end local x8,y8,z8 = getPedBonePosition(ped,8) local px8,py8 = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x8,y8,z8+0.3) if not px8 then x8,y8,z8 = getElementPosition(ped) px8,py8 = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x8,y8,z8) end for ind,value in ipairs(infoTable) do local vtxt = value[1] if not value[3] or value[3] == pedType then if value[2] == true then vtxt = vtxt..": "..tostring(getStandartValue(ped,vtxt)) else vtxt = vtxt..": "..tostring(getValue(ped,value,0)) end alltxt = alltxt..vtxt.."\n" end end alltxt = alltxt:sub(1,alltxt:len()-1) dxDrawText(txt,px8+1,py8-1,px8+1,py8-1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8-1,py8+1,px8-1,py8+1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8+1,py8+1,px8+1,py8+1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8-1,py8-1,px8-1,py8-1,color2,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(txt,px8,py8,px8,py8,color3,1,"default-bold","center","center") local _,amountOfN = string.gsub(alltxt,"\n","") local windHeight = 35+15*(amountOfN+1) dxDrawRectangle(sw-(osh*250+16),osh*650,osh*250,osh*windHeight,colors.window) dxDrawRectangle(sw-(osh*250+16),osh*650,osh*250,osh*25,colors.windowHead) dxDrawText(txtname,sw-(osh*250+16),osh*650,sw-6,osh*675,colors.windowHeadText,1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawText(alltxt,sw-(osh*250+6),osh*680,sw-26,osh*850,colors.windowText,1 ,"default-bold","left","top",false,true) end function drawPedBones (ped) local aList = {} if ped ~= getLocalPlayer() then local x,y,z = getCameraMatrix() local px,py,pz = getElementPosition(ped) local fDistance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x,y,z,px,py,pz) if fDistance < 40 then aList = lvl1bones elseif fDistance < 90 and fDistance >= 40 then aList = lvl2bones elseif fDistance < maxdist and fDistance >= 90 then aList = lvl3bones end local playerTeam = nil if getType(ped) == "player" then playerTeam = getPlayerTeam( ped ) end local red,green,blue = 200,200,200 if playerTeam then red,green,blue = getTeamColor ( playerTeam ) end local pedColor = tocolor(red,green,blue,255) for iFrom,iTo in pairs(aList) do local x1,y1,z1 = getPedBonePosition(ped,iFrom) local x2,y2,z2 = getPedBonePosition(ped,iTo) if not (x1 or x2) then return end local screenX1, screenY1 = getScreenFromWorldPosition ( x1,y1,z1 ) Link to comment
./BlackBird# Posted August 25, 2014 Share Posted August 25, 2014 addCommandHandler("startwallhack",root, function () addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawBonesHandler) currentUse = true end ) شيل اخر سطرين و حط ذا الكود بداله Link to comment
Simple. Posted August 25, 2014 Author Share Posted August 25, 2014 يعطيك آلعآفيه مآقصرت Link to comment
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