xeon17 Posted August 18, 2014 Share Posted August 18, 2014 Hello guys I want to ask how i can make this gta 5 radar run all time on my server , i mean when the player enter on server the radar need to show. The script is from Bonsai's Multigamemode . local function getCameraRotation () px, py, pz, lx, ly, lz = getCameraMatrix() local rotz = 6.2831853071796 - math.atan2 ( ( lx - px ), ( ly - py ) ) % 6.2831853071796 local rotx = math.atan2 ( lz - pz, getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( lx, ly, px, py ) ) --Convert to degrees rotx = math.deg(rotx) rotz = math.deg(rotz) return rotz end function findRotation(x1,y1,x2,y2) local t = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1)) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end; return t; end function getPointFromDistanceRotation(x, y, dist, angle) local a = math.rad(90 - angle); local dx = math.cos(a) * dist; local dy = math.sin(a) * dist; return x+dx, y+dy; end local screenx, screeny = guiGetScreenSize() local sW, sH = (screenx/1280), (screeny/960) local edgeHorizontal = 25.6*sW local edgeVertical = 3*sW local width = 320*sW local height = 192*sH local startwidth = 25.6*sW local startheight = 720*sH local blipsize = 16 local blipr, blipg, blipb local totalsize = 1600 local theTarget local t local showRadar = true local myRenderTarget1 = dxCreateRenderTarget( width, height, true ) function drawRadar() if getElementData(localPlayer, "Arena") == "Login" or getElementData(localPlayer, "Arena") == "Lobby" or showRadar == false then return end if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) ~= false then theTarget = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) elseif getCameraTarget(localPlayer) ~= false then theTarget = getCameraTarget(localPlayer) else return end --background dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight, width, height, tocolor ( 0, 155, 255, 50 ) ) local arena = getElementData(localPlayer, "Arena") dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight, width, edgeVertical, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight, edgeVertical, height, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight+height, width, edgeHorizontal, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth+width-edgeVertical, startheight, edgeVertical, height, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) local rotation = getCameraRotation() local xp, yp, zp = getElementPosition(theTarget) widthmap = (totalsize/2)+((totalsize/2)/2998)*xp heightmap = (totalsize/2)-((totalsize/2)/2998)*yp dxSetRenderTarget( myRenderTarget1, true ) dxDrawImage( -widthmap+(width/2), -heightmap+(height/2), totalsize, totalsize, "img/map.png", rotation, ((totalsize/2)/2998)*xp, -((totalsize/2)/2998)*yp, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 )) dxSetRenderTarget() dxDrawImage ( startwidth+edgeVertical, startheight+edgeVertical, width-edgeVertical*2, height-edgeVertical, myRenderTarget1, 0, 0, 0, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), false ) --players for i, p in pairs(getPlayersInArena(arena)) do if getElementData(p, "state") == "Alive" then if p ~= theTarget and getPedOccupiedVehicle(p) ~= theTarget then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(p) local name = getPlayerName(p) local c1, c2 = string.find(name, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x') if c1 then blipr, blipg, blipb = getColorFromString(string.sub(name, c1, c2)) else blipr = 255 blipg = 255 blipb = 255 end local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(x, y, xp,yp) local rotation2 = findRotation(x,y,xp,yp) local , yd = getPointFromDistanceRotation(startwidth+(width/2), startheight+(height/2), distance/4, rotation2-rotation) if < startwidth+edgeVertical then = startwidth+edgeVertical elseif > startwidth+width-edgeVertical then = startwidth+width-edgeVertical end if yd < startheight+edgeVertical then yd = startheight+edgeVertical elseif yd > startheight+height then yd = startheight+height end dxDrawRectangle ( -4, yd-4, 8, 8, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle (-3, yd-3, 6, 6, tocolor (blipr, blipg, blipb, 255 ) ) end end end --checkpoints for i, p in pairs(getElementsByType("marker")) do if getElementData(p, "type") == "checkpoint" and getElementDimension(p) == getElementDimension(localPlayer) then if getMarkerSize(p) > 0.1 then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(p) blipr, blipg, blipb = getMarkerColor(p) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(x, y, xp,yp) local rotation2 = findRotation(x,y,xp,yp) local , yd = getPointFromDistanceRotation(startwidth+(width/2), startheight+(height/2), distance/4, rotation2-rotation) if < startwidth+edgeVertical then = startwidth+edgeVertical elseif > startwidth+width-edgeVertical then = startwidth+width-edgeVertical end if yd < startheight+edgeVertical then yd = startheight+edgeVertical elseif yd > startheight+height then yd = startheight+height end if getElementData(p, "id") == getElementData(localPlayer, "checkpointname") then dxDrawRectangle ( -6, yd-6, 12, 12, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle (-5, yd-5, 10, 10, tocolor (blipr, blipg, blipb, 255 ) ) else dxDrawRectangle ( -4, yd-4, 8, 8, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle (-3, yd-3, 6, 6, tocolor (blipr, blipg, blipb, 255 ) ) end end end end if theTarget then local health = getElementHealth(theTarget) if getElementType(theTarget) == "player" then health = health*10 end health = math.max(health - 250, 0)/750 local p = -510*(health^2) local r,g = math.max(math.min(p + 255*health + 255, 255), 0), math.max(math.min(p + 765*health, 255), 0) local nitro if getElementType(theTarget) == "vehicle" then nitro = getVehicleNitroLevel(theTarget) end if not nitro then nitro = 0 end --health dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+edgeVertical, startheight+height+edgeVertical, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2, tocolor(0,0,0,255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+edgeVertical+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(r,g,0,0.5*255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+edgeVertical+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, health*(width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4), edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(r,g,0,255) ) --nitro dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+width/2+edgeVertical/2, startheight+height+edgeVertical, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2, tocolor(0,0,0,255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+width/2+edgeVertical/2+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(0,150,220,0.5*255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+width/2+edgeVertical/2+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, nitro*(width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4), edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(0,50,255,255) ) end local xr,yr,zr = getElementRotation(theTarget) dxDrawImage ( startwidth+(width/2)-blipsize/2, startheight+(height/2)-blipsize/2, blipsize, blipsize, "img/blip.png", -zr+rotation, 0, 0, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), false ) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawRadar) function getPlayersInArena(arena) local playerTable = {} for i, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementType(p) == "player" and getElementData(p, "Arena") == arena then table.insert(playerTable, p) end end return playerTable end function toggleRadar() if showRadar == true then showRadar = false elseif showRadar == false then showRadar = true end end addCommandHandler("showradar", toggleRadar) Link to comment
Anubhav Posted August 19, 2014 Share Posted August 19, 2014 local function getCameraRotation () px, py, pz, lx, ly, lz = getCameraMatrix() local rotz = 6.2831853071796 - math.atan2 ( ( lx - px ), ( ly - py ) ) % 6.2831853071796 local rotx = math.atan2 ( lz - pz, getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( lx, ly, px, py ) ) --Convert to degrees rotx = math.deg(rotx) rotz = math.deg(rotz) return rotz end function findRotation(x1,y1,x2,y2) local t = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1)) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end; return t; end function getPointFromDistanceRotation(x, y, dist, angle) local a = math.rad(90 - angle); local dx = math.cos(a) * dist; local dy = math.sin(a) * dist; return x+dx, y+dy; end local screenx, screeny = guiGetScreenSize() local sW, sH = (screenx/1280), (screeny/960) local edgeHorizontal = 25.6*sW local edgeVertical = 3*sW local width = 320*sW local height = 192*sH local startwidth = 25.6*sW local startheight = 720*sH local blipsize = 16 local blipr, blipg, blipb local totalsize = 1600 local theTarget local t local showRadar = true local myRenderTarget1 = dxCreateRenderTarget( width, height, true ) function drawRadar() if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) ~= false then theTarget = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) elseif getCameraTarget(localPlayer) ~= false then theTarget = getCameraTarget(localPlayer) else return end --background dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight, width, height, tocolor ( 0, 155, 255, 50 ) ) local arena = getElementData(localPlayer, "Arena") dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight, width, edgeVertical, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight, edgeVertical, height, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight+height, width, edgeHorizontal, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth+width-edgeVertical, startheight, edgeVertical, height, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) local rotation = getCameraRotation() local xp, yp, zp = getElementPosition(theTarget) widthmap = (totalsize/2)+((totalsize/2)/2998)*xp heightmap = (totalsize/2)-((totalsize/2)/2998)*yp dxSetRenderTarget( myRenderTarget1, true ) dxDrawImage( -widthmap+(width/2), -heightmap+(height/2), totalsize, totalsize, "img/map.png", rotation, ((totalsize/2)/2998)*xp, -((totalsize/2)/2998)*yp, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 )) dxSetRenderTarget() dxDrawImage ( startwidth+edgeVertical, startheight+edgeVertical, width-edgeVertical*2, height-edgeVertical, myRenderTarget1, 0, 0, 0, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), false ) --players if p ~= theTarget and getPedOccupiedVehicle(p) ~= theTarget then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(p) local name = getPlayerName(p) local c1, c2 = string.find(name, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x') if c1 then blipr, blipg, blipb = getColorFromString(string.sub(name, c1, c2)) else blipr = 255 blipg = 255 blipb = 255 end local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(x, y, xp,yp) local rotation2 = findRotation(x,y,xp,yp) local , yd = getPointFromDistanceRotation(startwidth+(width/2), startheight+(height/2), distance/4, rotation2-rotation) if < startwidth+edgeVertical then = startwidth+edgeVertical elseif > startwidth+width-edgeVertical then = startwidth+width-edgeVertical end if yd < startheight+edgeVertical then yd = startheight+edgeVertical elseif yd > startheight+height then yd = startheight+height end dxDrawRectangle ( -4, yd-4, 8, 8, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle (-3, yd-3, 6, 6, tocolor (blipr, blipg, blipb, 255 ) ) end --checkpoints for i, p in pairs(getElementsByType("marker")) do if getElementData(p, "type") == "checkpoint" and getElementDimension(p) == getElementDimension(localPlayer) then if getMarkerSize(p) > 0.1 then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(p) blipr, blipg, blipb = getMarkerColor(p) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(x, y, xp,yp) local rotation2 = findRotation(x,y,xp,yp) local , yd = getPointFromDistanceRotation(startwidth+(width/2), startheight+(height/2), distance/4, rotation2-rotation) if < startwidth+edgeVertical then = startwidth+edgeVertical elseif > startwidth+width-edgeVertical then = startwidth+width-edgeVertical end if yd < startheight+edgeVertical then yd = startheight+edgeVertical elseif yd > startheight+height then yd = startheight+height end if getElementData(p, "id") == getElementData(localPlayer, "checkpointname") then dxDrawRectangle ( -6, yd-6, 12, 12, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle (-5, yd-5, 10, 10, tocolor (blipr, blipg, blipb, 255 ) ) else dxDrawRectangle ( -4, yd-4, 8, 8, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle (-3, yd-3, 6, 6, tocolor (blipr, blipg, blipb, 255 ) ) end end end end if theTarget then local health = getElementHealth(theTarget) if getElementType(theTarget) == "player" then health = health*10 end health = math.max(health - 250, 0)/750 local p = -510*(health^2) local r,g = math.max(math.min(p + 255*health + 255, 255), 0), math.max(math.min(p + 765*health, 255), 0) local nitro if getElementType(theTarget) == "vehicle" then nitro = getVehicleNitroLevel(theTarget) end if not nitro then nitro = 0 end --health dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+edgeVertical, startheight+height+edgeVertical, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2, tocolor(0,0,0,255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+edgeVertical+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(r,g,0,0.5*255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+edgeVertical+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, health*(width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4), edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(r,g,0,255) ) --nitro dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+width/2+edgeVertical/2, startheight+height+edgeVertical, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2, tocolor(0,0,0,255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+width/2+edgeVertical/2+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(0,150,220,0.5*255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+width/2+edgeVertical/2+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, nitro*(width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4), edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(0,50,255,255) ) end local xr,yr,zr = getElementRotation(theTarget) dxDrawImage ( startwidth+(width/2)-blipsize/2, startheight+(height/2)-blipsize/2, blipsize, blipsize, "img/blip.png", -zr+rotation, 0, 0, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), false ) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawRadar) function getPlayersInArena(arena) local playerTable = {} for i, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementType(p) == "player" and getElementData(p, "Arena") == arena then table.insert(playerTable, p) end end return playerTable end function toggleRadar() if showRadar == true then showRadar = false elseif showRadar == false then showRadar = true end end addCommandHandler("showradar", toggleRadar) Link to comment
xeon17 Posted August 19, 2014 Author Share Posted August 19, 2014 I got errors now , http://imgur.com/vvxx3p0.png Link to comment
Anubhav Posted August 19, 2014 Share Posted August 19, 2014 local function getCameraRotation () px, py, pz, lx, ly, lz = getCameraMatrix() local rotz = 6.2831853071796 - math.atan2 ( ( lx - px ), ( ly - py ) ) % 6.2831853071796 local rotx = math.atan2 ( lz - pz, getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( lx, ly, px, py ) ) --Convert to degrees rotx = math.deg(rotx) rotz = math.deg(rotz) return rotz end function findRotation(x1,y1,x2,y2) local t = -math.deg(math.atan2(x2-x1,y2-y1)) if t < 0 then t = t + 360 end; return t; end function getPointFromDistanceRotation(x, y, dist, angle) local a = math.rad(90 - angle); local dx = math.cos(a) * dist; local dy = math.sin(a) * dist; return x+dx, y+dy; end local screenx, screeny = guiGetScreenSize() local sW, sH = (screenx/1280), (screeny/960) local edgeHorizontal = 25.6*sW local edgeVertical = 3*sW local width = 320*sW local height = 192*sH local startwidth = 25.6*sW local startheight = 720*sH local blipsize = 16 local blipr, blipg, blipb local totalsize = 1600 local theTarget local t local showRadar = true local myRenderTarget1 = dxCreateRenderTarget( width, height, true ) function drawRadar() if getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) ~= false then theTarget = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) elseif getCameraTarget(localPlayer) ~= false then theTarget = getCameraTarget(localPlayer) else return end --background dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight, width, height, tocolor ( 0, 155, 255, 50 ) ) local arena = getElementData(localPlayer, "Arena") dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight, width, edgeVertical, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight, edgeVertical, height, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth, startheight+height, width, edgeHorizontal, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( startwidth+width-edgeVertical, startheight, edgeVertical, height, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) local rotation = getCameraRotation() local xp, yp, zp = getElementPosition(theTarget) widthmap = (totalsize/2)+((totalsize/2)/2998)*xp heightmap = (totalsize/2)-((totalsize/2)/2998)*yp dxSetRenderTarget( myRenderTarget1, true ) dxDrawImage( -widthmap+(width/2), -heightmap+(height/2), totalsize, totalsize, "img/map.png", rotation, ((totalsize/2)/2998)*xp, -((totalsize/2)/2998)*yp, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 )) dxSetRenderTarget() dxDrawImage ( startwidth+edgeVertical, startheight+edgeVertical, width-edgeVertical*2, height-edgeVertical, myRenderTarget1, 0, 0, 0, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), false ) --players for i, p in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(p, "state") == "Alive" then if p ~= theTarget and getPedOccupiedVehicle(p) ~= theTarget then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(p) local name = getPlayerName(p) local c1, c2 = string.find(name, '#%x%x%x%x%x%x') if c1 then blipr, blipg, blipb = getColorFromString(string.sub(name, c1, c2)) else blipr = 255 blipg = 255 blipb = 255 end local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(x, y, xp,yp) local rotation2 = findRotation(x,y,xp,yp) local , yd = getPointFromDistanceRotation(startwidth+(width/2), startheight+(height/2), distance/4, rotation2-rotation) if < startwidth+edgeVertical then = startwidth+edgeVertical elseif > startwidth+width-edgeVertical then = startwidth+width-edgeVertical end if yd < startheight+edgeVertical then yd = startheight+edgeVertical elseif yd > startheight+height then yd = startheight+height end dxDrawRectangle ( -4, yd-4, 8, 8, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle (-3, yd-3, 6, 6, tocolor (blipr, blipg, blipb, 255 ) ) end end end --checkpoints for i, p in pairs(getElementsByType("marker")) do if getElementData(p, "type") == "checkpoint" and getElementDimension(p) == getElementDimension(localPlayer) then if getMarkerSize(p) > 0.1 then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(p) blipr, blipg, blipb = getMarkerColor(p) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D(x, y, xp,yp) local rotation2 = findRotation(x,y,xp,yp) local , yd = getPointFromDistanceRotation(startwidth+(width/2), startheight+(height/2), distance/4, rotation2-rotation) if < startwidth+edgeVertical then = startwidth+edgeVertical elseif > startwidth+width-edgeVertical then = startwidth+width-edgeVertical end if yd < startheight+edgeVertical then yd = startheight+edgeVertical elseif yd > startheight+height then yd = startheight+height end if getElementData(p, "id") == getElementData(localPlayer, "checkpointname") then dxDrawRectangle ( -6, yd-6, 12, 12, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle (-5, yd-5, 10, 10, tocolor (blipr, blipg, blipb, 255 ) ) else dxDrawRectangle ( -4, yd-4, 8, 8, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle (-3, yd-3, 6, 6, tocolor (blipr, blipg, blipb, 255 ) ) end end end end if theTarget then local health = getElementHealth(theTarget) if getElementType(theTarget) == "player" then health = health*10 end health = math.max(health - 250, 0)/750 local p = -510*(health^2) local r,g = math.max(math.min(p + 255*health + 255, 255), 0), math.max(math.min(p + 765*health, 255), 0) local nitro if getElementType(theTarget) == "vehicle" then nitro = getVehicleNitroLevel(theTarget) end if not nitro then nitro = 0 end --health dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+edgeVertical, startheight+height+edgeVertical, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2, tocolor(0,0,0,255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+edgeVertical+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(r,g,0,0.5*255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+edgeVertical+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, health*(width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4), edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(r,g,0,255) ) --nitro dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+width/2+edgeVertical/2, startheight+height+edgeVertical, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2, tocolor(0,0,0,255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+width/2+edgeVertical/2+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4, edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(0,150,220,0.5*255) ) dxDrawRectangle(startwidth+width/2+edgeVertical/2+2, startheight+height+edgeVertical+2, nitro*(width/2-edgeVertical*2+edgeVertical/2-4), edgeHorizontal-edgeVertical*2-4, tocolor(0,50,255,255) ) end local xr,yr,zr = getElementRotation(theTarget) dxDrawImage ( startwidth+(width/2)-blipsize/2, startheight+(height/2)-blipsize/2, blipsize, blipsize, "img/blip.png", -zr+rotation, 0, 0, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), false ) end addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, drawRadar) function getPlayersInArena(arena) local playerTable = {} for i, p in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementType(p) == "player" and getElementData(p, "Arena") == arena then table.insert(playerTable, p) end end return playerTable end function toggleRadar() if showRadar == true then showRadar = false elseif showRadar == false then showRadar = true end end addCommandHandler("showradar", toggleRadar) Link to comment
xeon17 Posted August 19, 2014 Author Share Posted August 19, 2014 Thanks dude the code without errors now and script working awesome ! Link to comment
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