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local connection = dbConnect("mysql","see_wiki") 
dbExec(connection, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tableName(column1,blablabla)") -- to create a table if it doesn't exist 
dbExec(connection, "INSERT INTO tableName VALUES(?,?,?)", "what", "hi", "bye") -- To insert a value into a TABLE. NOTE VALUS(?,?,?) should have question marks depending on columns. If columns are two there will be 2 question markers. and then it must be inserted after a comma. 
local query = dbQuery(connection,"SELECT * FROM tableName") -- Selects everything from the tableName! 
local poll = dbPoll(query,-1) -- Gets the result until it doesn't come 
answer = poll[1] -- The result is this. 
local query2 = dbQuery(connection,"SELECT column1 FROM tableName") -- selects column1 from a table name! 
local poll = dbPoll(query,-1) -- told before  
answer = poll[1] -- told before too  

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