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Chatbox Input Bug


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Hey Peeps,

There is some minor bug about the chatbox input.

If the chatbox input is active when the chatbox gets disabled, everything you write will still go to the (invisible) input.

Also, you can't open the console in that situation.

I would have reported this on that bug website, but I somehow can't login/register or restore my password.

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Try to enable the input, then disable the whole chatbox by a script.

The input will disappear. You won't be able to open Console. Once the chatbox gets enabled again, every key you pressed still got into the input.

Got this problem on servers with login panel and big download.

Joining a server, waiting for download, pressing T to get the cursor, after download is finished the chatbox gets usually disabled. If I write my password to the login panel now, it will later be shown in the chatbox input.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its not that big deal actually.

I'm surprised nobody seems to notice or have this problem.


function start() 
    setTimer(showChat, 5000, 1, true) 
addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, start) 

While the chatbox is gone, try to press F8. For me, it doesn't work.

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