^#Dream Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 السلام عليكم انا عندي سكربت King Drift بس المشكلة انهه مايحفظ الدرفت يعني مايجي الدرفت تحت عند Best Drift كلنت --these are the banned vehicle ids where you cannot get drift points. local BannedIDs = { 432, 532 } local rootElem = getRootElement() local thisRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) local player = getLocalPlayer() local vehicle local size = 1.2 local modo = 0.01 local score = 0 local screenScore = 0 local tick local idleTime local multTime local driftTime local Yellow = tocolor(31,69,252) local Red = tocolor(234,0,3) local TempCol = Yellow local mult = 1 local tablamult = {350,1400,4200,11200} local anterior = 0 local mejor = 0 local total = 0 local global_mejor = 0 local global_nombre = "N/A" local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x1,y1,x2,y2 = screenWidth*0.2,screenHeight*0.1,screenWidth*0.8,screenHeight*0.8 addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", thisRoot, function() outputChatBox("* Best Drift Script Started" , 31,69,252, root, true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElem, showText) triggerServerEvent("driftClienteListo", rootElem, player) end ) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", thisRoot, function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElem, showText) end ) function isValidVehicle() local temp = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if not temp or getVehicleOccupant(temp,0) ~= player or getVehicleType(temp) ~= "Automobile" then return false end local vehID = getElementModel(temp) for k,v in ipairs(BannedIDs) do if vehID == v then return false end end return temp end function showText() dxDrawText(string.format("[ H.H ] Best Drift : %s - %d",global_nombre,global_mejor),0, 571, 328, 600,Yellow,2.00,"default-bold") vehicle = isValidVehicle() if not vehicle then return end if size > 1.3 then modo = -0.01 elseif size < 1.2 then modo = 0.01 end size = size + modo tick = getTickCount() local angulo,velocidad = angle() local tempBool = tick - (idleTime or 0) < 750 if not tempBool and score ~= 0 then anterior = score setElementData(player, "Last Drift", anterior) total = total+anterior setElementData(player, "Total Drift", total) if score > mejor then mejor = score setElementData(player, "Best Drift", mejor) end triggerEvent("onVehicleDriftEnd", rootElem, tick-driftTime-750) score = 0 end if angulo ~= 0 then if score == 0 then triggerEvent("onVehicleDriftStart", rootElem) driftTime = tick end if tempBool then score = score + math.floor(angulo*velocidad)*mult else score = math.floor(angulo*velocidad)*mult end if TempCol == Red then TempCol = Yellow end screenScore = score idleTime = tick end if tick - (idleTime or 0) < 3000 then local temp = "الدرفت" if score >= 100000 then temp = "الدرفت\n\n " elseif score >= 50000 then temp = "الدرفت\n\n " elseif score >= 20000 then temp = "الدرفت\n\n " elseif score >= 15000 then temp = "الدرفت\n\n " elseif score >= 7000 then temp = "الدرفت\n\n " elseif score >= 3000 then temp = "الدرفت\n\n " elseif score >= 1000 then temp = "الدرفت\n\n كفوؤوؤ وآصل" end dxDrawText(temp, x1,y1,x2,y2, TempCol, 2.00, "default-bold","center","top", false,true,false) dxDrawText(string.format("\n%d",screenScore), x1,y1-15,x2,y2, TempCol, size, "pricedown","center","top", false,true,false) end end function angle() local vx,vy,vz = getElementVelocity(vehicle) local modV = math.sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy) if not isVehicleOnGround(vehicle) then return 0,modV end local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(vehicle) local sn,cs = -math.sin(math.rad(rz)), math.cos(math.rad(rz)) local deltaT = tick - (multTime or 0) if mult~= 1 and modV <= 0.3 and deltaT > 750 then mult = mult-1 multTime = tick elseif deltaT > 1500 then local temp = 1 if score >= 11200 then temp = 5 elseif score >= 4200 then temp = 4 elseif score >= 1400 then temp = 3 elseif score >= 350 then temp = 2 end if temp>mult then mult = temp multTime = tick end end if modV <= 0.2 then return 0,modV end --speed over 40 km/h local cosX = (sn*vx + cs*vy)/modV if cosX > 0.966 or cosX < 0 then return 0,modV end --angle between 15 and 90 degrees return math.deg(math.acos(cosX))*0.5, modV end addEvent("driftCarCrashed", true) addEventHandler("driftCarCrashed", rootElem, function() if score ~= 0 then score = 0 mult = 1 TempCol = Red triggerEvent("onVehicleDriftEnd", rootElem, 0) end end ) addEvent("driftActualizarRecord", true) addEventHandler("driftActualizarRecord", rootElem, function(score, name) global_mejor = score global_nombre = name end ) function resetScore() anterior,mejor,total = 0,0,0 setElementData(player, "Last Drift", anterior) setElementData(player, "Total Drift", total) setElementData(player, "Best Drift", mejor) end addEvent("driftResetAllScores", true) addEventHandler("driftResetAllScores", rootElem, resetScore) addCommandHandler("resetdrift", resetScore) function checkPuntaje() if total > global_mejor then triggerServerEvent("driftNuevoRecord", rootElem, total, getPlayerName(player)) end end addEventHandler("onClientPlayerFinish", rootElem, checkPuntaje) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerOutOfTime", rootElem, checkPuntaje) سيرفر : local root = getRootElement() local thisResourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) local drift_records = {} local drift_mejor = 0 local drift_nombre = "N/A" addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", thisResourceRoot, function() call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "Best Drift") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "Last Drift") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "Total Drift") executeSQLCreateTable("recordsDrift","pista TEXT, nombre TEXT, score INTEGER") addEvent("driftClienteListo", true) addEventHandler("driftClienteListo", root, function(player) triggerClientEvent(player, "driftActualizarRecord", root, drift_mejor, drift_nombre) if drift_mejor == 0 then outputChatBox("There's no record set on this map", player) else outputChatBox(string.format("The current record is %d points (%s)", drift_mejor, drift_nombre), player) end end) end ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", thisResourceRoot, function() call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "removeScoreboardColumn", "Best Drift") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "removeScoreboardColumn", "Last Drift") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "removeScoreboardColumn", "Total Drift") end ) addEventHandler ( "onGamemodeMapStart", root, function(mapResource) local mapname = getResourceInfo(mapResource, "name") or getResourceName(mapResource) local command = string.format("pista='%s'",mapname) local record = executeSQLSelect("recordsDrift","nombre, score",command) if #record == 0 then executeSQLInsert("recordsDrift",string.format("'%s', 'N/A', 0",mapname)) drift_mejor = 0 drift_nombre = "N/A" else drift_mejor = record[1]["score"] drift_nombre = record[1]["nombre"] end triggerClientEvent(root, "driftActualizarRecord", root, drift_mejor, drift_nombre) triggerClientEvent(root, "driftResetAllScores", root) if drift_mejor == 0 then outputChatBox("There's no record set on this map") else outputChatBox(string.format("The current record is %d points (%s)", drift_mejor, drift_nombre)) end end) addEventHandler ( "onGamemodeMapStop", root, function(mapResource) local mapname = getResourceInfo(mapResource, "name") or getResourceName(mapResource) if not mapname then return end local command = string.format("pista='%s'",mapname) executeSQLUpdate("recordsDrift",string.format("nombre = '%s', score = %d", drift_nombre, drift_mejor), command) end) addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", root, function() thePlayer = getVehicleOccupant(source, 0) if thePlayer then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "driftCarCrashed", root, source) end end) addEvent("driftNuevoRecord", true) addEventHandler("driftNuevoRecord", root, function(score, name) if score > drift_mejor then outputChatBox(string.format("New drift record! (%d points) (%s)",score,name)) drift_mejor = score drift_nombre = name triggerClientEvent(root, "driftActualizarRecord", root, drift_mejor, drift_nombre) end end) الديبق مايطلع شي # Link to comment
al-Kobra Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 لأن فنكشنات قاعدة البيانات قدييييمة بدلهم بهالفنكشن executeSQLQuery Link to comment
^#Dream Posted July 18, 2014 Author Share Posted July 18, 2014 بدلت executeSQLCreateTable بـ executeSQLQuery مانفع Link to comment
#DRAGON!FIRE Posted July 18, 2014 Share Posted July 18, 2014 شي طبيعي ما يشتغل .. لانه النظام غير Link to comment
^#Dream Posted July 18, 2014 Author Share Posted July 18, 2014 السكربت شغال بس لو هجولت ووصلت مثلا الدرفت 500 مايجي تحت عند Best Drift Link to comment
^#Dream Posted July 19, 2014 Author Share Posted July 19, 2014 سويت كذا مدري هو صح ولا لا local root = getRootElement() local thisResourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) local drift_records = {} local drift_mejor = 0 local drift_nombre = "N/A" addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", thisResourceRoot, function() call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "Best Drift") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "Last Drift") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "addScoreboardColumn", "Total Drift") executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS("recordsDrift","pista TEXT, nombre TEXT, score INTEGER") addEvent("driftClienteListo", true) addEventHandler("driftClienteListo", root, function(player) triggerClientEvent(player, "driftActualizarRecord", root, drift_mejor, drift_nombre) if drift_mejor == 0 then outputChatBox("There's no record set on this map", player) else outputChatBox(string.format("The current record is %d points (%s)", drift_mejor, drift_nombre), player) end end) end ) addEventHandler ( "onResourceStop", thisResourceRoot, function() call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "removeScoreboardColumn", "Best Drift") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "removeScoreboardColumn", "Last Drift") call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"), "removeScoreboardColumn", "Total Drift") end ) addEventHandler ( "onGamemodeMapStart", root, function(mapResource) local mapname = getResourceInfo(mapResource, "name") or getResourceName(mapResource) local command = string.format("pista='%s'",mapname) local record = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM "recordsDrift","nombre, score",command) if #record == 0 then executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO "recordsDrift",string.format("'%s', 'N/A', 0",mapname)) drift_mejor = 0 drift_nombre = "N/A" else drift_mejor = record[1]["score"] drift_nombre = record[1]["nombre"] end triggerClientEvent(root, "driftActualizarRecord", root, drift_mejor, drift_nombre) triggerClientEvent(root, "driftResetAllScores", root) if drift_mejor == 0 then outputChatBox("There's no record set on this map") else outputChatBox(string.format("The current record is %d points (%s)", drift_mejor, drift_nombre)) end end) addEventHandler ( "onGamemodeMapStop", root, function(mapResource) local mapname = getResourceInfo(mapResource, "name") or getResourceName(mapResource) if not mapname then return end local command = string.format("pista='%s'",mapname) executeSQLQuery("UPDATE "recordsDrift",string.format("nombre = '%s', score = %d", drift_nombre, drift_mejor), command) addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", root, function() thePlayer = getVehicleOccupant(source, 0) if thePlayer then triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, "driftCarCrashed", root, source) end end) addEvent("driftNuevoRecord", true) addEventHandler("driftNuevoRecord", root, function(score, name) if score > drift_mejor then outputChatBox(string.format("New drift record! (%d points) (%s)",score,name)) drift_mejor = score drift_nombre = name triggerClientEvent(root, "driftActualizarRecord", root, drift_mejor, drift_nombre) end end) Link to comment
^#Dream Posted July 19, 2014 Author Share Posted July 19, 2014 ياليت احد يساعدني executeSQLQuery ماعرفت لها Link to comment
nxFairlywell Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 viewtopic.php?f=164&t=56729 Link to comment
iMr.TZ[W]ER Posted July 19, 2014 Share Posted July 19, 2014 استخدم اقدم واحد احسن يسجل وكل شي Link to comment
^#Dream Posted July 20, 2014 Author Share Posted July 20, 2014 فهاوهه شفت الششرح مافهمت شي منهه + تزوير كل الي احملها مششفرهه مالقيت الا ذا مو مشفر Link to comment
^#Dream Posted July 20, 2014 Author Share Posted July 20, 2014 ياليت الي يعرف لـ executeSQLQuery يعدله لي انا حاولت مازبط Link to comment
iMr.TZ[W]ER Posted July 20, 2014 Share Posted July 20, 2014 https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... ils&id=556 حمل اقدم واحد وكل الاصدارات مو مشفرة واقدم واحد بس شغال تمام Link to comment
^#Dream Posted July 20, 2014 Author Share Posted July 20, 2014 ^ ذا محمله من قبل مايحفظ ذا بعد Link to comment
The Don Posted July 20, 2014 Share Posted July 20, 2014 حصلت لك حل يالحلو لكن الحل قبل تقريبا 3 سنين ههههههههههههههههههه امسك الكود من تعديل طاولة ( تابل ) ض2 كلينت سايد --these are the banned vehicle ids where you cannot get drift points. local BannedIDs = { 432, 532 } local rootElem = getRootElement() local thisRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) local player = getLocalPlayer() local vehicle local size = 1.2 local modo = 0.01 local score = 0 local screenScore = 0 local tick local idleTime local multTime local driftTime local Yellow = tocolor(255,232,25) local Red = tocolor(234,0,3) local TempCol = Yellow local mult = 1 local tablamult = {350,1400,4200,11200} local anterior = 0 local mejor = 0 local total = 0 local global_mejor = 0 local global_nombre = "N/A" local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local x1,y1,x2,y2 = screenWidth*0.2,screenHeight*0.1,screenWidth*0.8,screenHeight*0.8 addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", thisRoot, function() addEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElem, showText) outputChatBox("Waiting for server drift data...") triggerServerEvent("driftClienteListo", rootElem, player) end ) addEventHandler("onClientResourceStop", thisRoot, function() removeEventHandler("onClientRender", rootElem, showText) end ) function isValidVehicle() local temp = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if not temp or getVehicleOccupant(temp,0) ~= player or getVehicleType(temp) ~= "Automobile" then return false end local vehID = getElementModel(temp) for k,v in ipairs(BannedIDs) do if vehID == v then return false end end return temp end function showText() dxDrawText(string.format("Best Drift: %s - %d",global_nombre,global_mejor),44,screenHeight-43,screenWidth,screenHeight,Yellow,1,"pricedown") vehicle = isValidVehicle() if not vehicle then return end if size > 1.3 then modo = -0.01 elseif size < 1.2 then modo = 0.01 end size = size + modo tick = getTickCount() local angulo,velocidad = angle() local tempBool = tick - (idleTime or 0) < 750 if not tempBool and score ~= 0 then anterior = score setElementData(player, "Last Drift", anterior) total = total+anterior setElementData(player, "Total Drift", total) if score > mejor then mejor = score setElementData(player, "Best Drift", mejor) checkPuntaje(mejor) end triggerEvent("onVehicleDriftEnd", rootElem, tick-driftTime-750) score = 0 end if angulo ~= 0 then if score == 0 then triggerEvent("onVehicleDriftStart", rootElem) driftTime = tick end if tempBool then score = score + math.floor(angulo*velocidad)*mult else score = math.floor(angulo*velocidad)*mult end if TempCol == Red then TempCol = Yellow end screenScore = score idleTime = tick end local temp2 = string.format("Factor: X%d\n%s",mult,mult~=5 and string.format("Gain X%d with %d",mult+1,tablamult[mult]) or "MAX") dxDrawText(temp2, 20,155,screenWidth,screenHeight, Yellow, 1.2, "sans","left","top", false,true,false) if velocidad <= 0.3 and mult ~= 1 then dxDrawText("\n\nToo Slow!", 20,155,screenWidth,screenHeight, Yellow, 1.2, "sans","left","top", false,true,false) end if tick - (idleTime or 0) < 3000 then local temp = "DRIFT" if score >= 100000 then temp = "DRIFT\n\nDrift King!" elseif score >= 50000 then temp = "DRIFT\n\nInsane Drift!" elseif score >= 20000 then temp = "DRIFT\n\nOutrageous!" elseif score >= 15000 then temp = "DRIFT\n\nColossal!" elseif score >= 7000 then temp = "DRIFT\n\nSuberb!" elseif score >= 3000 then temp = "DRIFT\n\nGreat Drift!" elseif score >= 1000 then temp = "DRIFT\n\nGood Drift!" end dxDrawText(temp, x1,y1,x2,y2, TempCol, 2.2, "sans","center","top", false,true,false) dxDrawText(string.format("\n%d",screenScore), x1,y1-10,x2,y2, TempCol, size, "pricedown","center","top", false,true,false) end end function angle() local vx,vy,vz = getElementVelocity(vehicle) local modV = math.sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy) if not isVehicleOnGround(vehicle) then return 0,modV end local rx,ry,rz = getElementRotation(vehicle) local sn,cs = -math.sin(math.rad(rz)), math.cos(math.rad(rz)) local deltaT = tick - (multTime or 0) if mult~= 1 and modV <= 0.3 and deltaT > 750 then mult = mult-1 multTime = tick elseif deltaT > 1500 then local temp = 1 if score >= 11200 then temp = 5 elseif score >= 4200 then temp = 4 elseif score >= 1400 then temp = 3 elseif score >= 350 then temp = 2 end if temp>mult then mult = temp multTime = tick end end if modV <= 0.2 then return 0,modV end --speed over 40 km/h local cosX = (sn*vx + cs*vy)/modV if cosX > 0.966 or cosX < 0 then return 0,modV end --angle between 15 and 90 degrees return math.deg(math.acos(cosX))*0.5, modV end addEvent("driftCarCrashed", true) addEventHandler("driftCarCrashed", rootElem, function() if score ~= 0 then score = 0 mult = 1 TempCol = Red triggerEvent("onVehicleDriftEnd", rootElem, 0) end end ) addEvent("driftActualizarRecord", true) addEventHandler("driftActualizarRecord", rootElem, function(score, name) global_mejor = score global_nombre = name end ) function resetScore() anterior,mejor,total = 0,0,0 setElementData(player, "Last Drift", anterior) setElementData(player, "Total Drift", total) setElementData(player, "Best Drift", mejor) end addEvent("driftResetAllScores", true) addEventHandler("driftResetAllScores", rootElem, resetScore) addCommandHandler("resetdrift", resetScore) function checkPuntaje(BestDrift) triggerServerEvent("driftNuevoRecord", rootElem, BestDrift, string.gsub(getPlayerName(player), "#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) end Link to comment
The Don Posted July 20, 2014 Share Posted July 20, 2014 الشكر لـ تابل مو لي, انا بس نقلته هنا + العفو Link to comment
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