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Make My Code , Short


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Hello , i made a gameMode , it has a lot of buttons , labels , dxdraw

What iam Asking about is , can i make a tabel , to improt them and loop the table and it will automaticly make the buttons and labels and dxdraw ,

same thing with events

can i make a table have like 3 events , and each event will do something ,

because my gameMode has like 120 lines of codes ,

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120 isn't BAD, but if you want it shorter you could externally store buttons and whatnot into SQLite, removing them staticly and replacing them dynamically reduces lines of code A LOT.

Find more efficient code, efficient code usually decreases the amount of lines used to write the code.

You can do a lot to reduce coding.

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ex :

local table = {  
  labels = { 100, 100, 100, 100, 200, 200, 200, 200 }, 
  buttons = { 300, 300, 300, 300, 500, 500, 500, 500 }, 
  ["onClientResourceStart"] = { function1, function2 }, 
CreateLabels = guiCreateLabel( table[1][1], table[1][2], table[1][3], table[1][4] ) 
for i = 1, #table["onClientResourceStart"] do 
    addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, table["onClientResourceStart"][i] ) 
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