HassoN Posted July 3, 2014 Share Posted July 3, 2014 (edited) السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اليوم مسوي مود حق الخروج من الوظيفة وتوقيف وتشغيل الوظيفة المود كله تمام والحمد لله ,, بس فيه مشكلة بسيطة لما اجي اضغط تشغيل الوظيفة , بيرجع السكن لي + الألمنت داتا حقت الجوب بس التيم مايرجعه , ويطلعني برا كل التيمات خخ .. قلت يجوز فيه غلط رحت ضايف اوت بوت شات بوكس, رحت ضايف سطر 31 وفيه التحقق حق التيم , وبالفعل اشتغل وجاب اسم التيم ! ,, بس مدري عاد وش فيه ليه مايرجعني التيم وذا الكود -- Server.lua addEvent("EndJobandStartJob",true) addEventHandler("EndJobandStartJob",root, function () accountEndJob = getPlayerAccount ( source ) teamName = getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)) if (teamName ~= "Unemployed") and not isPedInVehicle(source) then setAccountData( accountEndJob,"getMyOccupation", tostring(getElementData( source, "Job"))) setAccountData( accountEndJob,"getMySkin", tonumber(getElementModel(source))) setAccountData( accountEndJob, "getMyTeam", tostring(getTeamName(getPlayerTeam(source)))) setAccountData( accountEndJob, "getMyTagCouleur", getPlayerNametagColor(source)) setElementModel(source, 0) setClothes1() takeWeapon(source, 41 ) takeWeapon(source, 3 ) takeWeapon(source, 42 ) setPlayerTeam(source,unemployedTeam) setElementData(source, "Job", false ) setPlayerNametagColor (source, 255,255,255 ) setAccountData( accountEndJob,"Job",tostring( getElementData(source, "Job", true ))) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage ("You Are Ended Your Shift !",source, 255, 200, 0) elseif (teamName == "Unemployed") and not isPedInVehicle(source) then getSkinMy = getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMySkin") getMyTeamS = getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyTeam") getOccupation = getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyOccupation") getTagC = getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyTagCouleur") setElementModel(source, tonumber(getSkinMy)) setPlayerTeam(source,tostring(getMyTeamS)) outputChatBox("Your Team Has Been Changed To [ "..getMyTeamS.." ] [ "..tonumber(getTagC).." ] For Testing ",source,0,255,0) setPlayerNametagColor(source, tonumber(getTagC)) setElementData(source, "Job", tostring(getOccupation)) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage ("You Started Your Shift !",source, 255, 0, 0) end end) ومشكورين مقدما Edited July 24, 2014 by Guest Link to comment
HassoN Posted July 3, 2014 Author Share Posted July 3, 2014 استخدم getTeamFromName نفس الشي ماضبط .. والاوت بوت كان يجيب اسم التيم لما عدلته صار يجيبه false ويطلعني برا كل التيمات خخ Link to comment
TAPL Posted July 3, 2014 Share Posted July 3, 2014 جرب addEvent("EndJobandStartJob", true) addEventHandler("EndJobandStartJob", root, function() local accountEndJob = getPlayerAccount(source) local team = getPlayerTeam(source) local teamName = team and getTeamName(team) or "" if not isPedInVehicle(source) then if (teamName ~= "Unemployed") then setAccountData(accountEndJob,"getMyOccupation", tostring(getElementData(source, "Job"))) setAccountData(accountEndJob,"getMySkin", getElementModel(source)) setAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyTeam", teamName) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) setAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyTagCouleur", toJSON({r, g, b})) setElementModel(source, 0) setClothes1() takeWeapon(source, 41) takeWeapon(source, 3) takeWeapon(source, 42) setPlayerTeam(source, unemployedTeam) setElementData(source, "Job", false) setPlayerNametagColor(source, 255, 255, 255) setAccountData(accountEndJob, "Job", tostring(getElementData(source, "Job"))) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage("You Are Ended Your Shift !", source, 255, 200, 0) elseif (teamName == "Unemployed") then local getSkinMy = getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMySkin") local getMyTeamS = getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyTeam") local getOccupation = getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyOccupation") local getTagC = fromJSON(getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyTagCouleur")) setElementModel(source, tonumber(getSkinMy)) setPlayerTeam(source, getTeamFromName(getMyTeamS)) outputChatBox("Your Team Has Been Changed To [ "..getMyTeamS.." ] For Testing ",source,0,255,0) setPlayerNametagColor(source, getTagC[1], getTagC[2], getTagC[3]) setElementData(source, "Job", getOccupation) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage ("You Started Your Shift !",source, 255, 0, 0) end end end) Link to comment
HassoN Posted July 3, 2014 Author Share Posted July 3, 2014 جرب addEvent("EndJobandStartJob", true) addEventHandler("EndJobandStartJob", root, function() local accountEndJob = getPlayerAccount(source) local team = getPlayerTeam(source) local teamName = team and getTeamName(team) or "" if not isPedInVehicle(source) then if (teamName ~= "Unemployed") then setAccountData(accountEndJob,"getMyOccupation", tostring(getElementData(source, "Job"))) setAccountData(accountEndJob,"getMySkin", getElementModel(source)) setAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyTeam", teamName) local r, g, b = getPlayerNametagColor(source) setAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyTagCouleur", toJSON({r, g, b})) setElementModel(source, 0) setClothes1() takeWeapon(source, 41) takeWeapon(source, 3) takeWeapon(source, 42) setPlayerTeam(source, unemployedTeam) setElementData(source, "Job", false) setPlayerNametagColor(source, 255, 255, 255) setAccountData(accountEndJob, "Job", tostring(getElementData(source, "Job"))) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage("You Are Ended Your Shift !", source, 255, 200, 0) elseif (teamName == "Unemployed") then local getSkinMy = getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMySkin") local getMyTeamS = getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyTeam") local getOccupation = getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyOccupation") local getTagC = fromJSON(getAccountData(accountEndJob, "getMyTagCouleur")) setElementModel(source, tonumber(getSkinMy)) setPlayerTeam(source, getTeamFromName(getMyTeamS)) outputChatBox("Your Team Has Been Changed To [ "..getMyTeamS.." ] For Testing ",source,0,255,0) setPlayerNametagColor(source, getTagC[1], getTagC[2], getTagC[3]) setElementData(source, "Job", getOccupation) exports["TopBarChat"]:sendClientMessage ("You Started Your Shift !",source, 255, 0, 0) end end end) مشششششششكوووووووووووووور تاااااابل الكوود اشتغل ) تسلم والله , تشرفت بمرورك Link to comment
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