UnLikeF Posted July 2, 2014 Share Posted July 2, 2014 يهلا بل عيال وسلام عليكم معي مشكله وهي عدم فتح لوحه الشوب الي انا مسويه كلنت GUIEditor = { staticimage = {}, label = {}, gridlist = {}, progressbar = {}, memo = {} } wnd = guiCreateWindow(411, 300, 932, 565, "Shop Weapons", false) guiWindowSetSizable(wnd, false) guiSetProperty(wnd, "CaptionColour", "FF28D661") M4 = guiCreateButton(9, 136, 93, 113, "M4", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(M4, "NormalTextColour", "C8C6F7FD") Ak-47 = guiCreateButton(107, 137, 91, 112, "Ak-47", false, wnd) guiSetFont(Ak-47, "clear-normal") guiSetProperty(Ak-47, "NormalTextColour", "C8C6F7FD") Bazoka = guiCreateButton(203, 137, 97, 112, "Bazoka 1", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Bazoka, "NormalTextColour", "C8C6F7FD") Bazoka2 = guiCreateButton(9, 255, 98, 121, "Bazoka 2", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Bazoka2, "NormalTextColour", "C8E80C24") Cane = guiCreateButton(111, 256, 92, 120, "Cane", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Cane, "NormalTextColour", "C8E80C24") Grenade = guiCreateButton(206, 257, 89, 119, "Grenade", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Grenade, "NormalTextColour", "C8E80C24") Sniper = guiCreateButton(205, 25, 95, 112, "Sniper", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Sniper, "NormalTextColour", "FF87ED0F") Bat = guiCreateButton(112, 28, 86, 109, "Bat", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Bat, "NormalTextColour", "FF87ED0F") Knife = guiCreateButton(9, 24, 93, 112, "Knife", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Knife, "NormalTextColour", "FF87ED0F") Minigun = guiCreateButton(9, 385, 291, 170, "Minigun", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Minigun, "NormalTextColour", "C80C07EC") GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(311, 24, 239, 531, false, wnd) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Players In Shop", 0.9) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(564, 27, 247, 35, "Zombie Shop", false, wnd) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.label[1], 0.82) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 211, 42, 122) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center") GUIEditor.staticimage[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(650, 67, 79, 69, ":guieditor/images/examples/mtalogo.png", false, wnd) GUIEditor.staticimage[2] = guiCreateStaticImage(731, 89, 25, 23, ":guieditor/images/plus.png", false, wnd) GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(971, 308, 0, 20, "", false, wnd) GUIEditor.progressbar[1] = guiCreateProgressBar(582, 152, 340, 45, false, wnd) guiProgressBarSetProgress(GUIEditor.progressbar[1], 100) GUIEditor.memo[2] = guiCreateMemo(558, 218, 364, 337, "En : Shop Free For Zombie Servers And Drift \nAr : محل اسلحه مجاني لسيرفرات زومبي والدرفت\n\n\n\n\n", false, wnd) -------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == Sniper ) then triggerServerEvent('Sniper', localPlayer) end end ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == Knife ) then triggerServerEvent('Knife', localPlayer) end end ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == M4 ) then triggerServerEvent('M4', localPlayer) end end ) ------------------------------------------------------------------ addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == Ak-47 ) then triggerServerEvent('Ak-47', localPlayer) end end ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- bindKey ( "F3" , "down" , function () if guiGetVisible ( wnd , true ) then guiSetVisible ( wnd , false ) showCursor ( false ) else guiSetVisible ( wnd , true ) showCursor ( true ) end end) ------------------------------ ------ سيرفر addEvent('Sniper', true) addEventHandler('Sniper', root, function ( ) giveWeapon( source, 34, 200 ) outputChatBox('تم اعطائك سلاح مجاني ', source, 255, 0 ,0 ) end ) ----------------------------------------------------- addEvent('M4', true) addEventHandler('M4', root, function ( ) giveWeapon( source, 34, 200 ) outputChatBox('تم اعطائك سلاح مجاني ', source, 255, 0 ,0 ) end ) ------------------------------------------------------ addEvent('Knife', true) addEventHandler('Knife', root, function ( ) giveWeapon( source, 4, 200 ) outputChatBox('تم اعطائك سلاح مجاني ', source, 255, 0 ,0 ) end ) ------------------------------------------------------- addEvent('Ak-47', true) addEventHandler('Ak-47', root, function ( ) giveWeapon( source, 30, 200 ) outputChatBox('تم اعطائك سلاح مجاني ', source, 255, 0 ,0 ) end ) Link to comment
Simba Posted July 2, 2014 Share Posted July 2, 2014 كلينت GUIEditor = { staticimage = {}, label = {}, gridlist = {}, progressbar = {}, memo = {} } wnd = guiCreateWindow(411, 300, 932, 565, "Shop Weapons", false) guiWindowSetSizable(wnd, false) guiSetProperty(wnd, "CaptionColour", "FF28D661") M4 = guiCreateButton(9, 136, 93, 113, "M4", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(M4, "NormalTextColour", "C8C6F7FD") Ak-47 = guiCreateButton(107, 137, 91, 112, "Ak-47", false, wnd) guiSetFont(Ak-47, "clear-normal") guiSetProperty(Ak-47, "NormalTextColour", "C8C6F7FD") Bazoka = guiCreateButton(203, 137, 97, 112, "Bazoka 1", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Bazoka, "NormalTextColour", "C8C6F7FD") Bazoka2 = guiCreateButton(9, 255, 98, 121, "Bazoka 2", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Bazoka2, "NormalTextColour", "C8E80C24") Cane = guiCreateButton(111, 256, 92, 120, "Cane", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Cane, "NormalTextColour", "C8E80C24") Grenade = guiCreateButton(206, 257, 89, 119, "Grenade", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Grenade, "NormalTextColour", "C8E80C24") Sniper = guiCreateButton(205, 25, 95, 112, "Sniper", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Sniper, "NormalTextColour", "FF87ED0F") Bat = guiCreateButton(112, 28, 86, 109, "Bat", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Bat, "NormalTextColour", "FF87ED0F") Knife = guiCreateButton(9, 24, 93, 112, "Knife", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Knife, "NormalTextColour", "FF87ED0F") Minigun = guiCreateButton(9, 385, 291, 170, "Minigun", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Minigun, "NormalTextColour", "C80C07EC") GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(311, 24, 239, 531, false, wnd) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Players In Shop", 0.9) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(564, 27, 247, 35, "Zombie Shop", false, wnd) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.label[1], 0.82) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 211, 42, 122) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center") GUIEditor.staticimage[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(650, 67, 79, 69, ":guieditor/images/examples/mtalogo.png", false, wnd) GUIEditor.staticimage[2] = guiCreateStaticImage(731, 89, 25, 23, ":guieditor/images/plus.png", false, wnd) GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(971, 308, 0, 20, "", false, wnd) GUIEditor.progressbar[1] = guiCreateProgressBar(582, 152, 340, 45, false, wnd) guiProgressBarSetProgress(GUIEditor.progressbar[1], 100) GUIEditor.memo[2] = guiCreateMemo(558, 218, 364, 337, "En : Shop Free For Zombie Servers And Drift \nAr : محل اسلحه مجاني لسيرفرات زومبي والدرفت\n\n\n\n\n", false, wnd) guiSetVisible ( wnd , false ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == Sniper ) then triggerServerEvent('Sniper', localPlayer) end end ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == Knife ) then triggerServerEvent('Knife', localPlayer) end end ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == M4 ) then triggerServerEvent('M4', localPlayer) end end ) ------------------------------------------------------------------ addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == Ak-47 ) then triggerServerEvent('Ak-47', localPlayer) end end ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- bindKey ( "F3" , "down" , function () if ( guiGetVisible ( wnd ) == true ) then guiSetVisible ( wnd , false ) showCursor ( false ) else guiSetVisible ( wnd , true ) showCursor ( true ) end end) Link to comment
acount deleted Posted July 2, 2014 Share Posted July 2, 2014 جرب بذا bindKey("F3", "down", function() if guiGetVisible ( wnd ) then guiSetVisible ( wnd, false ) showCursor(false) else guiSetVisible ( wnd, true ) showCursor(true) end end) Link to comment
al-Kobra Posted July 2, 2014 Share Posted July 2, 2014 جرب كذا ,, طريقة مختصرة bindKey("F3", "down", function ( ) guiSetVisible ( wnd, not guiGetVisible ( wnd ) ) showCursor ( guiGetVisible ( wnd ) ) end ) Link to comment
UnLikeF Posted July 2, 2014 Author Share Posted July 2, 2014 لاسف ولا كود شغال ابي مساعده يا اخواني في الله Link to comment
Simba Posted July 2, 2014 Share Posted July 2, 2014 اكتب في اف 8 debugscript 3 واكتب هنا وش يطلعلك او صوره Link to comment
Simba Posted July 2, 2014 Share Posted July 2, 2014 طلعلي كلام كيف انسخه ؟ تقدر تنسخه من اف 8 تحدد الكلام ثم تضغط Ctrl + C يعدين تجي هنا وتضغط Ctrl + V عشان يلصق Link to comment
acount deleted Posted July 2, 2014 Share Posted July 2, 2014 (edited) GUIEditor = { staticimage = {}, label = {}, gridlist = {}, progressbar = {}, memo = {} } wnd = guiCreateWindow(411, 300, 932, 565, "Shop Weapons", false) guiWindowSetSizable(wnd, false) guiSetProperty(wnd, "CaptionColour", "FF28D661") M4 = guiCreateButton(9, 136, 93, 113, "M4", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(M4, "NormalTextColour", "C8C6F7FD") Ak = guiCreateButton(107, 137, 91, 112, "Ak-47", false, wnd) guiSetFont(Ak, "clear-normal") guiSetProperty(Ak, "NormalTextColour", "C8C6F7FD") Bazoka = guiCreateButton(203, 137, 97, 112, "Bazoka 1", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Bazoka, "NormalTextColour", "C8C6F7FD") Bazoka2 = guiCreateButton(9, 255, 98, 121, "Bazoka 2", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Bazoka2, "NormalTextColour", "C8E80C24") Cane = guiCreateButton(111, 256, 92, 120, "Cane", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Cane, "NormalTextColour", "C8E80C24") Grenade = guiCreateButton(206, 257, 89, 119, "Grenade", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Grenade, "NormalTextColour", "C8E80C24") Sniper = guiCreateButton(205, 25, 95, 112, "Sniper", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Sniper, "NormalTextColour", "FF87ED0F") Bat = guiCreateButton(112, 28, 86, 109, "Bat", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Bat, "NormalTextColour", "FF87ED0F") Knife = guiCreateButton(9, 24, 93, 112, "Knife", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Knife, "NormalTextColour", "FF87ED0F") Minigun = guiCreateButton(9, 385, 291, 170, "Minigun", false, wnd) guiSetProperty(Minigun, "NormalTextColour", "C80C07EC") GUIEditor.gridlist[1] = guiCreateGridList(311, 24, 239, 531, false, wnd) guiGridListAddColumn(GUIEditor.gridlist[1], "Players In Shop", 0.9) GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(564, 27, 247, 35, "Zombie Shop", false, wnd) guiSetAlpha(GUIEditor.label[1], 0.82) guiSetFont(GUIEditor.label[1], "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 211, 42, 122) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center", false) guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center") GUIEditor.staticimage[1] = guiCreateStaticImage(650, 67, 79, 69, ":guieditor/images/examples/mtalogo.png", false, wnd) GUIEditor.staticimage[2] = guiCreateStaticImage(731, 89, 25, 23, ":guieditor/images/plus.png", false, wnd) GUIEditor.memo[1] = guiCreateMemo(971, 308, 0, 20, "", false, wnd) GUIEditor.progressbar[1] = guiCreateProgressBar(582, 152, 340, 45, false, wnd) guiProgressBarSetProgress(GUIEditor.progressbar[1], 100) GUIEditor.memo[2] = guiCreateMemo(558, 218, 364, 337, "En : Shop Free For Zombie Servers And Drift \nAr : محل اسلحه مجاني لسيرفرات زومبي والدرفت\n\n\n\n\n", false, wnd) -------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == Sniper ) then triggerServerEvent('Sniper', localPlayer) end end ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == Knife ) then triggerServerEvent('Knife', localPlayer) end end ) -------------------------------------------------------------------- addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == M4 ) then triggerServerEvent('M4', localPlayer) end end ) ------------------------------------------------------------------ addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick', root, function ( ) if ( source == Ak ) then triggerServerEvent('Ak-47', localPlayer) end end ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- bindKey("F3", "down", function() if guiGetVisible ( wnd ) then guiSetVisible ( wnd, false ) showCursor(false) else guiSetVisible ( wnd, true ) showCursor(true) end end) Edited July 3, 2014 by Guest Link to comment
UnLikeF Posted July 3, 2014 Author Share Posted July 3, 2014 لسسكربت عزمت ع تعب ما اشتغل Link to comment
acount deleted Posted July 3, 2014 Share Posted July 3, 2014 عدلته جرب اذا ما اشتغل شوف الديبق وش يقول Link to comment
acount deleted Posted July 3, 2014 Share Posted July 3, 2014 نفسسه بنفسسه الديبق وش يقول Link to comment
UnLikeF Posted July 3, 2014 Author Share Posted July 3, 2014 نفس الي بل صوره الي قبلها Link to comment
acount deleted Posted July 3, 2014 Share Posted July 3, 2014 ورني اذا يشتري انا حاط ملف كلينت فقط Link to comment
UnLikeF Posted July 3, 2014 Author Share Posted July 3, 2014 اها غريبه كيف ما يزبط عندي Link to comment
Simba Posted July 3, 2014 Share Posted July 3, 2014 اها غريبه كيف ما يزبط عندي بدل الاكواد وادخل السيرفر واكتب /refresh بعدين شغل المود Link to comment
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