#Ivan7 Posted June 20, 2014 Share Posted June 20, 2014 Ok I finished the script only problem is the Peds wont warp in vechile when I hit H, I did bindkey but it wont work ServerSide: local pickups = { { -2514.2985839844, -19.26721572876, 25.6171875 }, { -2413.8093261719, 314.66299438477, 35.171875 }, { -1980.0808105469, 884.00354003906, 45.203125 }, { -1584.2047119141, 812.43743896484, 6.8203125 }, { -1817.1701660516, 1286.7491455078, 15.492509841919 }, { -2343.4348144531, 983.23840322031, 50.6953125 }, { -2554.942629531, 193.716659548, 6.2031769752502 } } local dropoffss = { { -2275.2744140625, 612.84197998047, 43.402828216553 }, { -2566.2153320313, 578.38897705078, 14.453125 }, { -2128.4689941406, 310.44934082031, 35.254566192627 }, { -1702.652941016, 717.54370117188, 24.890625 }, { -1912.1589355469, 883.3916015625, 35.215755462646 }, { -1977.3975830078, 1118.9444580078, 53.23331451416 }, { -1703.1501464844, 1340.6345214844, 7.1796875 } } local pedCus = { { 7 }, { 21 }, { 29 }, { 137 }, { 27 }, { 240 }, { 264 } } function SetVisiteFor (mark,player) setElementVisibleTo ( mark, root, false ) setElementVisibleTo ( mark, player, true ) end taxiVehs = { [420] = true } Cars = {} function teamSet ( ) if (isElement(Cars[source])) then destroyElement(Cars[source]) end setElementData(source,"markertax",4) setElementModel(source, 255) Cars[source] = createVehicle(420, -2485.3188476563, -169.93522644043, 25.6171875) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleExit", Cars[source], deleteOnExit ) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", Cars[source], inVEH ) addEventHandler ( "onVehicleStartEnter", Cars[source], enterVehicle ) warpPedIntoVehicle ( source, Cars[source] ) startJob() outputChatBox("You are now employed as a Taxi Driver!", source) end addEvent ( "sTeame", true) addEventHandler ( "sTeame", root, teamSet ) addEventHandler('onPlayerQuit', root, function() if isElement( Cars[source] ) then destroyElement(Cars[source] ) end end ) function enterVehicle ( seat, jacked ) if getElementData(source,"JobNew") ~= 4 then removePedFromVehicle( source ) outputChatBox("Only Taxi Drivers can drive this vehicle!", source) end end markers = { } blips = { } peds = { } mposi = { } mposii = {} function startJob ( ) local x, y, z = unpack ( pickups [ math.random ( #pickups ) ] ) markers [ source ] = createMarker ( x, y, z, "cylinder", 5.0, 255, 0, 0, 0 ) SetVisiteFor (markers [ source ],source) mposi = { getElementPosition( markers [ source ] ) } local skins = unpack ( pedCus [ math.random ( #pedCus ) ] ) peds [ source ] = createPed( skins, x, y, z ) SetVisiteFor (peds [ source ],source) blips [ source ] = createBlipAttachedTo ( markers [ source ], 58 ) SetVisiteFor (blips [ source ],source) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", markers [ source ], warpit ) end function inVEH () if isPedInVehicle ( source ) and getElementData(source,"JobNew") == 4 then startJob () end end function warpit ( ) if isPedInVehicle ( source ) then local vehiclee = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ) if ( getElementModel ( vehiclee ) == 420 ) then bindKey(source,"H","down",warpit) end end end function warpit2 () warpPedIntoVehicle(peds [ source ], getPedOccupiedVehicle ( source ), 2 ) local x, y, z = unpack ( dropoffss [ math.random ( #dropoffss ) ] ) markers [ source ] = createMarker ( x, y, z - 1, "cylinder", 5.0, 195, 197, 9, 255 ) SetVisiteFor (markers [ source ],source) mposii = { getElementPosition( markers [ source ] ) } blips [ source ] = createBlipAttachedTo ( markers [ source ], 41 ) SetVisiteFor (blips [ source ],source) addEventHandler ( "onMarkerHit", markers [ source ], pickmeup ) unbindKey(source,"H","down",warpit2) end function pickmeup () if isPedInVehicle ( source ) then destroyJob () local mx, my, mz = unpack ( mposi ) local mmx, mmy, mmz = unpack ( mposii ) local money = getDistanceBetweenPoints2D ( mx, my, mmx, mmy ) finalmoney = math.floor ( money ) if finalmoney then setTimer( function () finalmoney = finalmoney + 1000 setElementData(source,"Money", (getElementData(source,"Money" or 0 ) ) ) outputChatBox( "You have earned "..finalmoney.."!",source,0, 144, 0) setElementData(source,"Money", getElementData(source,"Money" or 0 ) ) end, 3000, 1 ) setTimer ( function () if ( isElement ( peds [ source ] ) ) then destroyElement ( peds [ source ] ) end startJob () end ,3000, 1 ) end end end function deleteOnExit ( ) if ( isElement ( markers [ source ] ) ) then destroyElement ( markers [ source ] ) end if ( isElement ( blips [ source ] ) ) then destroyElement ( blips [ source ] ) end if ( isElement ( peds [ source ] ) ) then destroyElement ( peds [ source ] ) end end -- lol ok function destroyJob () if ( isElement ( markers [ source ] ) ) then destroyElement ( markers [ source ] ) end if ( isElement ( blips [ source ] ) ) then destroyElement( blips [ source ] ) end end Link to comment
Castillo Posted June 20, 2014 Share Posted June 20, 2014 bindKey(source,"H","down",warpit) You binded the key to execute the function that binds the key, I think the typo here is that you should've put "warpit2" in the bindKey. Link to comment
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