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Streaming my programming RolePlay server


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Progress :

18 June 2014:

-Finished hacking system as gangster job

19 JUNE 2014


-Finish base for pilot job - Tested and worked + interface are in sync

20 June 2014

-Created a robbing system by aiming at the ped of the store, 30 second to collect cash and 60 seconds to run away

23 June 2014

-Finished police job

-Added gangdriveby script to the server

-Fixed some vehicle bugs

-Added ammunation store + interface + weapon buying

-Added health saving


24 June 2014

-Added treadmill gym

-added spinning_bike gym

-added dumbells gym


25 June 2014

-Fixed some gym bugs

-Added boxing gym

-Added permits saving + interface

-Fixed some resolution interface

-Added realtime timer

--Added gym blip

--Added onElementchange security server + client side

-Added stamina up and muscles up interface in the gym

26 June 2014

-Farming bug fixed with harvesting coca plants

-Achievement system added + interface

-Custom blips added

-Fixed hacking marker

-Added 2 new cars

--Added achievement for 1000 and 5000 for stamina and muscles

--Done for today--

27 June 2014

-Created custom interface system

-/semote - > to stop emote

-/dance and /smoke

-Help interface at farmer place and hospital

-Fixed some resolution interfaces

-Cleaned up messy code

-Added portals at hospital to airport and farm with 3d text

28 June 2014

-Fixed hacking interface

-Created new notification screen interface

-Fixed login screen edit boxes

-Fixed some bugs with the new interface system

-Added 2 new location for pilot job

-Fixed some code about the points given in a certain skill

-Added death image when player dies + slow motion

-Added wanted level saving for players

-Fixed some police job bugs and jail timer interface

-Fixed the book interface problem implementing it into the meta.xml

-Aded hospital icon at the correct position and police icon at the correct place

-Tested multilogin, everything went fine

-Fixed achievement system interfering with slideshow

29 June 2014

-Added minigame for fighting permits

-Fighting permit exam can be done for 5000$, currently 3 styles

-On death now results in losing your weapons

-Created car permit exam

30 June 2014

-Fixed tons of interface issues

-Added a client side loggin detection

-Created personal vehicle system

-Created vehicle hide/show/repair/locate

-Players can now buy their own personal vehicle

-Vehicle display when purchasing your vehicle

-Dynamic updating on vehicle look (broken, very broken , neat ) ...

-Added some texts on markers

-Added blip for car purchasing spot

-Added utility class for function we use occasionally like : round, isLoggedIn, getLoginName...

-Disabled logout command through acl rights

-Fixed book.png error message

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Progress of today :

1 July 2014

-Players can sell vehicles

-Players can delete vehicles from the sales list

-Players can lock and unlock their vehicles

-Players can only enter a vehicle that they own

-Players can buy vehicles from other players

-Players get a notification when they login if their vehicle is sold

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