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Weapon stuck check


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Hi guys. I need help, i want to know if player got stuck in the wall or other building and player can't fire weapon. How can i check this more quality?


1) Check player's "Task" doesn't help.

2) processLineOfSight/isLineOfSightClear is solution, but we need to know where we need to start this line if we need more quality.


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I have no idea if this will work, and it's not related to processLineOfSight but maybe you can extend it to make it work:

addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, 
    if getPedWeapon(localPlayer) then --He has a weapon 
        local sx, sy, sz = getPedTargetStart(localPlayer) -- 
        local tx, ty, tz = getPedTargetCollision(localPlayer) --Can be replaced by getPedWeaponMuzzlePosition if it doesn't work. 
        if sx and tx then 
            local dist = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(sx, sy, sz, tx, ty, tz) 
            if dist < 1.5 then --Blocked by a close object. You need to figure out the distance here. 

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