max-mohammed Posted June 8, 2014 Share Posted June 8, 2014 شباب انا سويت قيم مود يوم يدخل اللاعب تجيه صورة وتختفي ثم تجيه كمان صورة وتختفي عدد الصور ثمانية المهم وبعد كذا يسوي تريقر لملف كلنت ثاني في نفس المود عشان يطلع لوحة تسجيل الدخول وبعد مايسجل يسوي تريقر لملف كلنت الي هو الاول عشان يظهر له صورتين لو ضغط الاولى الي ينقله لفنكشن addSpawn () وذا ضغط الثانية تختفي الصورتين ويظهر بدلهم اثنتين غيرهم اذا سوى فنكشن addSpawn() يسوي كاميرا ماتركس ويخليه يختار مكان يرسبن في بعد مايختار المكان ويضغط الزر goSkin يسوي ماتركس ثاني عشان يختار الشخصية وفيه سهمين يمين ويسار وفيه 2لبل واحد يجيب اسم المكان والشخصية وواحد يقول اختار المكان او الشخصية بس يوم ادخل السيرفر يظهر الماوس بسس ومايظهر لا صور ولا شيء الكوود كلنت بسس function addSpawns () setCameraMatrix(619.67419433594,-1199.9998779297,57.281272888184,705.9833984375,-1244.9095458984,34.17622756958,localPlayer) guiSetVisible(haj, false) guiSetVisible(war, false) guiSetVisible(chose, true) guiSetVisible(goSkin, true) guiSetVisible(name, true) guiSetVisible(right, true) guiSetVisible(left, true) guiSetVisible(Game, false) end function Skin (mkan) if mkan == Start then guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) setCameraMatrix(-3413.7985839844,-2991.7375488281,6.9082860946655,-3448.9008789063,-2909.0407714844,-37.012950897217,localPlayer) ped = createPed(0, -3415.6000976563, -2987.6999511719, 5, 202.000457) elseif mkan == Dairy then guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) setCameraMatrix(1867.2332763672,759.46136474609,12.912625312805,1961.7563476563,753.83892822266,-19.239610671997,localPlayer) ped = createPed(0, 1873, 759.09997558594, 10.800000190735, 86.0050354) elseif mkan == Na5eel then guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) setCameraMatrix(2162.3903808594,1440.8660888672,12.40283203125,2159.8500976563-1539.3150634766,-4.9562592506409,localPlayer) ped = createPed(0, 2162.1999511719, 1448.1999511719, 10.800000190735, 178.000488) elseif mkan == Long Street then guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) setCameraMatrix(1867.2332763672,759.46136474609,12.912625312805,1961.7563476563,753.83892822266,-19.239610671997,localPlayer) ped = createPed(0, -2942.6999511719, -2909, 5.0999999046326, 146) elseif mkan == 63s then guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) setCameraMatrix(-2615.7868652344,-2311.6557617188,13.092206001282,-2531.5874023438,-2361.8149414063,-6.7700009346008,localPlayer) ped = createPed(0, -2608, -2316.3000488281, 11.39999961853, 50) end end function Front () if (guiGetText(name) == "Start" ) then guiSetText(name,"Dairy") setCameraMatrix(1831.9389648438,803.095703125,37.292613983154,1805.6704101563,894.36236572266,5.9819397926331,localPlayer) elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Dairy" ) then guiSetText(name,"Na5eel") setCameraMatrix(2092.4069824219,1170.4940185547,56.248859405518,2063.2897949219-1239.0903320313,-10.435028076172,localPlayer) elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Na5eel" ) then guiSetText(name,"Long Street") setCameraMatrix(-2367.2333984375,-3042.1984863281,37.009422302246,-2458.9155273438,-3008.3041992188,15.900390625,localPlayer) elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Long Street" ) then guiSetText(name,"63s") setCameraMatrix(-2717.6867675781,-2285.9240722656,57.604858398438,-2699.2565917969,-2381.9174804688,36.495826721191,localPlayer) elseif (guiGetText(name) == "63s" ) then guiSetText(name,"Start") setCameraMatrix(-3525.8815917969,-2960.5473632813,24.760547637939,-3479.5109863281,-3047.0029296875,5.3896117210388,localPlayer) elseif (guiGetText(name) == "No Chose" ) then guiSetText(name,"Start") setCameraMatrix(-3525.8815917969,-2960.5473632813,24.760547637939,-3479.5109863281,-3047.0029296875,5.3896117210388,localPlayer) end function Back () if (guiGetText(name) == "No Chose" ) then guiSetText(name,"63s") setCameraMatrix(-2717.6867675781,-2285.9240722656,57.604858398438,-2699.2565917969,-2381.9174804688,36.495826721191,localPlayer) elseif (guiGetText(name) == "63s" ) then guiSetText(name,"Long Street") setCameraMatrix(-2367.2333984375,-3042.1984863281,37.009422302246,-2458.9155273438,-3008.3041992188,15.900390625,localPlayer) elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Long Street" ) then guiSetText(name,"Na5eel") setCameraMatrix(2092.4069824219,1170.4940185547,56.248859405518,2063.2897949219-1239.0903320313,-10.435028076172,localPlayer) elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Na5eel" ) then guiSetText(name,"Dairy") setCameraMatrix(1831.9389648438,803.095703125,37.292613983154,1805.6704101563,894.36236572266,5.9819397926331,localPlayer) elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Dairy" ) then guiSetText(name,"Start") setCameraMatrix(-3525.8815917969,-2960.5473632813,24.760547637939,-3479.5109863281,-3047.0029296875,5.3896117210388,localPlayer) elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Start" ) then guiSetText(name,"63s") setCameraMatrix(-2717.6867675781,-2285.9240722656,57.604858398438,-2699.2565917969,-2381.9174804688,36.495826721191,localPlayer) end function Front1 () if (isElement(ped)) then if (getElementModel(ped) == 0) then setElementModel(ped,46) guiSetText(name,"White Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 46) then setElementModel(ped,128) guiSetText(name,"Black Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 128) then setElementModel(ped,0) guiSetText(name,"CJ") end end end function Back1 () if (isElement(ped)) then if (getElementModel(ped) == 0) then setElementModel(ped,128) guiSetText(name,"Black Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 128) then setElementModel(ped,46) guiSetText(name,"White Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 46) then setElementModel(ped,0) guiSetText(name,"CJ") end end end function Spawn (mkan) if (isElement(ped)) then destroyElement(ped) ped = nil if mkan == Start then setElementPosition(-3503.3918457031+math.random(0,15), -3002.8569335938+math.random(0,15), 11.595449447632,localPlayer) setCameraTraget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) elseif mkan == Dairy then setElementPosition(1840.0729980469+math.random(0,10), 812.41754150391+math.random(0,10), 10.435449447632,localPlayer) setCameraTraget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) elseif mkan == Na5eel then setElementPosition(2149.3012695313+math.random(0,10), 1018.0161743164+math.random(0,10), 10.345449447632,localPlayer) setCameraTraget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) elseif mkan == Long Street then setElementPosition(-2895.0932617188+math.random(0,5), -2946.0329589844+math.random(0,5), 5,localPlayer) setCameraTraget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) elseif mkan == 63s then setElementPosition(-2607.1594238281+math.random(0,4), -2315.2583007813+math.random(0,4), 11.42549447632,localPlayer) setCameraTraget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) end end end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() showChat(false) setCameraMatrix(1793.1867675781,1860.5334472656,126.00825500488,1884.0717773438,1866.1247558594,84.672348022461,localPlayer) guiSetInputEnabled(true) label = guiCreateLabel(321, 254, 373, 90, "Welcome To Server", false) guiSetFont(label, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label, "center", false) load1 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load1", false) load2 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load2", false) load3 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load3", false) load4 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load4", false) load5 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load5", false) load6 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load6", false) load7 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load7", false) load8 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load8", false) guiSetVisible(load1,false) guiSetVisible(label,false) guiSetVisible(load2,false) guiSetVisible(load3,false) guiSetVisible(load4,false) guiSetVisible(load5,false) guiSetVisible(load6,false) guiSetVisible(load7,false) guiSetVisible(load8,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1000,1,label,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1000,1,load1,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1200,1,load1,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1200,1,load2,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1400,1,load2,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1400,1,load3,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1600,1,load3,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1600,1,load4,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1800,1,load4,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1800,1,load5,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2000,1,load5,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2000,1,load6,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2200,1,load6,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2200,1,load7,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2400,1,load7,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2400,1,load8,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2600,1,load8,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2600,1,label,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,2800,1,localPlayer,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,3600,1,localPlayer,true) setTimer(triggerEvent, 3900, 1, "showWWW", localPlayer) haj = guiCreateStaticImage(580, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/haj.png", false) guiSetAlpha(haj,0.5) guiSetVisible(haj, false) war = guiCreateStaticImage(153, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war.png", false) harb1 = guiCreateLabel(636, 556, 269, 60, "Player's In Team : " ..countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Blue")), false) guiSetVisible(harb1, false) guiLabelSetColor(harb1, 0, 0, 250) harb2 = guiCreateLabel(196, 552, 269, 60, "Player's In Team : " ..countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Red")), false) guiSetVisible(harb2, false) guiLabelSetColor(harb2, 0, 0, 250) Game = guiCreateLabel(448, 96, 315, 98, "Select Game", false) guiSetVisible(Game, false) guiLabelSetColor(Game, 59, 253, 0) guiSetAlpha(war,0.5) guiSetVisible(war, false) war1 = guiCreateStaticImage(153, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war1.png", false) guiSetAlpha(war1,0.5) guiSetVisible(war1, false) war2 = guiCreateStaticImage(580, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war2.png", false) guiSetAlpha(war2,0.5) guiSetVisible(war2, false) showCursor(true) chose = Link to comment
#DRAGON!FIRE Posted June 8, 2014 Share Posted June 8, 2014 الكواد معفوسة عفسة وبعدين يمديكـ تختصر كل ذا .. مسوي اشياء مالها داعي Link to comment
max-mohammed Posted June 8, 2014 Author Share Posted June 8, 2014 ممكن تختصره لي + تصححه Link to comment
#DRAGON!FIRE Posted June 8, 2014 Share Posted June 8, 2014 لا .. مهو ممكن لانه مستحيل اصلحه لكـ وكثر الاكواد ذي لانه انا ما ادري وش بتسوي ولا جالس اجرب الكود اعتممد عـ نفسك وسوه انت . Link to comment
max-mohammed Posted June 8, 2014 Author Share Posted June 8, 2014 طيب ممكن تعدل ذا الكود addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() showChat(false) setCameraMatrix(1793.1867675781,1860.5334472656,126.00825500488,1884.0717773438,1866.1247558594,84.672348022461,localPlayer) guiSetInputEnabled(true) label = guiCreateLabel(321, 254, 373, 90, "Welcome To Server", false) guiSetFont(label, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label, "center", false) load1 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load1", false) load2 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load2", false) load3 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load3", false) load4 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load4", false) load5 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load5", false) load6 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load6", false) load7 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load7", false) load8 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load8", false) guiSetVisible(load1,false) guiSetVisible(label,false) guiSetVisible(load2,false) guiSetVisible(load3,false) guiSetVisible(load4,false) guiSetVisible(load5,false) guiSetVisible(load6,false) guiSetVisible(load7,false) guiSetVisible(load8,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1000,1,label,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1000,1,load1,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1200,1,load1,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1200,1,load2,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1400,1,load2,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1400,1,load3,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1600,1,load3,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1600,1,load4,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1800,1,load4,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1800,1,load5,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2000,1,load5,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2000,1,load6,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2200,1,load6,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2200,1,load7,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2400,1,load7,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2400,1,load8,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2600,1,load8,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2600,1,label,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,2800,1,localPlayer,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,3600,1,localPlayer,true) setTimer(triggerEvent, 3900, 1, "showWWW", localPlayer) haj = guiCreateStaticImage(580, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/haj.png", false) guiSetAlpha(haj,0.5) guiSetVisible(haj, false) war = guiCreateStaticImage(153, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war.png", false) harb1 = guiCreateLabel(636, 556, 269, 60, "Player's In Team : " ..countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Blue")), false) guiSetVisible(harb1, false) guiLabelSetColor(harb1, 0, 0, 250) harb2 = guiCreateLabel(196, 552, 269, 60, "Player's In Team : " ..countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Red")), false) guiSetVisible(harb2, false) guiLabelSetColor(harb2, 0, 0, 250) Game = guiCreateLabel(448, 96, 315, 98, "Select Game", false) guiSetVisible(Game, false) guiLabelSetColor(Game, 59, 253, 0) guiSetAlpha(war,0.5) guiSetVisible(war, false) war1 = guiCreateStaticImage(153, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war1.png", false) guiSetAlpha(war1,0.5) guiSetVisible(war1, false) war2 = guiCreateStaticImage(580, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war2.png", false) guiSetAlpha(war2,0.5) guiSetVisible(war2, false) showCursor(true) chose = guiCreateLabel(383, 153, 171, 51, "Chose Spawn Point:", false) guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetFont(chose, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(chose, 54, 254, 0) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(chose, "center", false) name = guiCreateLabel(383, 591, 171, 51, "No Chose", false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetFont(name, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(name, 0, 17, 253) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(name, "center", false) right = guiCreateStaticImage(763, 349, 166, 96, "imgs/R.png", false) guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetAlpha(right,0.5) left = guiCreateStaticImage(53, 348, 183, 97, "imgs/L.png", false) guiSetAlpha(left,0.5) guiSetVisible(left,false) right1 = guiCreateStaticImage(763, 349, 166, 96, "imgs/R.png", false) guiSetAlpha(right1,0.5) guiSetVisible(right1,false) left1 = guiCreateStaticImage(53, 348, 183, 97, "imgs/L.png", false) guiSetAlpha(left,0.5) guiSetVisible(left1,false) goSkin = guiCreateButton(402, 493, 216, 70, "Chose Skin", false) guiSetFont(goSkin, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(goSkin, "NormalTextColour", "FFF4FD01") guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) end) واذا تقد تعدل غيره مافيه مشكلة واذا ماتقد بحااول وبقوولك+ انا يمكن مااقدر اعدله لاني مو مة خبير في البرمجةة Link to comment
Max+ Posted June 8, 2014 Share Posted June 8, 2014 طيب ممكن تعدل ذا الكود addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() showChat(false) setCameraMatrix(1793.1867675781,1860.5334472656,126.00825500488,1884.0717773438,1866.1247558594,84.672348022461,localPlayer) guiSetInputEnabled(true) label = guiCreateLabel(321, 254, 373, 90, "Welcome To Server", false) guiSetFont(label, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label, "center", false) load1 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load1", false) load2 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load2", false) load3 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load3", false) load4 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load4", false) load5 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load5", false) load6 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load6", false) load7 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load7", false) load8 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load8", false) guiSetVisible(load1,false) guiSetVisible(label,false) guiSetVisible(load2,false) guiSetVisible(load3,false) guiSetVisible(load4,false) guiSetVisible(load5,false) guiSetVisible(load6,false) guiSetVisible(load7,false) guiSetVisible(load8,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1000,1,label,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1000,1,load1,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1200,1,load1,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1200,1,load2,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1400,1,load2,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1400,1,load3,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1600,1,load3,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1600,1,load4,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1800,1,load4,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1800,1,load5,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2000,1,load5,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2000,1,load6,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2200,1,load6,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2200,1,load7,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2400,1,load7,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2400,1,load8,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2600,1,load8,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2600,1,label,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,2800,1,localPlayer,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,3600,1,localPlayer,true) setTimer(triggerEvent, 3900, 1, "showWWW", localPlayer) haj = guiCreateStaticImage(580, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/haj.png", false) guiSetAlpha(haj,0.5) guiSetVisible(haj, false) war = guiCreateStaticImage(153, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war.png", false) harb1 = guiCreateLabel(636, 556, 269, 60, "Player's In Team : " ..countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Blue")), false) guiSetVisible(harb1, false) guiLabelSetColor(harb1, 0, 0, 250) harb2 = guiCreateLabel(196, 552, 269, 60, "Player's In Team : " ..countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Red")), false) guiSetVisible(harb2, false) guiLabelSetColor(harb2, 0, 0, 250) Game = guiCreateLabel(448, 96, 315, 98, "Select Game", false) guiSetVisible(Game, false) guiLabelSetColor(Game, 59, 253, 0) guiSetAlpha(war,0.5) guiSetVisible(war, false) war1 = guiCreateStaticImage(153, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war1.png", false) guiSetAlpha(war1,0.5) guiSetVisible(war1, false) war2 = guiCreateStaticImage(580, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war2.png", false) guiSetAlpha(war2,0.5) guiSetVisible(war2, false) showCursor(true) chose = guiCreateLabel(383, 153, 171, 51, "Chose Spawn Point:", false) guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetFont(chose, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(chose, 54, 254, 0) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(chose, "center", false) name = guiCreateLabel(383, 591, 171, 51, "No Chose", false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetFont(name, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(name, 0, 17, 253) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(name, "center", false) right = guiCreateStaticImage(763, 349, 166, 96, "imgs/R.png", false) guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetAlpha(right,0.5) left = guiCreateStaticImage(53, 348, 183, 97, "imgs/L.png", false) guiSetAlpha(left,0.5) guiSetVisible(left,false) right1 = guiCreateStaticImage(763, 349, 166, 96, "imgs/R.png", false) guiSetAlpha(right1,0.5) guiSetVisible(right1,false) left1 = guiCreateStaticImage(53, 348, 183, 97, "imgs/L.png", false) guiSetAlpha(left,0.5) guiSetVisible(left1,false) goSkin = guiCreateButton(402, 493, 216, 70, "Chose Skin", false) guiSetFont(goSkin, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(goSkin, "NormalTextColour", "FFF4FD01") guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) end) واذا تقد تعدل غيره مافيه مشكلة واذا ماتقد بحااول وبقوولك+ انا يمكن مااقدر اعدله لاني مو مة خبير في البرمجةة والله اكوادك طويلة مره , يعني مثلا load 1, load 2 , load 3 . .. كلها تقدر تستخدم تيبل , وتريح راسك , من الحوسه ذي , بس والله لو اني فاضي لضبطه لك , بس عاد انتظر احد الاخوان اذا ماعدلوه انا بضبطه لك , Link to comment
max-mohammed Posted June 9, 2014 Author Share Posted June 9, 2014 تم حل المشكلة مشكووور تابل على تذكيري بالديبق سكربت + ممكن تعدل الكود التالي لان الديبق يقول انه كل شيء فيه غلط الصور ماتظهر بسبب الارقومنتات الديبق يقول كل فنكشن الارقومنت حقه غلط والكاميرا ماتركس ماتجي + فادي كاميرا مايبي يسوي الكوود: addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", resourceRoot, function() showChat(false) setCameraMatrix(1793.1867675781,1860.5334472656,126.00825500488,1884.0717773438,1866.1247558594,84.672348022461,localPlayer) guiSetInputEnabled(true) label = guiCreateLabel(321, 254, 373, 90, "Welcome To Server", false) guiSetFont(label, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label, "center", false) load1 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load1", false) load2 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load2", false) load3 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load3", false) load4 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load4", false) load5 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load5", false) load6 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load6", false) load7 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load7", false) load8 = guiCreateStaticImage(459, 286, 100, 92, "imgs/load8", false) guiSetVisible(load1,false) guiSetVisible(label,false) guiSetVisible(load2,false) guiSetVisible(load3,false) guiSetVisible(load4,false) guiSetVisible(load5,false) guiSetVisible(load6,false) guiSetVisible(load7,false) guiSetVisible(load8,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1000,1,label,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1000,1,load1,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1200,1,load1,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1200,1,load2,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1400,1,load2,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1400,1,load3,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1600,1,load3,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1600,1,load4,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1800,1,load4,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,1800,1,load5,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2000,1,load5,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2000,1,load6,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2200,1,load6,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2200,1,load7,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2400,1,load7,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2400,1,load8,true) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2600,1,load8,false) setTimer(guiSetVisible,2600,1,label,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,2800,1,localPlayer,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,3600,1,localPlayer,true) setTimer(triggerEvent, 3900, 1, "showWWW", localPlayer) haj = guiCreateStaticImage(580, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/haj.png", false) guiSetAlpha(haj,0.5) guiSetVisible(haj, false) war = guiCreateStaticImage(153, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war.png", false) harb1 = guiCreateLabel(636, 556, 269, 60, "Player's In Team : " ..countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Blue")), false) guiSetVisible(harb1, false) guiLabelSetColor(harb1, 0, 0, 250) harb2 = guiCreateLabel(196, 552, 269, 60, "Player's In Team : " ..countPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Red")), false) guiSetVisible(harb2, false) guiLabelSetColor(harb2, 0, 0, 250) Game = guiCreateLabel(448, 96, 315, 98, "Select Game", false) guiSetVisible(Game, false) guiLabelSetColor(Game, 59, 253, 0) guiSetAlpha(war,0.5) guiSetVisible(war, false) war1 = guiCreateStaticImage(153, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war1.png", false) guiSetAlpha(war1,0.5) guiSetVisible(war1, false) war2 = guiCreateStaticImage(580, 187, 279, 359, "imgs/war2.png", false) guiSetAlpha(war2,0.5) guiSetVisible(war2, false) showCursor(true) chose = guiCreateLabel(383, 153, 171, 51, "Chose Spawn Point:", false) guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetFont(chose, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(chose, 54, 254, 0) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(chose, "center", false) name = guiCreateLabel(383, 591, 171, 51, "No Chose", false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetFont(name, "default-bold-small") guiLabelSetColor(name, 0, 17, 253) guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(name, "center", false) right = guiCreateStaticImage(763, 349, 166, 96, "imgs/R.png", false) guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetAlpha(right,0.5) left = guiCreateStaticImage(53, 348, 183, 97, "imgs/L.png", false) guiSetAlpha(left,0.5) guiSetVisible(left,false) right1 = guiCreateStaticImage(763, 349, 166, 96, "imgs/R.png", false) guiSetAlpha(right1,0.5) guiSetVisible(right1,false) left1 = guiCreateStaticImage(53, 348, 183, 97, "imgs/L.png", false) guiSetAlpha(left,0.5) guiSetVisible(left1,false) goSkin = guiCreateButton(402, 493, 216, 70, "Chose Skin", false) guiSetFont(goSkin, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(goSkin, "NormalTextColour", "FFF4FD01") guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) end) + اكواد ضغط الازرار ما تأثـر لما اضغط اي زر ميصير شيء اذا كان الخطأ من الكود السابق الرجاء حل المشااكل ومعلييش اتعبتكمـ Link to comment
Max+ Posted June 9, 2014 Share Posted June 9, 2014 بالارقام , حقت انشاء الصور فيه فراغات , اتوقع الاخطاء منها , شيل الفراغات من كل كود , . . . Link to comment
max-mohammed Posted June 9, 2014 Author Share Posted June 9, 2014 بالارقام , حقت انشاء الصور فيه فراغات , اتوقع الاخطاء منها , شيل الفراغات من كل كود , . . . الاخطاء مو منها لاني عدلتها ولسا الديبق سكربت يقوول با ارقومنت على كل الشيء الا اللبل الصور كلها ماتظهر الا اللبل اللبل مدري ليش هو الي يظهر بسس اما الصور والفنكشات الباقية يقول الديبق باد ارقومنت الرجاء تعديل ردي الي فووق!! Link to comment
TAPL Posted June 9, 2014 Share Posted June 9, 2014 ارقمنت الصور مافيه اي خطأ احتمال انك ما حطيت الصور بالميتا او انك حاط المسار حق الصور خطأ fadeCamera و بالنسبة حق setTimer(fadeCamera,2800,1,localPlayer,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,3600,1,localPlayer,true) بالكلينت ما يحتاج تحط لاعب setTimer(fadeCamera,2800,1,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,3600,1,true) و في الماتركس ليه حاط لوكل بلاير الفنكشن ما فيه ارقمنت لاعب اصلاً ._. setCameraMatrix(1793.1867675781,1860.5334472656,126.00825500488,1884.0717773438,1866.1247558594,84.672348022461,localPlayer) Link to comment
Max+ Posted June 9, 2014 Share Posted June 9, 2014 ارقمنت الصور مافيه اي خطأاحتمال انك ما حطيت الصور بالميتا او انك حاط المسار حق الصور خطأ fadeCamera و بالنسبة حق setTimer(fadeCamera,2800,1,localPlayer,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,3600,1,localPlayer,true) بالكلينت ما يحتاج تحط لاعب setTimer(fadeCamera,2800,1,false) setTimer(fadeCamera,3600,1,true) و في الماتركس ليه حاط لوكل بلاير الفنكشن ما فيه ارقمنت لاعب اصلاً ._. setCameraMatrix(1793.1867675781,1860.5334472656,126.00825500488,1884.0717773438,1866.1247558594,84.672348022461,localPlayer) ههههههههههه تبوله ياخي انت فله فجرت ام الكود والله كل يوم اتعلم منك شي , Link to comment
max-mohammed Posted June 9, 2014 Author Share Posted June 9, 2014 كفوووووووووو تابل بس فيه مشكل في بعض الوظائف اتمنى تصلحها لي ولما ابي اروح اختيار الشخصية مايروح الا مكان واحد function Skin (mkan) if mkan == Start then guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) setCameraMatrix(-3413.7985839844,-2991.7375488281,6.9082860946655,-3448.9008789063,-2909.0407714844,-37.012950897217) ped = createPed(0, -3415.6000976563, -2987.6999511719, 5, 202.000457) elseif mkan == Dairy then guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) setCameraMatrix(1867.2332763672,759.46136474609,12.912625312805,1961.7563476563,753.83892822266,-19.239610671997) ped = createPed(0, 1873, 759.09997558594, 10.800000190735, 86.0050354) elseif mkan == Na5eel then guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) setCameraMatrix(2162.3903808594,1440.8660888672,12.40283203125,2159.8500976563-1539.3150634766,-4.9562592506409) ped = createPed(0, 2162.1999511719, 1448.1999511719, 10.800000190735, 178.000488) elseif mkan == LongStreet then guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) setCameraMatrix(1867.2332763672,759.46136474609,12.912625312805,1961.7563476563,753.83892822266,-19.239610671997) ped = createPed(0, -2942.6999511719, -2909, 5.0999999046326, 146) elseif (mkan == ths) then guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) setCameraMatrix(-2615.7868652344,-2311.6557617188,13.092206001282,-2531.5874023438,-2361.8149414063,-6.7700009346008) ped = createPed(0, -2608, -2316.3000488281, 11.39999961853, 50) end end function Front1 () if (isElement(ped)) then if (getElementModel(ped) == 0) then setElementModel(ped,46) guiSetText(name,"White Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 46) then setElementModel(ped,128) guiSetText(name,"Black Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 128) then setElementModel(ped,0) guiSetText(name,"CJ") end end end function Back1 () if (isElement(ped)) then if (getElementModel(ped) == 0) then setElementModel(ped,128) guiSetText(name,"Black Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 128) then setElementModel(ped,46) guiSetText(name,"White Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 46) then setElementModel(ped,0) guiSetText(name,"CJ") end end end function Spawn (mkan) if (isElement(ped)) then destroyElement(ped) ped = nil if mkan == Start then setElementPosition(localPlayer,-3503.3918457031+math.random(0,15), -3002.8569335938+math.random(0,15), 11.595449447632) setCameraTraget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) elseif mkan == Dairy then setElementPosition(localPlayer,1840.0729980469+math.random(0,10), 812.41754150391+math.random(0,10), 10.435449447632) setCameraTraget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) elseif mkan == Na5eel then setElementPosition(localPlayer,2149.3012695313+math.random(0,10), 1018.0161743164+math.random(0,10), 10.345449447632) setCameraTraget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) elseif mkan == LongStreet then setElementPosition(localPlayer,-2895.0932617188+math.random(0,5), -2946.0329589844+math.random(0,5), 5) setCameraTraget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) elseif mkan == ths then setElementPosition(localPlayer,-2607.1594238281+math.random(0,4), -2315.2583007813+math.random(0,4), 11.42549447632) setCameraTraget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) end end end x = -3525.8815917969,-2960.5473632813,24.760547637939,-3479.5109863281,-3047.0029296875,5.3896117210388 xx = 1831.9389648438,803.095703125,37.292613983154,1805.6704101563,894.36236572266,5.9819397926331 xxx = 2092.4069824219,1170.4940185547,56.248859405518,2063.2897949219-1239.0903320313,-10.435028076172 xxxx = -2367.2333984375,-3042.1984863281,37.009422302246,-2458.9155273438,-3008.3041992188,15.900390625 xxxxx = -2717.6867675781,-2285.9240722656,57.604858398438,-2699.2565917969,-2381.9174804688,36.495826721191 addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function () if (source == goSkin) then if not (guiGetText(goSkin) == "Chose Spawn Point:") then if (getCameraMatrix(localPlayer) == x) then Spawn (Start) guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) elseif (getCameraMatrix(localPlayer) == xx) then Spawn (Dairy) guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) elseif (getCameraMatrix(localPlayer) == xxx) then Spawn (Na5eel) guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) elseif (getCameraMatrix(localPlayer) == xxxx) then Spawn (LongStreet) guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) elseif (getCameraMatrix(localPlayer) == xxxxx) then Spawn (ths) guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) end end end end) Link to comment
jafar Posted June 9, 2014 Share Posted June 9, 2014 function Skin (mkan) if mkan == "Start" then setCameraMatrix(-3413.7985839844,-2991.7375488281,6.9082860946655,-3448.9008789063,-2909.0407714844,-37.012950897217) ped = createPed(0, -3415.6000976563, -2987.6999511719, 5, 202.000457) elseif mkan == "Dairy" then setCameraMatrix(1867.2332763672,759.46136474609,12.912625312805,1961.7563476563,753.83892822266,-19.239610671997) ped = createPed(0, 1873, 759.09997558594, 10.800000190735, 86.0050354) elseif mkan == "Na5eel" then setCameraMatrix(2162.3903808594,1440.8660888672,12.40283203125,2159.8500976563-1539.3150634766,-4.9562592506409) ped = createPed(0, 2162.1999511719, 1448.1999511719, 10.800000190735, 178.000488) elseif mkan == "LongStreet" then setCameraMatrix(1867.2332763672,759.46136474609,12.912625312805,1961.7563476563,753.83892822266,-19.239610671997) ped = createPed(0, -2942.6999511719, -2909, 5.0999999046326, 146) elseif mkan == "ths" then setCameraMatrix(-2615.7868652344,-2311.6557617188,13.092206001282,-2531.5874023438,-2361.8149414063,-6.7700009346008) ped = createPed(0, -2608, -2316.3000488281, 11.39999961853, 50) end guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) end function Front1 () if (isElement(ped)) then if (getElementModel(ped) == 0) then setElementModel(ped,46) guiSetText(name,"White Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 46) then setElementModel(ped,128) guiSetText(name,"Black Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 128) then setElementModel(ped,0) guiSetText(name,"CJ") end end end function Back1 () if (isElement(ped)) then if (getElementModel(ped) == 0) then setElementModel(ped,128) guiSetText(name,"Black Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 128) then setElementModel(ped,46) guiSetText(name,"White Dress") elseif (getElementModel(ped) == 46) then setElementModel(ped,0) guiSetText(name,"CJ") end end end function Spawn (mkan) if (isElement(ped)) then destroyElement(ped) ped = nil setCameraTarget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) if mkan == "Start" then setElementPosition(localPlayer,-3503.3918457031+math.random(0,15), -3002.8569335938+math.random(0,15), 11.595449447632) elseif mkan == "Dairy" then setElementPosition(localPlayer,1840.0729980469+math.random(0,10), 812.41754150391+math.random(0,10), 10.435449447632) elseif mkan == "Na5eel" then setElementPosition(localPlayer,2149.3012695313+math.random(0,10), 1018.0161743164+math.random(0,10), 10.345449447632) elseif mkan == "LongStreet" then setElementPosition(localPlayer,-2895.0932617188+math.random(0,5), -2946.0329589844+math.random(0,5), 5) elseif mkan == "ths" then setElementPosition(localPlayer,-2607.1594238281+math.random(0,4), -2315.2583007813+math.random(0,4), 11.42549447632) end end end x = -3525.8815917969,-2960.5473632813,24.760547637939,-3479.5109863281,-3047.0029296875,5.3896117210388 xx = 1831.9389648438,803.095703125,37.292613983154,1805.6704101563,894.36236572266,5.9819397926331 xxx = 2092.4069824219,1170.4940185547,56.248859405518,2063.2897949219-1239.0903320313,-10.435028076172 xxxx = -2367.2333984375,-3042.1984863281,37.009422302246,-2458.9155273438,-3008.3041992188,15.900390625 xxxxx = -2717.6867675781,-2285.9240722656,57.604858398438,-2699.2565917969,-2381.9174804688,36.495826721191 addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function () if (source == goSkin) then if not (guiGetText(goSkin) == "Chose Spawn Point:") then guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) if (getCameraMatrix() == x) then Spawn ("Start") elseif (getCameraMatrix() == xx) then Spawn ("Dairy") elseif (getCameraMatrix() == xxx) then Spawn ("Na5eel") elseif (getCameraMatrix() == xxxx) then Spawn ("LongStreet") elseif (getCameraMatrix() == xxxxx) then Spawn ("ths") end end end end) + هالحدث استبدله بالموجود ف المود addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function () if (source == goSkin) then if (guiGetText(name) == "No Chose") then return end Skin(guiGetText(name)) end end) Link to comment
max-mohammed Posted June 9, 2014 Author Share Posted June 9, 2014 وربي جعفر انك كفوووووو + شنب يعطيك الف عافية انت وتابل وماكس+ كل الي شاركوو Link to comment
max-mohammed Posted June 9, 2014 Author Share Posted June 9, 2014 بس عندي استفسار يجعفر الكود الي عطيتني اياه يعتمد على الكلام في اللبل بس اللبل كلامه يتغيير عشان البيد ولكن انا حطيته المنت داتا addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function () if (source == goSkin) then if (guiGetText(name) == "No Chose") then return end if (guiGetText(goSkin) == "Chose Skin") then if (guiGetText(name) == "Start") then Skin ("Start") setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","Start") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Dairy") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","Dairy") Skin ("Dairy") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Na5eel") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","Na5eel") Skin ("Na5eel") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Long Street") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","LongStreet") Skin ("LongStreet") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "ths") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","ths") Skin ("ths") end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function () if (source == goSkin) then if (guiGetText(goSkin) == "Spawn") then if (getElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn") == "Start") then Spawn ("Start") elseif (getElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn") == "Dairy") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn",nil) Spawn ("Dairy") elseif (getElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn") == "Na5eel") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn",nil) Spawn ("Na5eel") elseif (getElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn") == "LongStreet") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn",nil) Spawn ("LongStreet") elseif (getElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn") == "ths") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn",nil) Spawn ("ths") end end end end) function Skin (mkan) if mkan == "Start" then setCameraMatrix(-3413.7985839844,-2991.7375488281,6.9082860946655,-3448.9008789063,-2909.0407714844,-37.012950897217) ped = createPed(0, -3415.6000976563, -2987.6999511719, 5, 202.000457) setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","Start") elseif mkan == "Dairy" then setCameraMatrix(1867.2332763672,759.46136474609,12.912625312805,1961.7563476563,753.83892822266,-19.239610671997) ped = createPed(0, 1873, 759.09997558594, 10.800000190735, 86.0050354) elseif mkan == "Na5eel" then setCameraMatrix(2162.3903808594,1440.8660888672,12.40283203125,2159.8500976563-1539.3150634766,-4.9562592506409) ped = createPed(0, 2162.1999511719, 1448.1999511719, 10.800000190735, 178.000488) elseif mkan == "LongStreet" then setCameraMatrix(1867.2332763672,759.46136474609,12.912625312805,1961.7563476563,753.83892822266,-19.239610671997) ped = createPed(0, -2942.6999511719, -2909, 5.0999999046326, 146) elseif mkan == "ths" then setCameraMatrix(-2615.7868652344,-2311.6557617188,13.092206001282,-2531.5874023438,-2361.8149414063,-6.7700009346008) ped = createPed(0, -2608, -2316.3000488281, 11.39999961853, 50) end guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) end function Spawn (mkan) guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) if (isElement(ped)) then destroyElement(ped) ped = nil setCameraTarget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) if mkan == "Start" then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn",nil) setElementPosition(localPlayer,-3503.3918457031+math.random(0,15), -3002.8569335938+math.random(0,15), 11.595449447632) elseif mkan == "Dairy" then setElementPosition(localPlayer,1840.0729980469+math.random(0,10), 812.41754150391+math.random(0,10), 10.435449447632) elseif mkan == "Na5eel" then setElementPosition(localPlayer,2149.3012695313+math.random(0,10), 1018.0161743164+math.random(0,10), 10.345449447632) elseif mkan == "LongStreet" then setElementPosition(localPlayer,-2895.0932617188+math.random(0,5), -2946.0329589844+math.random(0,5), 5) elseif mkan == "ths" then setElementPosition(localPlayer,-2607.1594238281+math.random(0,4), -2315.2583007813+math.random(0,4), 11.42549447632) end end end وش هي الاخطاء؟؟ لانه بدل مايروح يختار شخصية علطول يرسبن هذول الوظائف حق السكين والسباون وكمان يوم يضغط الزر هذا اخر شيء في الموضوع Link to comment
max-mohammed Posted June 9, 2014 Author Share Posted June 9, 2014 برضو مايشتغل بس انا اكتشفت شييء انه لو كان التحقق الي يوديني لاختيار الشخصية صحيح ماوديني للاختيار علطول يرسبن اما لو كان غلط يوديني لاختيار شخصية ولما اختار الشخصية وضغط الزر ميصير شيء اكواد ضغط الزر addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if (source == goSkin) then if (guiGetText(name) == "No Chose") then return end if (guiGetText(goSkin) == "Chose Skin") then if (guiGetText(name) == "Start") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","Start") Skin ("Start") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Dairy") then Skin ("Dairy") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Na5eel") then Skin ("Na5eel") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Long Street") then Skin ("LongStreet") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "ths") then Skin ("ths") end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function () if (goSkin) then if (guiGetText(chose) == "Chose Skin To Spawn:") then if (getElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn") == "Start") then Spawn ("Start") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Dairy") then outputChatBox(guiGetText(name),255,255,255) Spawn ("Dairy") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Na5eel") then Spawn ("Na5eel") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "LongStreet") then Spawn ("LongStreet") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "ths") then Spawn ("ths") end end end end) مدري والله وش العطل + بدل السورس باسم الزر ومااشتغل!!! شباب ابي االكود ضروري لانه مهم وشكراا Link to comment
#Rmad~> Posted June 9, 2014 Share Posted June 9, 2014 addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if (source == goSkin) then if (guiGetText(name) == "No Chose") then return end if (guiGetText(goSkin) == "Chose Skin") then if (guiGetText(name) == "Start") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","Start") Skin = "Start" elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Dairy") then Skin = "Dairy" elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Na5eel") then Skin = "Na5eel" elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Long Street") then Skin = "LongStreet" elseif (guiGetText(name) == "ths") then Skin = "ths" end end end end ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function () if (goSkin) then if (guiGetText(chose) == "Chose Skin To Spawn:") then if (getElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn") == "Start") then Spawn = "Start" elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Dairy") then outputChatBox(guiGetText(name),localPlayer,255,255,255) Spawn = ("Dairy" elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Na5eel") then Spawn = "Na5eel" elseif (guiGetText(name) == "LongStreet") then Spawn = "LongStreet" elseif (guiGetText(name) == "ths") then Spawn = "ths" end end end end ) Link to comment
jafar Posted June 9, 2014 Share Posted June 9, 2014 برضو مايشتغل بس انا اكتشفت شييء انه لو كان التحقق الي يوديني لاختيار الشخصية صحيح ماوديني للاختيارعلطول يرسبن اما لو كان غلط يوديني لاختيار شخصية ولما اختار الشخصية وضغط الزر ميصير شيء اكواد ضغط الزر addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if (source == goSkin) then if (guiGetText(name) == "No Chose") then return end if (guiGetText(goSkin) == "Chose Skin") then if (guiGetText(name) == "Start") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","Start") Skin ("Start") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Dairy") then Skin ("Dairy") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Na5eel") then Skin ("Na5eel") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Long Street") then Skin ("LongStreet") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "ths") then Skin ("ths") end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function () if (goSkin) then if (guiGetText(chose) == "Chose Skin To Spawn:") then if (getElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn") == "Start") then Spawn ("Start") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Dairy") then outputChatBox(guiGetText(name),255,255,255) Spawn ("Dairy") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Na5eel") then Spawn ("Na5eel") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "LongStreet") then Spawn ("LongStreet") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "ths") then Spawn ("ths") end end end end) مدري والله وش العطل + بدل السورس باسم الزر ومااشتغل!!! شباب ابي االكود ضروري لانه مهم وشكراا جرب, استبدلهم بالأكواد الموجودة في الأعلى اذا ماضبط سوي زر سباون منفصل addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) if ( source == goSkin ) then if ( guiGetText ( goSkin ) == "Chose Skin" ) then if ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Start" ) then Skin ( "Start" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Dairy" ) then Skin ( "Dairy" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Na5eel" ) then Skin ( "Na5eel" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Long Street" ) then Skin ( "LongStreet" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "ths" ) then Skin ( "ths" ); end end if ( guiGetText ( chose ) == "Chose Skin To Spawn:" ) and ( guiGetText ( name ) == "CJ" ) and ( guiGetText ( goSkin ) == "Spawn" ) then if ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Start" ) then Spawn ( "Start" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Dairy" ) then Spawn ( "Dairy" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Na5eel" ) then Spawn ( "Na5eel" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Long Street" ) then Spawn ( "LongStreet" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "ths" ) then Spawn ( "ths" ); end end end end ); Link to comment
max-mohammed Posted June 9, 2014 Author Share Posted June 9, 2014 برضو مايشتغل بس انا اكتشفت شييء انه لو كان التحقق الي يوديني لاختيار الشخصية صحيح ماوديني للاختيارعلطول يرسبن اما لو كان غلط يوديني لاختيار شخصية ولما اختار الشخصية وضغط الزر ميصير شيء اكواد ضغط الزر addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",root, function () if (source == goSkin) then if (guiGetText(name) == "No Chose") then return end if (guiGetText(goSkin) == "Chose Skin") then if (guiGetText(name) == "Start") then setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","Start") Skin ("Start") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Dairy") then Skin ("Dairy") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Na5eel") then Skin ("Na5eel") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Long Street") then Skin ("LongStreet") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "ths") then Skin ("ths") end end end end) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",getRootElement(), function () if (goSkin) then if (guiGetText(chose) == "Chose Skin To Spawn:") then if (getElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn") == "Start") then Spawn ("Start") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Dairy") then outputChatBox(guiGetText(name),255,255,255) Spawn ("Dairy") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "Na5eel") then Spawn ("Na5eel") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "LongStreet") then Spawn ("LongStreet") elseif (guiGetText(name) == "ths") then Spawn ("ths") end end end end) مدري والله وش العطل + بدل السورس باسم الزر ومااشتغل!!! شباب ابي االكود ضروري لانه مهم وشكراا جرب, استبدلهم بالأكواد الموجودة في الأعلى اذا ماضبط سوي زر سباون منفصل addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) if ( source == goSkin ) then if ( guiGetText ( goSkin ) == "Chose Skin" ) then if ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Start" ) then Skin ( "Start" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Dairy" ) then Skin ( "Dairy" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Na5eel" ) then Skin ( "Na5eel" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Long Street" ) then Skin ( "LongStreet" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "ths" ) then Skin ( "ths" ); end end if ( guiGetText ( chose ) == "Chose Skin To Spawn:" ) and ( guiGetText ( name ) == "CJ" ) and ( guiGetText ( goSkin ) == "Spawn" ) then if ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Start" ) then Spawn ( "Start" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Dairy" ) then Spawn ( "Dairy" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Na5eel" ) then Spawn ( "Na5eel" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Long Street" ) then Spawn ( "LongStreet" ); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "ths" ) then Spawn ( "ths" ); end end end end ); نفس الخطاء بس لاحظ برضو مايشتغل بس انا اكتشفت شييء انه لو كان التحقق الي يوديني لاختيار الشخصية صحيح ماوديني للاختيارعلطول يرسبن اما لو كان غلط يوديني لاختيار شخصية ولما اختار الشخصية وضغط الزر ميصير شيء انا قصدي ليه مايروح يسوي الشخصية + اليك اكواد الضغط + الوظائف addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", root, function ( ) if ( source == goSkin ) then if ( guiGetText ( goSkin ) == "Chose Skin" ) then if ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Start" ) then Skin ( "Start" ); setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","Start"); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Dairy" ) then Skin ( "Dairy" ); setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","Dairy"); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Na5eel" ) then Skin ( "Na5eel" ); setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","Na5eel"); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "Long Street" ) then Skin ( "LongStreet" ); setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","LongStreet"); elseif ( guiGetText ( name ) == "ths" ) then Skin ( "ths" ); setElementData(localPlayer,"rsbn","ths"); end end if ( guiGetText ( chose ) == "Chose Skin To Spawn:" ) and ( guiGetText ( goSkin ) == "Spawn" ) then if ( getElementData (localPlayer,"rsbn") == "Start" ) then Spawn ( "Start" ); elseif ( getElementData (localPlayer,"rsbn") == "Dairy" ) then Spawn ( "Dairy" ); elseif ( getElementData (localPlayer,"rsbn") == "Na5eel" ) then Spawn ( "Na5eel" ); elseif ( getElementData (localPlayer,"rsbn") == "LongStreet" ) then Spawn ( "LongStreet" ); elseif ( getElementData (localPlayer,"rsbn") == "ths" ) then Spawn ( "ths" ); end end end end ); function Skin (mkan) if mkan == "Start" then setCameraMatrix(-3413.7985839844,-2991.7375488281,6.9082860946655,-3448.9008789063,-2909.0407714844,-37.012950897217) ped = createPed(0, -3415.6000976563, -2987.6999511719, 5, 202.000457) elseif mkan == "Dairy" then setCameraMatrix(1867.2332763672,759.46136474609,12.912625312805,1961.7563476563,753.83892822266,-19.239610671997) ped = createPed(0, 1873, 759.09997558594, 10.800000190735, 86.0050354) elseif mkan == "Na5eel" then setCameraMatrix(2162.3903808594,1440.8660888672,12.40283203125,2159.8500976563-1539.3150634766,-4.9562592506409) ped = createPed(0, 2162.1999511719, 1448.1999511719, 10.800000190735, 178.000488) elseif mkan == "LongStreet" then setCameraMatrix(1867.2332763672,759.46136474609,12.912625312805,1961.7563476563,753.83892822266,-19.239610671997) ped = createPed(0, -2942.6999511719, -2909, 5.0999999046326, 146) elseif mkan == "ths" then setCameraMatrix(-2615.7868652344,-2311.6557617188,13.092206001282,-2531.5874023438,-2361.8149414063,-6.7700009346008) ped = createPed(0, -2608, -2316.3000488281, 11.39999961853, 50) end guiSetText(chose,"Chose Skin To Spawn:") guiSetText(name,"CJ") guiSetText(goSkin,"Spawn") guiSetVisible(right,false) guiSetVisible(left,false) guiSetVisible(right1,true) guiSetVisible(left1,true) end function Spawn (mkan) if (isElement(ped)) then destroyElement(ped) ped = nil setCameraTarget(localPlayer) showChat(true) showCursor(false) if mkan == "Start" then guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) setElementPosition(localPlayer,-3503.3918457031+math.random(0,15), -3002.8569335938+math.random(0,15), 11.595449447632) elseif mkan == "Dairy" then guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) setElementPosition(localPlayer,1840.0729980469+math.random(0,10), 812.41754150391+math.random(0,10), 10.435449447632) elseif mkan == "Na5eel" then guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) setElementPosition(localPlayer,2149.3012695313+math.random(0,10), 1018.0161743164+math.random(0,10), 10.345449447632) elseif mkan == "LongStreet" then guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) setElementPosition(localPlayer,-2895.0932617188+math.random(0,5), -2946.0329589844+math.random(0,5), 5) elseif mkan == "ths" then guiSetVisible(chose,false) guiSetVisible(name,false) guiSetVisible(right1,false) guiSetVisible(left1,false) guiSetVisible(goSkin,false) setElementPosition(localPlayer,-2607.1594238281+math.random(0,4), -2315.2583007813+math.random(0,4), 11.42549447632) end end end انا اعتقد ان الخطأ من وظيفة Skin () !! 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