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Server side problems

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Hello guys, I have a little problem that I can't fix. I want to create a parachuting script, I made the GUI for it and I made a bit of the server side. My problem is that I don't know how to trigger the GUI for the player who goes into the marker, and also it outputs 'test' for everyone, not for the hitElement. What could be the problem? I would be grateful if someone could help me!

Client side:

function drawGui() 
    window = guiCreateWindow(697, 440, 511, 205, "parachute", false) 
    guiWindowSetSizable(window, false) 
    yesBtn = guiCreateButton(110, 87, 89, 88, "yes", false, window) 
    guiSetProperty(yesBtn, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") 
    noBtn = guiCreateButton(309, 87, 89, 88, "no", false, window) 
    guiSetProperty(noBtn, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") 
    lbl = guiCreateLabel(74, 28, 350, 49, "?", false, window) 
    guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(lbl, "center", false) 
    guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(lbl, "center") 
addEvent("showParachuteGUI", true) 
addEventHandler("showParachuteGUI", getRootElement(), drawGui) 
function removeGui() 
    if (guiGetVisible(window) == true) then 

Server side:

parachuteMarker = createMarker(1948.7705078125, -2225.1472167969, 13, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 125) 
function markerHit() 
    if (source == parachuteMarker) then 
        outputChatBox("test", hitElement) 
        triggerClientEvent("showParachuteGUI", hitElement) 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", parachuteMarker, markerHit) 

Thanks in advance!

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"triggerClientEvent ( [table/element sendTo=getRootElement()], string name, element sourceElement, [arguments...] )"

You never defined the "sendTo" element, it takes root as default.

triggerClientEvent(hitElement,"showParachuteGUI", hitElement) 

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parachuteMarker = createMarker(1948.7705078125, -2225.1472167969, 13, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 125) 
function markerHit(hitElement) 
    if (getElementType(hitElement) == 'player' ) then 
    outputChatBox("it's Working Yeaaah !", hitElement, getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0) 
    triggerClientEvent(hitElement, "showParachuteGUI", hitElement) 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", parachuteMarker, markerHit) 

Edited by Guest
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parachuteMarker = createMarker(1948.7705078125, -2225.1472167969, 13, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 125) 
function markerHit(hitElement) 
    if (hitElement == parachuteMarker) then 
    outputChatBox("it's Working Yeaaah !", hitElement, getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0) 
    triggerClientEvent(hitElement, "showParachuteGUI", hitElement) 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", parachuteMarker, markerHit) 

if (hitElement == parachuteMarker) then ? Whats this ?

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parachuteMarker = createMarker(1948.7705078125, -2225.1472167969, 13, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 125) 
function markerHit(hitElement) 
    if (hitElement == parachuteMarker) then 
    outputChatBox("it's Working Yeaaah !", hitElement, getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0) 
    triggerClientEvent(hitElement, "showParachuteGUI", hitElement) 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", parachuteMarker, markerHit) 

if (hitElement == parachuteMarker) then ? Whats this ?

HeHe, i was in hurry didn't have time to think about it ,

fixed , thanks

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Umm, now I have another problem. I tried to trigger again, but I don't understand it. Someone could explain it for me? I have this in client side:

function acceptParachute() 
    triggerServerEvent("giveParachuteForPlayer", getLocalPlayer()) 

And this in server side:

function parachute(hitElement) 
    giveWeapon(hitElement, 46, 1) 
    setElementPosition(hitElement, 1954.33984375, -2224.9919433594, 16.678098678589) 
addEvent("giveParachuteForPlayer", true) 
addEventHandler("giveParachuteForPlayer", getRootElement(), parachute) 

It should give me a parachute and set my position to the given coordinates when I click on Yes, but noting happens. Why?

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function drawGui() 
    window = guiCreateWindow(697, 440, 511, 205, "parachute", false) 
    guiWindowSetSizable(window, false) 
    yesBtn = guiCreateButton(110, 87, 89, 88, "yes", false, window) 
    guiSetProperty(yesBtn, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") 
    noBtn = guiCreateButton(309, 87, 89, 88, "no", false, window) 
    guiSetProperty(noBtn, "NormalTextColour", "FFAAAAAA") 
    lbl = guiCreateLabel(74, 28, 350, 49, "?", false, window) 
    guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(lbl, "center", false) 
    guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(lbl, "center") 
addEvent("showParachuteGUI", true) 
addEventHandler("showParachuteGUI", getRootElement(), drawGui) 
function removeGui() 
    if (guiGetVisible(window) == true) then 
addEventHandler ("onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), 
function () 
if  ( source == yesBtn ) then 
triggerServerEvent('giveParachuteForPlayer', localPlayer) 
elseif (source == noBtn ) then 
      guiSetVisible ( window ,false ) 
parachuteMarker = createMarker(1948.7705078125, -2225.1472167969, 13, "cylinder", 1.5, 255, 255, 0, 125) 
function markerHit(hitElement) 
    if (getElementType(hitElement) == 'player' ) then 
    outputChatBox("it's Working Yeaaah !", hitElement, getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0) 
    triggerClientEvent(hitElement, "showParachuteGUI", hitElement) 
addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", parachuteMarker, markerHit) 
addEvent('giveParachuteForPlayer', true) 
addEventHandler('giveParachuteForPlayer', root, 
giveWeapon(source, 46, 1) 
setElementPosition(source, 1954.33984375, -2224.9919433594, 16.678098678589) 
outputChatBox('You got a Parachute, go and fall from the sky', source, getRootElement(), 255, 255, 0) 

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I have another question. How can I make a plane, make the camera attached to it and make it fly, but without driver or with an NPC? I just want to create a little scene where a plane goes up, but my code don't seems to work.

I created this in client side, but it only creates the Dodo plane and sets the camera attached to it, but it's engine is off and it's not going forward or up. How can I fix it?

function airplane() 
    cam = getCamera() 
    setElementPosition(cam, 0, 0, 0) 
    plane = createVehicle(593, 1980.15234375, -2493.7978515625, 13.53911781311) 
    attachElements( cam, plane, 0,-4,2, -20,0,0 ) 
    setControlState ( "accelerate", true ) 
    setVehicleEngineState ( plane, true ) 

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Okay, I made it thanks! But I still have questions. How can I check if the player if already landed in a marker? I made a function but it doesn't seems to work. What could be the problem?

function landingMarker() 
    parachuteLandMarker = createMarker(1978.2177734375, -2352.3857421875, 13, "cylinder", 10, 255, 0, 0, 255) 
    if isPlayerOnGround (localPlayer) then 
        if isElementWithinMarker(localPlayer, parachuteLandMarker) then 
addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", parachuteLandMarker, landingMarker) 

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parachuteLandMarker was defined and created in the function landingMarker, which is triggered when parachuteLandMarker is hit. So how can the event onClientMarkerHit be triggered for parachuteLandMarker when it isn't created yet?

Use the following:

local parachuteLandMarker = createMarker(1978.2177734375, -2352.3857421875, 13, "cylinder", 10, 255, 0, 0, 255) 
function landingMarker() 
    if isPlayerOnGround (localPlayer) then 
        if isElementWithinMarker(localPlayer, parachuteLandMarker) then 
addEventHandler("onClientMarkerHit", parachuteLandMarker, landingMarker) 

Your logic MAY be flawed, because I don't think the player will be on the ground the second he hits the marker if he's parachuting in on it; It might be worth testing/checking it out. isElementWithinMarker should ALWAYS return true because the player just triggered onClientMarkerHit when he hit the marker, which in turns instantly calls the function landingMarker; I'm not 100% sure about that though.

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Well, how could I make a marker or something like that to check if the player is already landed, and if the player is landed then how can I check if he's landed in the correct position, else if he isn't at the right place then output a text or something? Is this possible somehow?

P.S.: Sorry for the bad English!

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Okay, I will try that, but how can I check if the player is in the ground but not in the marker? With the last posted script it wasn't output "failure", just "succes" when I walked into the marker. So how can I check if the player is not in the marker but on the ground?

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The player is always going to be in the marker when that event is triggered, because he just entered it. You CAN use a timer to check if the player is still in the marker after a certain time; However, You need to take care and not duplicate the timers, because the player can enter the marker over and over again, in turn creating new timers each hit. So if you are going to use timers, check if one already exists or not.

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Okay, thanks! I have an idea how to do this. I'm going to freeze the player after five seconds when be hit the marker, after five seconds if he's still in the marker it will be succes, else if he's outside it will be a failure. I Think it's gonna work, thank you! Will try jt or something like that.

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