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table element used as variable


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Story about my problem is really short and clean, so I will try to keep it like that:

function triggers and random race is selected raceMap = raceAvailableForUse[math.random(#raceAvailableForUse)]

this variable is used to triggerClientEvent and is passed to next function

And this variable is inserted into table, so we know map name that was randomed = raceActive["participate"] = raceMap

But problem starts here - how can I use this table element to make name for table to use:

raceNameForMarker = raceActive["participate"] 
meetingPoint = createMarker ( raceNameForMarker[1], raceNameForMarker[2], raceNameForMarker[3], "checkpoint", 6, 116, 237, 5, 255 ) 

I hope you undestanded what I wanted to ask. If anyone have any other solutions, I would like to hear them. :)

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I you aren't clear what you want.

You are talking about getting all race maps and take a random one out of it.

and then you are starting talking about a race element, which can be the race resource element that, would be more logic when you started talking about a random map. Which I just answered.

Or you mean an element from that map.

Which I would answer with this:

local newTable = {} 
local raceNameForMarker = raceActive["participate"] 
local meetingPoint = createMarker ( raceNameForMarker[1], raceNameForMarker[2], raceNameForMarker[3], "checkpoint", 6, 116, 237, 5, 255 ) 
-- """"""how can I use this table element to make name for table to use:"""""" 
newTable[meetingPoint] = {"this is a sexy marker!"} -- store a table under an element userdata.  

You information is confusing, which means not much people(except me) would reply on this topic.

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No, you dont understand me and I know what I want!

I have race checkpoints, which are stored in tables:

blueBerryRally = { } 
blueBerryRally[1] = { 679.20001, 312.39999, 18.9 } 
blueBerryRally[2] = { 588.70001, 294.60001, 17.7 } 
blueBerryRally[3] = { 530.29999, 249.8, 13.9 } 
blueBerryRallyReversed = { } 
blueBerryRallyReversed[1] = { 675.70001, 312.79999, 18.9 } 
blueBerryRallyReversed[2] = { 785.59998, 330.10001, 18.9 } 
blueBerryRallyReversed[3] = { 892.70001, 359.5, 18.9 } 

Now when I random:

raceAvailableForUse = { } 
raceAvailableForUse[1] = "blueBerryRally" 
raceAvailableForUse[2] = "blueBerryRallyReversed" 
raceMap = raceAvailableForUse[math.random(#raceAvailableForUse)] 
raceActive["participate"] = raceMap 

it will return either blueBerryRally or blueBerryRallyReversed ,but this element is string.

So when I use:

local raceNameForMarker = raceActive["participate"] 
meetingPoint = createMarker ( raceNameForMarker[1], raceNameForMarker[2], raceNameForMarker[3], "checkpoint", 6, 116, 237, 5, 255 ) 

it can`t make meetingpoint, because raceActive["participate"] vaule is string. I am asking, how can I make this raceActive["participate"] a variable, so when I use it in my createMarker function, it works?

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blueBerryRally = { } 
blueBerryRally[1] = { 679.20001, 312.39999, 18.9 } 
blueBerryRally[2] = { 588.70001, 294.60001, 17.7 } 
blueBerryRally[3] = { 530.29999, 249.8, 13.9 } 
blueBerryRallyReversed = { } 
blueBerryRallyReversed[1] = { 675.70001, 312.79999, 18.9 } 
blueBerryRallyReversed[2] = { 785.59998, 330.10001, 18.9 } 
blueBerryRallyReversed[3] = { 892.70001, 359.5, 18.9 } 
local raceCheckpointTable = {["blueBerryRally"]=blueBerryRally,["blueBerryRallyReversed"]=blueBerryRallyReversed } 

you can convert them using another table or you can put those tables in your random table.

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