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Downloading map error



Hi, I used to play alot on mtasa:// Basically a Old School stunt server. It is the only server I play on MTA. But about 3 months ago when attempting to join the server. It would join but then I got this error

Error downloading requested files. Server returned nothing (no headers, no data). [Empty reply from server] [runcode/client_util.lua]

I don't understand this, I have eventually tried again after months of being busy and being unable to play. Same error. It will download the data when I join about 300kb. Then it will start downloading the current map, but it will be stuck at 0b out of like 1.54mb. Nothing will happen but sometimes after forever it will start downloading to like 30kb then stop. and give me the error. I can talk in chat whith others while its downloading but the background is black. I have reinstalled MTA many times, updated many times. I completely removed it. I really do not understand this please help me

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