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وش الخطأ

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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

شباب عندي نافذة بس ماتبي تفتح ممكن تجيبو الخطأ

local win = guiCreateWindow(155, 151, 690, 439, "N/A", false) 
guiSetVisible(win , false) 
guiSetAlpha(win, 1.00) 
guiSetProperty(win, "CaptionColour", "FF0000FE") 
GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(16, 23, 664, 163, "N/A", false, win) 
guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 77, 253, 0) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center", false) 
guiCreateLabel(451, 122, 162, 35, "N/A", false, win) 
guiCreateLabel(451, 176, 162, 35, "N/A", false, win) 
guiCreateLabel(451, 231, 162, 35, "N/A", false, win) 
local esm = guiCreateEdit(207, 119, 240, 28, "", false, win) 
pass = guiCreateEdit(207, 173, 240, 28, "", false, win) 
local rkm = guiCreateEdit(207, 228, 240, 28, "", false, win) 
local ersl = guiCreateButton(295, 276, 63, 45, "N/A", false, win) 
guiSetProperty(ersl, "NormalTextColour", "FF35FD00") 
local hala = guiCreateLabel(26, 351, 550, 51, "", false, win) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(hala, "right", false) 
    guiSetVisible(win , not guiGetVisible(win)) 
    showCursor(not isCursorShowing()) 

N/Aماعليكم منها

والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله

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local win = guiCreateWindow(155, 151, 690, 439, "N/A", false) 
GUIEditor.label[1] = guiCreateLabel(16, 23, 664, 163, "N/A", false, win) 
guiCreateLabel(451, 122, 162, 35, "N/A", false, win) 
guiCreateLabel(451, 176, 162, 35, "N/A", false, win) 
guiCreateLabel(451, 231, 162, 35, "N/A", false, win) 
local esm = guiCreateEdit(207, 119, 240, 28, "", false, win) 
local pass = guiCreateEdit(207, 173, 240, 28, "", false, win) 
local rkm = guiCreateEdit(207, 228, 240, 28, "", false, win) 
local ersl = guiCreateButton(295, 276, 63, 45, "N/A", false, win) 
local hala = guiCreateLabel(26, 351, 550, 51, "", false, win) 
guiSetVisible(win , false) 
guiSetAlpha(win, 1.00) 
guiSetProperty(win, "CaptionColour", "FF0000FE") 
guiLabelSetColor(GUIEditor.label[1], 77, 253, 0) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(GUIEditor.label[1], "center", false) 
guiSetProperty(ersl, "NormalTextColour", "FF35FD00")  
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(hala, "right", false) 
    guiSetVisible(win, not guiGetVisible(win)) 
    showCursor(not isCursorShowing()) 
end ) 
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local win = guiCreateWindow(155, 151, 690, 439, "N/A", false) 
local label = guiCreateLabel(16, 23, 664, 163, "N/A", false, win) 
local label1 = guiCreateLabel(451, 122, 162, 35, "N/A", false, win) 
local label2 = guiCreateLabel(451, 176, 162, 35, "N/A", false, win) 
local label3 = guiCreateLabel(451, 231, 162, 35, "N/A", false, win) 
local esm = guiCreateEdit(207, 119, 240, 28, "", false, win) 
local pass = guiCreateEdit(207, 173, 240, 28, "", false, win) 
local rkm = guiCreateEdit(207, 228, 240, 28, "", false, win) 
local ersl = guiCreateButton(295, 276, 63, 45, "N/A", false, win) 
local hala = guiCreateLabel(26, 351, 550, 51, "", false, win) 
guiSetVisible(win , false) 
guiSetAlpha(win, 1.00) 
guiSetProperty(win, "CaptionColour", "FF0000FE") 
guiLabelSetColor(label, 77, 253, 0) 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label, "center", false) 
guiSetProperty(ersl, "NormalTextColour", "FF35FD00") 
guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(hala, "right", false) 
    guiSetVisible(win, not guiGetVisible(win)) 
    showCursor(not isCursorShowing()) 
end ) 

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