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setting variables as table key


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I made topic before about my problem about speaker objects, but it helped me only partly.

Main problems that accoured me:

--Creating array 
speakeruArray { } 
--creating entry in array with key foo and value.. 
speakeruArray["foo"] = createObject(2229, x, y, z-1) 
--trying to delete this object using does not work 
table.remove ( speakeruArray["foo"]) 

And my second question is about right syntax for using variable as key for table.

For example speakeruArray[myDefinedNumber] = createObject(2229, x, y, z-1)

Sorry for being such pain in ass for someone, but I have tried to figure this all out for myself for hours and nothing have worked.

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Why you use the table like that?

You can use the method the guy ontop of me said, but this will keep your way (named variable foo)

--Creating array 
speakeruArray { } 
--creating entry in array with key foo and value.. 
speakeruArray.foo = createObject(2229, x, y, z-1) 
--trying to delete this object using does not work 

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Thanks for replys, they really helped alot, but still there is one more small problem with deleting those objects:

speakeruArray[number] = createObject(2229, x, y, z-1) 
table.remove (speakeruArray, number) 
-- wihch is giving out 
-- Bad argument @ 'destroyElement' [Expected element at argument 1, got nil] 

So when I made small command

for i, v in pairs( speakeruArray ) do 
    outputChatBox("DEBUG:"..i..".", root, 255, 255, 0) 

I realised all "i" values were my defined numbers, so is that fine or that is my problem?

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speakeruArray = { } 
function speakerCP(thePlayer, command, whatIwant, setting, number, vehicle) 
        if tostring(whatIwant) == "place" then 
            local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) 
            outputChatBox(number, thePlayer, 0, 250, 0) 
            speakeruArray[number] = createObject(2229, x, y, z-1) 
            outputChatBox("created a speaker!", thePlayer, 0, 250, 0) 
        elseif tostring(whatIwant) == "remove" then 
            table.remove (speakeruArray, cipars) 
            outputChatBox("destroyed the Speaker!", thePlayer, 0, 0, 255) 
        elseif tostring(lemums) == "debug" then 
            for i, v in pairs( speakeruArray ) do 
                outputChatBox("DEBUG:"..i..".", root, 255, 255, 0) 

Debug is working as it should - displaying 1,2,3,4...

But removeing is not, as it only displays "You have Succesfully destroyed the Speaker!" ,but rest is giving error

Bad argument @ 'destroyElement' [Expected element at argument 1, got nil]

EDIT: HUGE THANKS TO EVERYONE who helped me, omg ... finally it is working as it should. Thank you all. :)

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