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الفيديو يشرح المشكلة

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qjlcu_ ... e=youtu.be

Starting sync with muhhh.org/ogp_game_installer/mta/linux/...

Starting sync with rsync.opengamepanel.org/ogp_game_installer/mta/linux/...

Starting sync with atl.webehostin.com/ogp_game_installer/mta/linux/...

Starting sync with niponia.com/ogp_game_installer/mta/linux/...

نتضرة أكثر من 30 دقيقة ولا فائدة

أريد شرح لهده المشكلة

قال لي مدير اللوحة في موقع


هدا كلامه + لم أفهمه ممكن تررحو لي بالصور أو شيء مفهوم لأطبقه


Bad sudo_password at Cfg/Config.pm.

Or the user apt-get is not configured to use sudo, usually the users in the group "sudo" have permission to use it,

sometimes this group is named "admin", but you must to configure it as described in the documentation of sudo for your linux distribution.


Set the correct password and give permission to use sudo to the user named "apt-get".



http://opengamepanel.org/forum/viewthre ... ad_id=3076

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الفيديو يشرح المشكلة

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qjlcu_ ... e=youtu.be

Starting sync with muhhh.org/ogp_game_installer/mta/linux/...

Starting sync with rsync.opengamepanel.org/ogp_game_installer/mta/linux/...

Starting sync with atl.webehostin.com/ogp_game_installer/mta/linux/...

Starting sync with niponia.com/ogp_game_installer/mta/linux/...

نتضرة أكثر من 30 دقيقة ولا فائدة

أريد شرح لهده المشكلة

قال لي مدير اللوحة في موقع


هدا كلامه + لم أفهمه ممكن تررحو لي بالصور أو شيء مفهوم لأطبقه


Bad sudo_password at Cfg/Config.pm.

Or the user apt-get is not configured to use sudo, usually the users in the group "sudo" have permission to use it,

sometimes this group is named "admin", but you must to configure it as described in the documentation of sudo for your linux distribution.


Set the correct password and give permission to use sudo to the user named "apt-get".



http://opengamepanel.org/forum/viewthre ... ad_id=3076

طيب وش نوع الخادم + اذا مالقيت حل فرمته ع ديبيان 6

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